Being stalked?
Living in a crime-prone neighborhood?
Have an abusive, violent ex in your life?
These upper-middle-class white suburban women have a message for you:
Suck it.
But at least you have a selfie!
Being stalked?
Living in a crime-prone neighborhood?
Have an abusive, violent ex in your life?
These upper-middle-class white suburban women have a message for you:
Suck it.
But at least you have a selfie!
So you read the headline of this Strib article, and you think perhaps straw-purchased guns are turning up more often, or maybe that some people out there with clean criminal records are going out to Fleet Farm, picking a gun from the display case, conducting a completely legal and above board purchase, and then embarking on the life of crime.
But then you read the lead, and it’s…
…about stolen guns being used in crime.
That were purchased legally, at one point or another.
I’m not sure if they’ve thought this through.
Unless some enterprising gang conducts a heist from the loading dock add Glock USA, literally every firearm available in the United States was legally purchased at one point or another.
“Even the Mauser KAR 98K grandpa brought back from World War II?“
Well, yeah, the German government purchased it from Mauser in the 1930s or 1940s, and give it to some soldier, from whom your grandfather got it by means fair or foul.
I don’t mean to make light of what is, honestly, a fairly scabrous campaign on the part of big left, the anti-gun movement and the media; the latest chanting point is “there’s a very fine line between legal guns, and legal gun owners, and criminals“.
Of course, with the owners, there is almost invariably not. The overwhelming majority of people who commit crimes with guns have significant criminal records and aren’t allowed to touch, much less own, a firearm.
With the guns? I mean, as long as you gloss over theft (or the federal felony of straw purchasing), it’s both technically true and complete balderdash.
Not to sound cynical about big media – good heavens no, not me – but when I see the New York Times reporting on active shooters, I pretty much expect their “reporting” to either lie, or to hide the accurate conclusion in plain sight.
And they’ve done that.
They include a snazzy, Edward Tufte-style graphic to explicate their case – and they reached this conclusion:
“It’s direct, indisputable, empirical evidence that this kind of common claim that ‘the only thing that stops a bad guy with the gun is a good guy with the gun’ is wrong,” said Adam Lankford, a professor at the University of Alabama, who has studied mass shootings for more than a decade. “It’s demonstrably false, because often they are stopping themselves.”
So let’s look at the graphic:
So let’s take a look at the numbers.Out of nearly 250 mass shootings that ended before the police arrived, nearly 10% ended with the assailant being shot by a “bystander“ – A “good guy with a gun“. That’s nearly 10% of spree shootings, ended before the cops arrive
(That is, of course, presuming the media actually recognizes the episode. For example, they studiously ignored this recent incident .Even so, that is actually a tad higher than I’d have figured; given that spree killers tend to pick targets where nobody is likely to be able to resist them, and nowhere near 10% of the population at large generally carries a firearm, that’s actually a better result than one might rationally expect.
But now, let’s look at the other resolutions.
Of the 249 mass shootings that ended before the cops arrived, nearly 80% end with the killer either leaving the scene or committing suicide.
And the devil with these shootings is in the details. Some of the spree killers do leave the scenes of their crimes on their own two feet. But others “leave” because a citizen threatened them with immediate death – as in this case four years ago, where two good guys with guns changed a would-be racist spree killer’s plans, one with the threat of death, one with gunfire, causing him to run away. He was apprehended later.
One that killed himself, did it after killing two people – before a good guy pointed a gun at his head. He ran into a nearby store, and killed himself.
Or this case, where a church “security guard” (a volunteer with a carry permit) shot a spree killer who’d murdered four people already. He killed himself, it’s true – after his plan had been fatally derailed by a good gal with a gun.
So what’s my conclusion?
You can tell Big Media is lying about guns when their lips are moving, or their fingers are touching keyboards.
Same as it ever was.
