Yes, They Do

Sales of “Dubya” memorabilia are spiking…:

Demand for the items spiked after a billboard featuring the ex-commander in chief appeared alongside a rural Minnesota highway last week, stirring up buzz.

CafePress spokeswoman Jenna Martin said sales of Bush-related products virtually disappeared after Obama replaced him.

But last week, she said, 10 of the firm’s top-selling 100 designs were “Miss Me Yet?” items, moving to the tune of up to 500 orders a day.

…as sales of Obama items (not to mention Obama-themed stores and Obama radio stations) crater:

“There were no Obama-themed designs on the list – Bush has stolen the political spotlight, just like Sarah Palin did the week before when she re-surfaced with crib notes written in her palm,” she said.

I’m not saying we need to imbue this factoid with any significance at all.

But if it means those wretched “Obama Tells Mothers To Go Back To School” and “Obama Backs Insurance Regulation” get pulled one of these days, I think we can all agree it’s for the greater good.

6 thoughts on “Yes, They Do

  1. Yep, one day we’ll look back at those Obama napkin-holders (coming soon to a State dinner near you) and Eric Holders and say to ourselves, “Gawd, what were we thinking?” (Or smoking).

  2. SNL ought to bring John McCain back to do a reprise of the QVC bit he did during the campaign, only this time he could sell closeout Obamaware.

  3. Mr.D that was a great bit. It showed he didn’t take himself too seriously. I think that should be a qualification to be president, if you can’t laugh at yourself you have no right to laugh at anyone else.

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