Oaf Of Office

Newly elected St. Louis councilwoman takes oath of office with hand on Dr. Seuss book.  What a nincompoop. 
An Oath is a promise made to God.  A promise made to a person can be broken with minimal consequences, but breaking a promise to God brings everlasting torment in the fires of Hell.  That’s why taking an Oath on a Bible is a solemn occasion.  You are literally pledging your eternal soul as collateral that you will keep your word.
If we no longer believe in Hell, or torment, or God, then the Oath means nothing because breaking it has no consequences.  And if breaking a promise has no consequences, it’s not really a promise, it’s a statement of intention, an aspiration, a wish.
No-fault divorce turned the marriage vow into a marriage “for now.”  Taking an oath on Dr. Seuss makes you an oaf. Do it right, or don’t do it at all.
Joe Doakes

That’s one reason I don’t have much patience for some of the “Teh Shareeah is Coming!” crowd yapping about Keith Ellison, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib taking their oaths of office on the Koran rather than the Bible. Taking an oath on a book that’s not, in fact, the center of one’s world view (provided one has a world view), then it’s about as morally illustratrive as…

…well, read Joe’s example.

The Very Difficult Simultaneous Right And Utterly Wrong Trick

Alexandria “Tide Pod Evita” Ocasio Cortez claimed yesterday that ICE runs “concentration camps” for illegal immigrants, and that makes our treatment of illegals the equivalent of the Holocaust.

MSNBC drone Chris Hedges leapt to her defense:

And he is right on three levels.

Historically and Semantically, the term “Concentration Camp” dates to the Boer War, when the Brits, waging a scorched earth campaign against Boers in South Africa, began rounding up the families of Boer soldiers away at war against them and concentrating them in camps. They were frightfully unpleasant, and a human rights violation at a time when the concept really didn’t exist – but they were expressly intended to kill people (although many died).

Likewise, America’s internment camps were “concentration camps” in that same sense – concentrating those who it was believed needed eyes kept on them at wartime; the camps where German and other Central Power nationals, Turks and Bulgars and Austro-Hungarians, were kept during World War I, and German, Italian and Japanese nationals (and, infamously, US citizens of Japanese birth and ancestry) during World War II.

For that matter, German “concentration camps” – Konzentrazionlslager, or “KZ” camps, were a widely mixed bag, run by a variety of members of the Nazi bureaucracy for a variety of reasons. Most were labor camps, not designed specifically to kill inmates (although they did die in droves, especially at the end of the war when disease, starvation, exposure on forced marches, and last-minute massacre killed people in droves. And some “KZ”s were holding camps for people before they were sent off to the death camps.

Which were another entire wing of the Nazi bureaucracy. Run by the SS-Totenkopfverband, or “Death’s Head Department” – the SS department that ran the Final Solution – they were designed and built for the sole purpose of murdering people in industrial lots, as befitting their name, “Vernichtungslager“, or “Extermination Camp”, abbreviated “VZ”.

The vast majority of people who were sent to “Extermination camps” died. The majority who arrived at a concentration camp left alive (although huge numbers of them were sent to their deaths in VZs).

And the term lost all linguistic nuance in the west – justifiably so – when footage from camps like Buchenwald, Dauchau and Bergen-Belsen showing bodies stacked like logs and emaciated wretches covered in lice, barely recognizable as human, showed in their newsreels – unaware that the Soviets had liberated places far, far worse.

So Hayes is right.

But in modern-day terms, nobody on the southern border is being put to work for 16 hours a day with 400 calories of bread and soup; nobody is shot if they flee; nobody is driving illegal immigrants into gas chambers and choking them to death with diesel fumes.

And hinting as much proves not so much that Ocasio-Cortez and Hayes are stupid and evil, as it indicates they don’t expect their audiences to have the historical, intellectual or moral firepower to check them on such a depraved claim.

And they’re not wrong.

Stupid Myopic Panic-Stricken Millennials

I almost thought this tweet, apparently by a 20 year old Grievance Studies major from Oberlin College, to be the sort of thing that only Snopes would think wasn’t parody:

Of course, “Edelweiss” was written by Rogers and Hammerstein, in the late fifties. For a movie about some escaping from Naziism.

Here it is, in all its storm-trooper-y goodness:

Silly millennials

UPDATE: I’m told that Ms. Haberman is not actually a grievance studies major from Oberlin, but in fact NBC’s White House correspondent and one of the “elite” “gatekeepers” that are supposed to keep the public’s news safe and hygienic.

My mistake.