If the story presented in this Wall Street Journal article is true, what happened at the elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, could have been prevented or greatly mitigated:
Local residents voiced anger Thursday about the time it took to end the mass shooting at an elementary school here, as police laid out a fresh timeline that showed the gunman entered the building unobstructed after lingering outside for 12 minutes firing shots.
12 minutes can be a lifetime. But it gets worse.
Victor Escalon, a regional director for the Texas Department of Public Safety, gave a new timeline of how the now-deceased gunman, 18-year-old Salvador Ramos, walked into Robb Elementary School, barricaded himself in a classroom and killed 19 children and two teachers.
Mr. Escalon said he couldn’t say why no one stopped Ramos from entering the school during that time Tuesday. Most of the shots Ramos fired came during the first several minutes after he entered the school, Mr. Escalon said.
And worse still:
Ramos shot his grandmother Tuesday morning and drove her truck to Robb Elementary School, crashing the vehicle into a nearby ditch at 11:28 a.m., according to the timeline laid out by Mr. Escalon. He then began shooting at people at a funeral home across the street, prompting a 911 call reporting a gunman at the school at 11:30. Ramos climbed a chain-link fence about 8 feet high onto school grounds and began firing before walking inside, unimpeded, at 11:40. The first police arrived on the scene at 11:44 and exchanged gunfire with Ramos, who locked himself in a fourth-grade classroom. There, he killed the students and teachers.
A Border Patrol tactical team went into the school an hour later, around 12:40 p.m., and was able to get into the classroom and kill Ramos, Mr. Escalon said.
Consider the implication of this timeline — Ramos essentially announced himself and his intentions from the moment he arrived, but no one stopped him for over an hour. And it gets worse:
Ms. Gomez, a farm supervisor, was also waiting outside for her children. She said she was one of numerous parents who began encouraging—first politely, and then with more urgency—police and other law enforcement to enter the school sooner. After a few minutes, she said, U.S. Marshals put her in handcuffs, telling her she was being arrested for intervening in an active investigation.
The Marshals deny this happened, but there’s more.
Videos circulated on social media Wednesday and Thursday of frantic family members trying to get access to Robb Elementary as the attack was unfolding, some of them yelling at police who blocked them from entering.
“Shoot him or something!” a woman’s voice can be heard yelling on a video, before a man is heard saying about the officers, “They’re all just [expletive] parked outside, dude. They need to go in there.”
We worry, quite rightly, about the fog of war in these instances. Much of the initial reporting is wrong. I am hoping the story told here is wrong; if it is accurate, there will be hell to pay. And quite rightly so.
Question: Why did President Harris go so long on gun control at Biden’s “bedtime chat” the toher night?
Answer: Because Big Left may not get another chance at it, at least not via due process of law.
Americans are ditching gun control:
The number of Americans supporting enacting new gun laws over protecting gun rights fell from 57 percent to 50 percent, a seven-point drop from when the poll was last conducted in 2018. The number of Americans favoring gun rights jumped from 34 to 43 percent, a nine-point jump. The difference between the two positions narrowed by 16 points overall.
The sharpest decline in support for new gun-control measures came among 18 to 29-year-olds and Hispanics. Both groups saw a 20 percent drop. Rural Americans and strong conservatives saw a 17-point drop.
The downturn in gun-control support comes even after multiple high-profile mass shootings in Colorado, Indiana, and Georgia. The ABC/Washington Post poll is the second in as many weeks to show support for gun control waning. A Pew Research poll released on April 21 found the same seven-point drop in support for stricter gun laws.
The polling trend lends support to the idea new gun owners are beginning to change their attitudes on guns. The National Shooting Sports Foundation, which represents gun makers and dealers, estimated there were 8.4 million new gun owners in 2020. Since gun owners tend to oppose new gun-control measures at a higher rate than non-gun owners, the drop in polling support for new gun laws may be a result of those new gun owners changing their minds.
There’s a strong case to be made that gun rights are winning the culture war – we’ve talked about it before – and this stiudy is some fairly solid evidence toward the thesis.
