I’m Old Enough To Remember…

…when minstrel shows were considered bad form.

That’s apparently changed:

Jeffrey Marsh is enough to give me species dysmorphia.

8 thoughts on “I’m Old Enough To Remember…

  1. Minstrel show is a pretty apt description. Well done.

    From my perspective as an old white guy in the sticks, my hope is that women in general figure out this scam for themselves and then reject it. Not hopeful tho’ when women like Riley Gaines are in the news for what they are saying about this and assaulted for saying so.

  2. “you have no understanding
    of the consequences
    of what you do
    oh and one more thing
    you aren’t going to like
    what comes after America”

    – Leonard Cohen

  3. There are times when I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the “trans activists” out there–Will “Lia” Thomas, these dudes, etc..–are actually trying to destroy public sympathy for transsexuals. Watching 5 seconds of this (enough to start a good bout of nausea) is one of them.

  4. The number of people who self identify as non gender conforming has tripled in the last decade, most of the increase is among people under 30.
    Obviously something is going on with some young people, but you have to a complete idiot to believe that boys are turning into girls or vice versa.
    I suspect that teens and young adults who would have been diagnosed with severe emotional problems a decade ago (perhaps as a result of suicide ideation) are now being diagnosed as having a gender disorder.

    yes American psychiatrists and psychologists look wistfully at the golden years of Soviet Psychological progress (1960-1986) when”psychopathological mechanisms” and “philosophical intoxication” were treatable maladies.

    Our psychological care industry is definitely manufacturing a great deal of this mess – it keeps the mortgage payments on the lake estate coming.

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