The New Book-Burners

The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) is stumping for the University of St. Thomas to get rid of Theresa Collett,  an outspoken pro life law professor and former congressional candidate.

In case you missed that in the first paragraph; NARAL is plumping it’s well-heeled legions of social justice warriors to get rid of a a pro-life professor…

… at a Catholic University.

Remember first, last and always: conservatives think progressives are wrong; progressives think conservatives are evil.

14 thoughts on “The New Book-Burners

  1. Thanks for the heads up, Mitch. I wasn’t aware of this heinous action by the baby killer crowd.

    Two of my sisters went there and have contributed money to St. Thomas, after they graduated. Not big donors by any means, but none the less, I’ll bet they didn’t know this, either. They will now.

  2. While ST has gone down hill the past decade or so, many of the Alumni are still practicing Catholics. Hopefully they will squash these reprobates like the cockroaches they are.

  3. HCFC:

    Unfortunately, there aren’t too many Catholics today that follow the “accept children lovingly from God” part of their marriage vows.

  4. That’s true, Hoss. But that doesn’t mean they approve of abortion, or disapprove of those who fight to ban it past 20 weeks.

  5. Remember abortion in MN is a racist engine of genocide:
    For the year 2014 in MN there were 10,123 abortions.
    Out of that total 8,602 identified their race.
    Blacks (5.7% of pop.) had 2,295 abortions or 26.67% of total,
    Whites (86.2% of pop.) had 5,336 abortions or 62% of total,
    American Indians(1.3% of pop.) had 253 abortions or 2.94% of total
    and Asians(4.5% of pop.) had 718 abortions or 8.35% of total

    When will NARAL stop supporting genocide?

  6. Really enjoyed the Douthat indictment by leading scholars consisting of a paragraph-long string of genetic fallacies. Didn’t they formerly teach logic in the Catholic schools these people presumably attended? Couldn’t reach the NARAL document, but I’m guessing it’s more of the same.

    I think it’s time to start pointing this out and see what happens with public opinion; NARAL and liberal “catholic” scholars can’t even get the most basic fallacy of informal logic out of their statements.

  7. So, when conservatives advocate for a professor to be dismissed, that’s “ok”, but the reverse, not so much? Let’s be clear, too, about why NARAL is advocating this. It isn’t because of her professorship or teaching, it’s because of her outrageous positions advocating as an “expert” witness for highly intrusive procedures. No matter, spin it all you like, hey Merg?

    Now, let’s deal with your last line. Conservatives think liberals are wrong, but liberals think conservatives are evil. Hardly, we think many of you are selfish and shallow, and wrong because of both traits, nothing more. Otoh, how many liberals, exactly, have taken to shooting people or blowing things like Anders Brevik, Scott Reader, or Eric Rudolph, or burning churches, or shooting people because he wants to start a race war like Dylan Roof.

    Sorry Mergie, but it sure looks like you’re doing what you very often do, calling the other person guilty of something you know full well you’re far more guilty of being. There’s so much hate on this page so often, including having one of your commenters say he’d like to kill me and my family, and there’s so much evidence that those on the right HATE liberals, probably would like to put them in camps if they could, that it’s ironic to hear you say liberals think you’re evil.

    I, for one, don’t think you’re evil. I think you’re selfish, sometimes that comes out in evil ways, but I do not think you set out to do more harm than needed, to kill when you do not need to, to injure when you do not need to, to steal when there is no higher order ethic to be served. And when you repeat your meme’ (contained herein), or better yet, when you fling poo or run off on some other rant, look back at your post and decide if you really aren’t preaching that liberals are “bad”, “evil”, “awful”, not just wrong. Look back at your commenters as well. I don’t allow people to uniformly call conservatives anything, because it’s untrue and unfair, yet you seem ready to lump all liberals into one group in the above statement, creating animus just from that grouping. What’s more, you want to pretend to be a victim, that’s fine too, but again, it sure seems ironic given you’ve just painted with a broad brush.


  8. To clear things up for you, The Head of Prince Charming:

    “It isn’t because of her professorship or teaching”

    is exactly what makes it bad.

    I understand that NARAL wants her to keep her super smart and well reasoned opinions to herself, and so they go about attacking her ability to make money. I also understand that you won’t understand how bad this is until it actually happens to you.

    And as far as “selfish and shallow” goes, are we (at root) talking about killing unborn humans for convenience here? Yes, yes we were, and that should pin the “selfish and shallow” blue ribbon on you and your ilk more than any other. If only you had the means to understand that. *sigh*

  9. Being a pro-life Catholic at a private Catholic school isn’t an extreme position.

    Being a medical instructor at UW-Madison and providing fraudulent medical evaluations to people you have not inspected (and while wearing a UW-Madison lab coat)….to me that is a fireable offense.

  10. Yo, Charmless, I think you’ve got a little problem with the concept of “academic freedom”. Conservatives ask that some doctrinaire professors be fired because they’re not just biased, but indoctrinating students instead of educating them. NARAL asks that conservative professors be fired for their viewpoint.

    In other words, the attackers of academic freedom are overwhelmingly on the left these days.

  11. ” Hardly, we think many of you are selfish and shallow . . .”
    Liberals believe Obama’s skin color is an important qualification for president. This makes them shallow thinkers.
    Not thinking about how shallow it is to consider skin color a qualification for president makes them doubly shallow.
    A shallow thinker, for example, neither knows nor cares that the Democrat party was founded specifically to protect the institution of slavery, or that the Democrat ideal of parceling out privileges by arbitrary social classifications continues unabated to this day.
    There has never been any period of time when the Democrats were not obsessed with governing by social class.

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