That’s the good news.
Here’s the problem: when we’re on defense, gun owners and gun rights supporters are second to none. If every conservative constituency in the US were as diligent at organizing and wielding power as shooters, Congress would look like the North Dakota legislature – there wouldn’t be enough elected Democrats to staff their committee assignments. When there’s a threat, we turn out like an onslaught of biblical wrath.
But when times are good?
Most especially when Republicans – who are reliably pro-gun, and the few exceptions prove the rule – control Congress and our legislatures, we go back to “real life”. Which befits us, as (mostly) conservatives; we don’t want politics to be our daily grind. We have real lives.
But with the SCOTUS on the brink of taking on a case that could impose strict scrutiny on state gun control laws, we, the good guys, need to resolve to fight this thing through to its bitter conclusion, just as our grandparents and great-grandparents did in 1945 – until the war is over for good. Until there’s no doubt.
Until gun control is as dead as the slavery in which is was born.
No quarter. No compromise.
UPDATE: Well, that went to hell quickly.
News came out yesterday.
WIth a win for the NYSRPA would – presumably if incorporated – require “strict scrutiny” of gun laws compliance with the Second Amendment. Literally, they could not infringe the right of the people to keep and carry firearms, provided they aren’t otherwise disqualified from doing so.
The left is getting the vapors.
And while Roberts conservative credentials have proven to be less than stellar, it’s worth remembering he voted with the majority on Heller and MacDonald.
Expect Big Left to mount the mother of all full-court presses.
Citizens United big?
I’d wager a shiny new quarter on it.
Much more on this on Monday’s episode of the “MN Gun Report” podcast (which, as noted about ten words ago, comes out on Monday).
Record number of women and minorities seeking concealed carry permits.
When Harris gets elected and her first Executive Order bans all guns, will the New York Times headline read, “Women and Minorities Hardest Hit”?
Joe Doakes
Should Harris/Biden win, and the Senate flip, and given the left’s predilection to overreaching when they get power, I suspect the first mid-term is going to get pretty sporty for any Democrats outside major metro areas.
I suspect that’s why Big Left has been trying to beat down the NRA, frankly. Not that that’ll help ’em much.
The Washington Post, which endlessly editorializes in favor of stricter gun control laws and bans, writes approvingly of armed citizens carrying assault rifles, shotguns and pistols in the streets of Minneapolis.
NAACP, which advocates strict gun control laws and bans, is organizing the armed citizen patrols.
Neither of these organizations come right out and say it, but by their actions, they’re basically conceding that I was right all along, and they were wrong.
I am now prepared to accept their apologies.
Joe Doakes
The good news: we might be starting to see parts of the left (including, unfortunately, some of the worst parts) voting on this issue with their feet.
The bad news: all that energy is going to go into more bad ideas.
…a prog lets the truth slip out.
“Beto” O’Rourke, fake Latino beneficiary of a fake “Beto-mania” and former Presidential candidate – screwed up and told the truth behind Big Left’s approach to guns; they want them. All of them.
Beto slipped up and, in a fit of trying to re-attain relevance, let the end-game out.
Big mistake for him. And his fellow Progs know it:
During a discussion on ABC’s “the View,” the regular cohost weighed in on the former Texas Democratic Congressman’s recent exit from the 2020 presidential primary. Meghan McCain first mentioned O’Rourke’s position on gun buybacks, arguing that it may have played a role in his decline in popularity…
“He got a ton of Obama staff, and I’ll also say his stance on gun buybacks, Mayor Pete said it was ‘a shiny object that distracts from achievable gun reform,’” McCain continued. “Chris Coons said it wasn’t a wise policy move and ‘that clip will be played for years at 2nd Amendment rallies with organizations to try to scare people to say Democrats are coming for your guns.’ He made a speech about religious institutions get their tax status removed from them because they didn’t support same-sex marriage. He did a lot of, like, battleground culture war, and he ran as the most left, most ‘woke’ candidate and look where he ended up.”
