Too Free

“Progressives”, 2005 – “Question Authoritah! Speech is the greatest of rights!”

“Progressives”, 2019 – “I’m from the non-profit/industrial complex, and I’m here to protect you from all that ‘freedom'”.

I’m waiting for the first of them to say free speech is “against peoples’ best interests”.

16 thoughts on “Too Free

  1. Well the knives are definitely out in the open;

    Sanctuary cities/states = Nullification & Concurrent Majority (collapse federalism)

    Abolish Electoral College = dismantle the Republic

    Hate Speech laws/regulations = death of free speech

    Regulate 2nd Amendment out of existence = no right to self defense

    hell when the Chinese come they wont have to fire a shot.

  2. Hate speech like calling Republicans “Nazis” for the last thirty years?

    Like saying we are bitter clingers to our bibles and guns (full disclosure I am not religious at all)

    Like saying we are a basket of deplorables?

    Like hit back twice as hard? Like bring a gun to a knife fight?

    Sounds like calls for violence against us, don’t they?

    Where’s Paul Krugman to denounce this eliminationist rhetoric?

    You’re right Mac, they are not even trying to hide their fascism anymore.

  3. Shep Smith leaves Fox, one of the most/only respected reporters at Fox, he leaves because Fox distorts the news.

    Catherine Herridge leaves as well, saying, “Facts Matter.”

    Mitch, hate the sin not the sinner is my word of wisdom for you. That others reflect bias doesn’t mean you doing so willfully is right. If they fight against bias (the sin) as best they can, then saying it excuses your sin (bias) is nonsense.

    Further, you (Reactionaries) are (not) big supporters of free speech. At a minimum, you actively promote and endorse bias, while others fight against their own bias, and that of others.

    What’s worse is you betray the entire idea of the 1st Amendment with nearly every thought word and deed. You shout people down for speaking up about Climate Change, about actual discourse about the 2nd Amendment, including gross misunderstanding of it’s purpose as Mr. Wheeler demonstrates, in fact even just using the proper name of the Democratic Party and then you bitch about people seeking to (improperly) limit the promotion of hate. I don’t support such limits, many liberals oppose the idea, but we oppose it for the right reasons, that it’s a violation of the idea that the government shouldn’t be allowed to punish dissent. You certainly support a President who seeks retribution against those who speak out against him, you seek to end their careers, seek to have sham investigations put them in prison (Andrew McCabe, Hilary Clinton), so clearly, protecting speech, seeking the truth, aren’t what you want to protect.

    So the question becomes, what do you want to protect? Is it your (not you personally Mitch but reactionaries who support Trump) ability to spew filth and hate? That’s what it looks like from here.

  4. “Unregulated speech that breeds discrimination violates the first amendment.”
    The Obama-admin official and “journalist” is telling us that free speech violates free speech.

  5. MP, it takes a lot of words to twist the free speech portion of the 1st A to justify hate speech laws. No wonder the great anti-fascist, Orwell, is supposed to have said, “Free speech is my right to say what you don’t want to hear”.

  6. Just to show you how much peeve’s view of the world is broken, here is the complete herridge quote on leaving Fox:
    “I am grateful to Mr. Murdoch for the opportunity to cover the most impactful stories of the last 23 years, most recently the special counsel report and impeachment inquiry. I have received great personal satisfaction from mentoring the next generation of reporters and producers and sharing my journalistic values — that facts matter and enterprise reporting will always win the day.”
    Herridge saying that “facts matter” was praise for Fox.
    And pea-brain peevey wants to control the speech of others, because he’s so smart, you see.

  7. It is worth looking at the words of Stengel, the guy who knows what you should be allowed to say:
    “The amendment rests on the notion that the truth will win out in what Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas called ‘the marketplace of ideas. The presumption has always been that the marketplace would offer a level playing field. But in the age of social media, that landscape is neither level nor fair.”
    This is pretty much all wrong. “The market place of ideas” determines the value of speech. It does not determine “the truth.” Also, you would think that an elite like Stengel (Over ten years as editor of Time, two years in DC working for Obama) would avoid using the mixed metaphor of marketplace of ideas with a level playing field.
    “But in the age of social media, that landscape is neither level nor fair.”
    Like in the old days when public speech was vetted by corporate-controlled television, radio, and newspapers?
    Worst. Elites. Ever.

  8. Shep Smith leaves Fox, one of the most/only respected reporters at Fox, he leaves because Fox distorts the news.

    Shepard Smith has for years editorialized on the stories he reports on. He was pretty easy to spot as one of the network’s left-leaning personalities.

    Further, you (Reactionaries) are (not) big supporters of free speech.

    Examples? Links?

    You want an actual example of anti-free-speech behavior? Look at the Antifa-like losers who can’t stand holding a political opinion to the right of Mao and “bravely” “punish” those who would partake of their First Amendment rights.

    What’s worse is you betray the entire idea of the 1st Amendment with nearly every thought word and deed. You shout people down for speaking up about Climate Change, about actual discourse about the 2nd Amendment

    Shouting people down is not a betrayal of the First Amendment. It’s meeting offensive speech with more speech. Show me the section in the Amendment where I’m required to politely wait my turn while someone spews garbage. Also, news flash for you: Both sides have done this for years. Remember Crossfire? Remember Buckley vs. Vidal?

  9. how embarrassing – that 1st line of 5th paragraph by Paddyboy @ 9:44 AM “What’s worse is you betray the entire idea of the 1st Amendment …….” written as a comment – on Mitch’s blog! Pretty sure I have never seen a sentence which is more self-contradictory, stupid and just plain wrong

  10. Ian, to devote that much energy to a peevee comment… well, you’re a saint.

    Peevee world: self-contradictory, stupid and just plain wrong. Seems like a fit.

  11. “hate the sin not the sinner is my word of wisdom for you.”

    Fuck you, Peevee. Your sins disgust me, but I don’t “hate” leftists any more than I do cockroaches. Y’all are not worth the emotional toll or effort real hate takes…y’all just need a good crushing under foot.

  12. “Shouting down people speaking of climate change”. Typical, in that you start your narrative with the false premise that everything said about climate change is factual and there should be no dissent. Tell me, where is this shouting down happening, when nearly every day on nearly every station and in nearly ever newspaper there’s some gw scare story? Actually, it’s the other way around, as numerous newspapers forbid even publishing skeptical articles. “Gross misunderstanding of the 2nd amendment”. And the proof of that is….what? “President who supports retribution against those speak out against him”. This should be good, but please be specific about where his “retribution” was somehow against 1st amendment guidelines. Good luck!

  13. Self-contradictory, stupid and just plain wrong is no way to go through life, son. – Dean Wormer

  14. Ian, to devote that much energy to a peevee comment… well, you’re a saint.

    Thanks, jdm. I wrote that when I was dealing with an “angry tooth” that subsequently necessitated a root-canal Thursday afternoon. Paddling Paddyboy/Peevee with a clue-by-four distracted me from the pain.

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