Every Time You Read Nancy Nord Bence, You Get A Little Dumber

First things first:  Kenneth Lilly, the security guard alleged to have shot the bus driver on 35W the other day, has been charged with attempted murder, among other things.  

And it’s seem, from watching the video, to be a fair cop.  To use a gun in self-defense – we’ve been through this before – you need to satisfy four criteria in the state of Minnesota:

  1. You can’t be the aggressor.
  2. You must reasonably fear immediate death or great bodily harm. 
  3. You must only use the force necessary to end the threat. 
  4. You must make a reasonable effort to retreat.  

You need to satisfy all four of those criteria (unless you’re in your house, in which case only “only” need to check off the first three.  

This will be for a jury (or, more likely than not, the defendant, his lawyer and the judge) to decide – but it looks like Lilly blew 1, 2 and 4 completely.   

Of course, those who get their “information” from local gun-grab scolds “Protect” Minnesota will get a version of events that would make Baghdad Bob wince with Schadenfreud


Where to start with this – words fail me – horsecrap?

“I’m afraid I might get killed, now” is a part of every legitimate self-defense claim. No exceptions! It has nothing to do with “Stand your Ground”, which – thanks for nothing, Governor Goofy – is not the law in Minnesota anyway.

But the law doesn’t require that you “feel afraid”. The law requires that you “reasonably” fear death or great bodily harm – and by “reasonable”, we mean “an investigator, prosecutor, judge or jury believes it”.

Invoking “stand your ground” means either the writer – almost certainly the invincibly ignorant Reverend Nord Bence – doesn’t know what she’s talking about, or she doesn’t really think it matters if her audience doesn’t get the truth or, and this is my bet, both.  

It’s almost a Berg’s Law.

In Which Tide Pod Evita…

…calls for a repeal of the First Amendent:

There’s really no other way to put it.

Illiterates Lead

A couple of gun-grabber groups scheduled a protest over the weekend.

The plan was to picket the Minnesota “NRA Office”. 

On the one hand, I say “protest away”.  Especially the groups involved in Saturdays plans – the David Hogg-affiliated student group, and “Survivors Lead”, a new-ish gun grabber group made up of people who found “Protect” MN too sober and rational.

But whatever side of the issue you’re on, whatever your sympathies, there was one…er, flaw with the protest plan:

Oh, not to say that one of the event’s “organizers” didn’t try to defend the plan:

And let’s be honest – when you’re in the echo chamber, all that echoing sounds pretty cool:

Thing is, what the “students” and their adult advisors wranglers had done was go out to the NRA website, and apparently find “Locations”.

And saw that Suite 200 at Spruce Tree Square was listed.

Without bothering to read the link that the office was actually the Minnesota Peace Officers Standards and Training office – specifically, an office that administers a federal program allowing retired law enforcement officers – the ones that most of your gun grabbers think should be the only ones with guns – to get carry permits.  The instructors for the permits are certified by…well, the NRA.

So – is it a wonder they can’t research the law, history, statistics or current events, when they can’t even click a link to find out what’s in an office?

I’m Not Saying…

…that gun control activists are stupid.

I am saying they sure hope you’re stupid, and are trying to make you more so

“Protect” MN posted this:

Now, I get that you can’t judge a book by its cover…

…but do you see this guy standing m line at Cabelas filling out his paperwork while waiting for his NICS to come back?

While I strive to remain civil, I’m at a loss to remember a less…cognitively adept public figure than Nancy Nord Bence.

An App I’m Working On

The City Pages gave me an idea:

Do you worry about getting carpal tunnel from continually typing your thoughts and prayers?

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was an easier way to show your artificial concern? One that didn’t require work? Or any caring at all?

Introducing Thoughts & Prayers, the new app that allows you to conspicuously care with no effort whatsoever!


And with that in mind, don’t forget the latest app from the creator of “Thoughts And Prayers”……”Howling Incoherent Rage!”

Cast an invincible torrent of uninformed blame and inchoate anger without all that pesky listening, learning and understanding! Just swipe left!

Signal your smug virtue and assert your unearned moral superiority without having to bother with learning the issue or the other sides of a debate with a simple tap tap tap.

Make your *feelings* known without any pesky context!

Because why express sympathy when you can tell the world how important your spittle-flecked rage is to YOU!

Available for iPhone (because Droids are for anal-retentive dweebs) and Android (because IOS is just so twee).


For People Too Miserable For Twitter To Contain

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Apparently, there is an internet site called Tumblr.  Word of the Day:  Tumblrina.