“They should not tell everything they’re going to do,” Behar jumped in then, suggesting that candidates shouldn’t warn Americans the gun confiscation was coming. “If you are going to take people’s guns away, wait until you get elected and then take them away. Don’t tell them ahead of time.”
McCain pushed back, adding, “By the way, that’s what people like me think you’re going to do, so I appreciate his honesty.”
They’re all thinking it – the ones who are honest, anyway.
Never forget it.
When I first saw the headline for this piece on social media, I thought it was Babylon Bee spoofing big modern media:
Kyoto Animation arson killings didn’t get much attention because we couldn’t demonize guns
Sure enougb, it’s an actual USAToday editorial, about the Kyoto Animation Studio mass killing -= which involved arson, not guns, so the American media snoozed it out:
The limited attention here in the United States cannot be explained away on account of distance. Compare the coverage with that of the mosque shootings last March in Christchurch, New Zealand, a location even farther from our shores. U.S. newspapers and wire services featured the Christchurch massacre five times as much as the Kyoto mass murder.
Sure, there are some differences between the two tragedies in term of victim count and motive. Thursday’s attack involved a personal agenda rather than a political one — never raising the dreadful specter of terrorism. The Kyoto massacre may not have been an act of terror, but the young victims undoubtedly experienced tremendous terror as the flames swelled around them and smoke invaded their lungs.
Mass shootings remain one of the most widely discussed topics here in the United States. By comparison, we just don’t seem to be as unnerved by mass killings carried out by other methods, unless of course they hint of terrorism, be it of foreign or domestic origin.
This wasn’t always the case; when over 90 were killed by an arsonist at the Happyland Social Club in the Bronx in 1990, there was media coverage…
…but it didn’t lead to “National Conversations” about mental health, since that’s a) intractable, b) involves beating on no political opponents.
And I’ll posit this right here: If an insane arsonist killed 34 black people in Chicago, there’d be a similar shrug of the media’s shoulders. Because there’s no political angle to beat on gun owners in between editorials bemoaning “tribailism” in our culture.
One Ron letnes (it’s his capitalization – and reading the rest of his not-very literate screed, I’m pretty sure it’s not a “style” thing), who writes for “Engage”, the “progressive” Evangelical Lutheran Church’s anti-gun propaganda blog, took a trip to Europe.
And he writes…:
Linda and I spent a month touring Europe this summer. We anticipated a wave of discomfort because of the global immigration demands for life and safety. We anticipated verbal antagonisms and increased gun visibility by persons and authorities. We anticipated the isolation of Muslim and African peoples from events and sites.
In other words, he “anticipated” exactly everything that the narrative police are telling the demented lunatic fringe to anticipate.
Have a free range cigar, Ron.
The unqualified David Hogg couldn’t get into a junior college in Florida on his merits, but Harvard grabbed him because he’s got the right Social Justice profile.
Kyle Kashuv – who survived the same shooting – got into Harvard on his merits.
Kashuv explains in this twitter thread:
1/ THREAD: Harvard rescinded my acceptance.
— Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) June 17, 2019
Three months after being admitted to Harvard Class of 2023, Harvard has decided to rescind my admission over texts and comments made nearly two years ago, months prior to the shooting.
I have some thoughts. Here’s what happened.
Because it’s not enough merely to be a victim (forget about pretty brilliant). It’s about being the right kind of victim. Otherwise, you’re expendable – and, if you’re too obstreporous, must be destroyed.
Gun violence is schools is a quarter what it was 25 years ago, even with the tragic mass shootings in recent years thrown in.
But Big Left and Big Media have succeeded in convincing a fair number of people that 2+2=5:
Twenty years after the Columbine High School shooting made practicing for armed intruders as routine as fire drills, many parents have only tepid confidence in the ability of schools to stop a gunman, according to a new poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.
