
is what fascism looks like; [1] San Francisco State University, thanks the student to Ryan, head against Riley Gaines (a bio woman, speaking out against having to compete against transgender athletes), hit several times (by a bio male), and forced to take shelter in the back room, protected by campus police until the riot cops showed up to escort her and the group she was with out of the building.

I am also proud of the moments when our students demonstrated the value of free speech and the right to protest peacefully. These issues do not go away, and these values are very much at our core. ”

She even offered them counseling – for the fact that Riley Gaines exists, apparently:

[1] actual fascism. Not the meaningless, wiffleball college students and other leftists today keep referring to.

22 thoughts on “This…

  1. You don’t think that the protesters & faculty represent the main stream of the Democrat Party?
    Find a Democrat who is willing to publicly condemn the protesters & faculty of SFSU over this incident.

  2. Another example of “if I wanted to mobilize the public against trans people and their supporters, this is exactly what I would do.”

  3. Find a Democrat who is willing to publicly condemn the protesters & faculty of SFSU over this incident.

    Still waiting for libturds to condemn the crazy in Nashville, instead she had been into a martyr.

  4. How did we arrive at this place were the needs of the 0.01% override the needs of fair competition in women’s sports. Regardless of testosterone — male puberty conveys advantages in bone and heart size, body size, cardiovascular endurance and power.

  5. Emery, it’s not just the advantages for most sports conferred by male puberty, but also the reality that Ms. Gaines personally experienced; there are issues where men’s strength can literally get women hurt in mixed sex environments, and there are men who will use the opportunity to go into a mixed sex environment to hurt women.

    Finally, there’s the reality that sports fans will watch the women’s game–generally a game that is slower with less explosiveness and the like–in part because they want to see women compete. Like it or not, having a cis-male in the event is going to drop audience participation and revenues.

    No easy solutions here, because “trans” people on hormone suppression are generally not going to be competitive in the men’s events, let alone comfortable, and a “trans only” event will have, shall we say, very limited appeal.

  6. Mild threadjack, due to the presence of our fascist troll. Yesterday it posted a link to the formerly moderately funny site the onion, the gist of which is that if you don’t genuflect at the altar of rainbow-trans freakazoids, you must be someone who tortures their children!

    This is why we will no longer be able to share a country with the fascist dhimmicraps. They hate us and want us dead.

  7. Why are there no easy solutions here? M2FTrannies don’t play in women’s sports. Is that really all that difficult?

  8. ^ Thought the same thing, jdm.

    Bikebubble stumbling around trying to catch virtue reminds me a of child running around trying to catch butterflies with a net.

    It’s adorable

  9. “No easy solutions” means “no simple solutions that satisfy everybody”. Like it or not, there is a very vocal minority that will not be happy with “you compete with your birth gender, period.” If you think that’s not that difficult, well, give it a try.

  10. Bikebubble virtue signaled: “No easy solutions” means “no simple solutions that satisfy everybody”. Like it or not, there is a very vocal minority that will not be happy with “you compete with your birth gender, period.”

    Right. And that’s a problem for you, because you gaf what mentally ill, degenerate scumbags think. lol

    “If you think that’s not that difficult, well, give it a try.”

    lmao…ever met me?

    “Go fuck yourself, groomer” There: solution provided, problem solved

  11. Kremlin Tom, if you think it would be easy, just give it a try. And for reference, if I see it, I just might let those in attendance know about your racist slurs, anti-semitic ravings, and sexual slurs cast casually on others. I’m sure they’ll be just happy to work with you.

  12. there is a very vocal minority that will not be happy with “you compete with your birth gender, period”

    And there you have it. Why conservatives conserve nothing. All it takes is a very vocal minority with a shitty attitude and conservatives will fall over themselves to make sure they’re happy.

    Tells me then that someone thinks that Riley Gaines was way outta line with her demands for female-only sports. And maybe that the pro-trannie bullies were, in fact, justified in harassing and assaulting her.

  13. jdm, there are any number of things that are not easy, but have nonetheless been achieved. Ever heard of the Dobbs decision, welfare reform, tax cuts, and the like? We didn’t see the left’s discomfort with these things as a reason to say “oh, we’d better make everybody happy” there, and neither should we here.

    It’s time for conservatives to come alongside the feminists–as odd as that may feel–and work to preserve womens’ sports. And, for that matter, to preserve the bodily integrity of kids.

  14. So now the fallback is that it *is* OK now to disappoint some people. Which was precisely my point above: M2FTrannies don’t play in women’s sports.

    Whatta you gonna suggest? That some M2FTrannies can play but not all?

  15. Fall back a bit further, jdm. I pointed out above that allowing “M2F” transsexuals to participate reduces the odds of women actually winning, increases the odds that women will be injured in competition, increases the odds that women will be violated by a Megan’s List offender, and finally (as spectators want to watch women) imperils the viability of the events altogether.

    If you think that means I think that just a little bit of rape, injuries, lost opportunities, and financial disaster is acceptable, think again.

  16. Nope. It is simple, but very difficult, just like tax cuts, overturning Roe, and the like. There is a big difference between easy and simple.

  17. Bikebubble bravely squeaked: “ if you think it would be easy, just give it a try“

    Lol… you ignorant pud. I’ve confronted hundreds of leftist asswipes face to face, and told them just what I think of them.

    “And for reference, if I see it, I just might let those in attendance know about your racist slurs, anti-semitic ravings, and sexual slurs cast casually on others. I’m sure they’ll be just happy to work with you.”

    Lmao…you miserable ass licking douche. You think I would ever hesitate to state my views to your twat friends, and then defend them? You think you’re man enough to do my talking for me?


    Im not like you, fuckwad. I put my name to my work. You don’t even have the stones to use your real name. I say what I mean, and mean what I say. And I say it wherever and whenever the fuck I want.

    Now go get your wife’s black son some chicken tendies before he gets mad.

  18. There is a big difference between easy and simple

    Sure, bud. It’s always something. Like getting rid the ObamaCare or building the border wall or all the other easy and simple tasks you weasels can’t ever get around to doing.

  19. It could be an excuse, or it could be a realistic appraisal of the difficulty. Sometimes, when you understand a task as difficult, you end up deciding to “bring your A game” and actually have a better chance of success.

    In fact, that’s exactly what I tend to see. Whenever I see people on my side march in assuming that they’ve got it made, they make idiot mistakes and get slammed. Take the long approach, you more often than not get success.

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