From “The Other McCain blog”:

The user base of Tumblr is disproportionately female, by a 2-to-1 ratio, and Tumblr users also tend to be young, badly educated and devoted to progressive ideals of “social justice.” This gave rise to the slang term Tumblrina, defined variously by Urban Dictionary as:

An often unattractive, butthurt, and obnoxious female user of the popular site Tumblr.
Someone who complains all day on Tumblr about how oppressed they are by men, when 99% of ranting cases were provoked would be meaningless or of utmost minute significance to the average person.

Tumblr addicted female who is defined by her sensitivities and adherence to popular tumblr feminist opinions and/or trends resulting in undue drama and walls of text.

A dramatic, self-righteous tumblr-er who exaggerates prejudice and injustice . . . and tries to make other people feel shitty about existing.  Also known as a social justice warrior or sjw, the tumblrina may list ridiculous “triggers” and claim that anyone unlike them has “privilege” and should apologize for being born.

Wow, I think I know some of those people!

Joe Doakes

Noooooooooooo comment.

If The Left Forgets History, Are We Condemned To Repeat It With Them?

The “far” left has revived the tradition of blackshirts (literally) beating up their opponents.

Could this have been far behind?

The designs, created by KA Designs and sold on the site, all display large swastikas in the front.

One shows the Nazi-associated symbol in rainbow colors with the word “Peace”, another one with the word “Zen”, one reading “Love” and a third design, in black, shows a spiral of swastikas. They range in price from $20 to $35.

I fully expect to see Oberlin graduates building camps where they will teach people to concentrate on social justice.

Because Katy Perry Doesn’t Do That Much Politics, Really

I try to be civil. I truly do.

But John Fugelsang is the one person on this entire planet that saves Samantha Bee from the title of “Most Vapid Pundit On Planet Earth”.

Seriously – Fugelsang, whose qualifications as a public intellectual seem to begin and end at “hairdo”, has already earned himself a Berg’s Law, and just keeps getting worse.

Image may contain: 1 person, text

To which one responds “Only in America can you be pro-gun-control, pro-“campaign finance reform”, turn a blind eye to intellectual censorship and oppression on campus (and, increasingly, elsewhere), pretend “Antifa” is no big deal, oppose school vouchers and homeschooling, propose or support “Climate Nuremberg Tribunals” for scientific skeptics, and still call your self “pro-choice” with one cerebral lobe tied behind one’s back to make it fair.

The Religion Of Environmentalism And Health Insurance (UPDATE: Ooops)

The fact that Ben Carson got mocked in the media, while Maxine Waters isn’t considered a national laughinstock, will be prime evidence when we finally have Nuremberg-style tribunals about media bias:

Image may contain: 1 person, text

And yet she’s taken seriously.

UPDATE:  Ooops.  Parody account.

I plead “long day at Grand Old Day”.

To be fair, the measure of great satire is that it could be the real thing…

It’s Only A Matter Of Time

Sweden’s analogue to the WaPo is calling for cars to be banned to prevent terror attacks.

Cars and other vehicles “have turned into deadly weapons”, and should be banished from cities to stop attacks like the one in Stockholm from happening in future, according to Aftonbladet editorialist Eva Franchell.
Crackdowns on immigration or extremist ideology are not the way forward when it comes to terror prevention, according to the veteran journalist, writing after Friday’s terror attack in Stockholm left four people dead.

Instead, it is cars — which she calls “effective murder machines” — that Franchell says “must simply be removed from city centres and places where people gather, if people are to be protected in future”.

Vehicles are “easy to steal, and so nothing has been able to stop their advance”, writes Ms. Franchell.

Precisely.  If you get rid of the cars, then they’ll have no weapons.

Just like banning selective fire AK-series assault rifles prevented the massacres at Bataclan, Brussels, and Charlie Hebdo.

But it‘s just the Swedes, right?

Well, yeah.  But the way American leftists genuflect to our idiot Scandinavian cousins, it’s only a matter of time before some Bernie Brah suggests the same thing.

Unforeseen Consequences, Foreseen

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

How can anyone not foresee the obvious consequences of this policy:
Migrants will stay in Germany if they can prove neo-Nazi violence
Berlin’s interior minister Andrea Geisel ([pictured) said Berlin is looking into the legal possibilities of the exemption after nearby Brandenburg opted for the scheme which offers protection to witnesses.
First, there will be a tenfold increase in the number of asylum seekers falsely claiming to have been beaten up by Neo-Nazis in order to claim permanent residence; and
Second, Neo-Nazis now know that beatings aren’t sufficient to make asylum seekers leave, so they’ll escalate to killing.
How stupid are these bureaucrats?
Joe Doakes

“How stupid are these bureaucrats?”

Knowing Joe, I know it’s a rhetorical question.