And while most Americans consider schools less safe than they were 20 years ago, the poll finds a majority say schools aren’t at fault for shootings. Bullying, the availability of guns, the internet and video games share more of the blame.
If you tell people the sky is falling often and consistently enough, people will start carrying umbrellas.
To: Sen. Scott Jensen
From: Mitch Berg, Impudent Peasant
Re: Know Your Friends
Sen. Jensen,
Last year, as he got set up to run for re-election as a Republican in decaying purple district, Representative Dario Anselmo made a very visible point of cuddling up to Minnesota’s various gun control groups.
He spoke at their rallies.
He offered his own testimony (his stepmother was murdered).
He sought the grabbers’ endorsement, he could practically taste it.
And after all that, the DFL and the gun grab groups up to which he’d been sucking, endorsed the DFL opponent, who won the race surfing atop of curl of Progressive Plutocrat money. And it’s not just Anselmo. Republicans who cuddle up to Big Gun Control tend to get treated like the kid in junior high who, when the bullies and mean girls ask them to eat a bug to be accepted by the “cool kids”, eat the bug – and have the photos of them eating the bug pasted up around the school.
Don’t eat the bug, Senator Jensen.
That is all.
A Parkland kid realizes he’s been used:
“My whole message is I was propped up as an expert. The whole message was these kids are the real experts,” [Cameron] Kasky told Fox News Radio’s Benson & Harf on Wednesday. “Look, I have some very intelligent friends. Some friends who can intellectually run circles around me, but I’m not the expert in pretty much anything.”
Survivors of the Parkland shooting received wall-to-wall cable-news coverage in its aftermath. Kasky gained national notoriety after telling Senator Marco Rubio of Florida that looking at him felt like looking “down the barrel of an AR-15,” during a town hall weeks after the shooting. Kasky now claims to regret that interaction and says he hopes to meet with Rubio to apologize.
Kasky is also doing something a lot more adults should:
The 17-year-old now plans to start his own podcast, Cameron Knows Nothing, featuring subject-matter experts as part of his mission to change the way he participates in the public debate surrounding gun control and other politically charged issues.
Not tripling down on one’s ignorance (aka “Hogging”) – if this could become a trend…
So yesterday, the Feds handed down a yuge win for people who’d make firearms using 3D printers. A settlement with “radical libertarian” Cody Wilson – who first posted 3D printer files for firearms on his website “”, was settled on First and Second Amendment grounds.
And Big Left – in this case, through technology site “Wired” – is having the predictable fit:
“This should alarm everyone,” says Po Murray, chairwoman of Newtown Action Alliance, a Connecticut-focused gun control group created in the wake of the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2013. “We’re passing laws in Connecticut and other states to make sure these weapons of war aren’t getting into the hands of dangerous people. They’re working in the opposite direction.”
When reporters and critics have repeatedly pointed out those potential consequences of Wilson’s work over the last five years, he has argued that he’s not seeking to arm criminals or the insane or to cause the deaths of innocents.
Let’s take a step back for a moment here.
Street criminals don’t have access to 3D printers. They don’t spend the money for the materials – which are, by the way, still pretty exotic and expensive – to do 3D printer projects. They don’t have the hobbyist’s drive to do the tinkering that inevitably follows building your own firearm, even from kit parts, much less from parts you “build” yourself using a bleeding-edge technology. They don’t spend the money on that tinkering (gunsmithing is not a cheap hobby).
The people you need to worry about are the ones who will send their friend or girlfriend or grandma to buy a gun, or steal one of the 400,000,000 that are already out there, in (generally) working order, ready to go.
This reminds me of the “Plastic Gun” controversy 30 years ago, when Glock started marketing polymer-frame guns; “they’ll go through airport security”, Big Gun Control chanted, unaware that the Glock has a barrel, bolt and springs made of enough good ol’-fashioned steel to perhaps even wake up the TSA drone operating the scanner, no matter how hung over they are.
And it reminds me – it’s impossible to have a rational debate about firearms, gun laws, gun crime or the Second Amendment with 99% of the antis – because their entire “knowledge” of the issue comes from erroneous or context-mangled “research”, word-of-mouth gleaned from the ignorant but effusive, dystopian fantasy, and agenda-driven narrative.
Obama’s education secretary urges people to boycott schools “until gun laws are changed”:
Duncan said in an interview Saturday that the idea was intended to be provocative but that an aggressive approach like a school boycott is needed if gun laws are ever going to change. He has school-age children and said if this idea were to gain traction, his family would participate.
“It’s wildly impractical and difficult,” Duncan said. “But I think it’s wildly impractical and difficult that kids are shot when they are sent to school.”
44 kids in five years. It’s 44 too many, of course.
But kids are safer in school than at home, on the street, at the mall – anywhere.
Former Secretary Duncan – the poor children of liberal parents managed to survive ’til birth without getting killed; why do you keep putting them in danger?
Joe Campbell is a PR flak for an agency that does “work” for “Protect” Minnesota, Minnesota’s ghoulish gun-grab group.
Rob Doar is a friend of this blog, a married father and a guy who works his butt off for civil rights, having spent this past session lobbying, pretty much on his own time for the MN Gun Owners Caucus. He’s one of the good guys.
This is what Joe Campbell tweeted about Rob:
.@robdoar is the grim reaper. He is actively working to ensure one of these school shootings happens again. He should be forced to say those words to the parents of children murdered today. #EnoughIsEnough #VoteThemOut
— Joe Campbell (@JoeCampbellMN) May 19, 2018
It’s hard to have a civil debate with people who are garbage.
…condescendingly coos “nobody is coming for your guns”, grab them by the throat and force them to read this.
I authorize the use of extreme force to accomplish this.
And then never, ever even think about compromising with the orcs.
Dario Anselmo is the lone Republican representing Edina.
Now, considering the Democrats that run in Edina these days – Anselmo beat Ron Erhardt, after all – it might be fair to say that of the options available, Anselmo passes the Buckley test (the most conservative candidate who can win) under the circumstances.
But as we’ve noted in the past, Anselmo is a prominent turncoat on the gun issue. He’s one of few Republicans found at Moms Want Action events; the sole gloss of “bipartisanship” in the extreme-left gun control movement.
But if he’d hoped that his accomodationalism would buy him any favor from Big Gun Grab (a wholliy owned subsidiary of Big Left?)
Well, what do you think?
For Anselmo, a bitter lesson was learned this week when, after months of supporting limits to Second Amendment rights in order to curry favor with far left gun control advocates “Moms Demand Action,” his opponent, Heather Edelson, was effectively endorsed. Heather wears pearls; you can’t say she doesn’t know Edina. But this endorsement puts paid to the idea that if Republicans only find the illusory “common ground” with the other side, they will be rewarded for their efforts.
Moms Demand Action is part of “Everytown for Gun Safety,” a radical gun control group largely financed by Michael Bloomberg.
So he danced with the devil, and didn’t even get his thirteen pieces of silver, apparently.
Anselmo was frequently the lone Republican at Moms’ rallies at the State Capitol. This garnered him the approval of Democrats in the media like Lori Sturdevant but at the cost of discouraging his base, for which one could be forgiven in thinking Anselmo believes he doesn’t need.
Having contempt for the people who put you there – even if you don’t really know that – is a bad, bad plan.
Question: wonder if Lori Sturdevant will castigate the Action Moms for their lack of bipartisanship?
Glenn Reynolds on the institutional deflection after Parkland:
Despite receiving a warning directly from the Russian government, the FBI failed to stop the Tsarnaev brothers from staging the Boston Marathon bombing. Despite having plenty of resources, the Charlottesville police failed to stop a car attack that left a woman dead. The FBI interviewed Omar Mateen, the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooter, and considered criminally investigating him. They didn’t — possibly because his father was an FBI informant.
The FBI also missed numerous “red flags” before the San Bernardino shooting. And despite having lots of warning, the FBI, the Broward County schools and the Broward Sheriff’s Department under Sheriff Scott Israel all failed to stop Nikolas Cruz from shooting up a high school.
And yet these repeated failures — among others — keep getting swept under the rug as we look for “solutions” to the problem of violence. No doubt Israel and the others whose incompetence made it possible for Cruz to kill his classmates were relieved to see our national discourse veer into questions of whether Laura Ingraham should lose sponsors for mocking David Hogg’s college-admissions failures, instead of their own failures to do their jobs.
Deflecting to “gun control” certainly takes heat off of the likes of Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel and the carnage on his watch, and that of his Democrat predecessor Bill “Rifle Up Your Butt” Daley.
Mayors of failed cities do a lot of deflecting, don’t they?
Channel 11 – which long since gave up any pretense of not being a DFL PR firm – notes that Remington, America’s oldest gun maker, has filed Chapter 11.
Now, people were talking about the likelihood, and even imminence, of Remington’s demise a solid year ago, as the Trump election caused panic-buying of guns (except in certain “progressive” circles) to slow down.
And before that, when people were panic-buying everything that looked like a gun, down to and including pop tarts chewed into gun shapes, people were pointing out that panic-buying was the only thing keeping Remington in business, so unsound was it even during the salad days of 2015-16.
So what did the Kare Bears have to say about it?
It also follows large student-led rallies across the United States calling for stricter gun laws after the mass shooting at Parkland High School in Florida in February.
For that matter, it also follows most of March Madness, the Oscars, and the Tide Pod controversy. Each of them had as much to do with Remington’s troubles as the Potemkin Protests.
Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:
Kid with gun in school shoots girl, shoots boy, gets shot by armed cop in school. Shooting over.
A good guy with a gun stopped the shooting. Armed police inside the school immediately engaged the shooter. Nobody died.
Everything we’ve been saying about ineffective gun control was proven true in the Florida school.
Everything we’ve been saying about effective crime prevention was just proven true in Maryland.
But notice the Democrat congressman instantly leaps to the same old idea – background checks. Didn’t work in Florida, wouldn’t have worked here, but they’re the first words out of his mouth.
Joe Doakes
Seems pretty obvious.
Which hasn’t stopped some of the less-bright lights on Big Left to tell us “who are you gonna believe – the narrative, or your lying eyes?”
Bernie Sanders attends a fun-grab rally…
…surrounded by armed security.
Some lives are more worth defending than others.
“I accepted the results of an opinion poll taken in a country where it was illegal to hold certain opinions. You can imagine the poll-taking process: “Hello, Mr. Peasant, I’m an inquisitive and frightening stranger. God knows who I work for. Would you care to obstensibly support the dictatorship which controls every facet of your existence, or shall we put you down as in favor of the UNO opposition and just tear up your ration card right here and now?””
— P. J. O’Rourke, Give War A Chance
I got an email from Minnesota Public Radio news the other day.
And it was a tough call.
On the one hand, I generally think MPR News is above board. Generally.
On the other, they have gotten funding for “gun violence” coverage from the Joyce Foundation which was, before Michael Bloomberg’s billions inundated the market, the biggest funder of criminal-safety groups in the US. And while I can’t show a cause-and-effect relationship, I have my suspicions that that funding caused MPR to make some bad editorial decisions. (I’ve asked MPR News for comment – but they don’t talk on an official basis with plebeians).
I thought about it.
Then I read the website the email linked to (images of survey provided below; click on them to see full size).
And I just have to ask (although MPR never answers questions) = are you serious?
Did anyone actually answer?
I mean, I would – I own no guns, because they terrify me, and I’d never shoot another human being for any reason.
But given MPR’s close ties to the Metro DFL, I would just love to know what they were thinking – and what they thought shooters would think.