Defining His Place

So what exactly does Mayor Carter do?

Fix roads? No.

Put criminals in jail? Please.

Play the social media game?

Well, now we’re onto something:

I bet he has a completely lit Instagram account…

6 thoughts on “Defining His Place

  1. He doesn’t realize he is signaling discomfort from the ratio he received from his mo’ taxes a-comin’ tweet. He saw them all; read them all, and he’s big mad.

    This is what an 80IQ flex looks like.

    Reminds me of those times Prof. Kreepy used to crow whenever Berg referred to him on TwitR: “Oh! So Mr. Berg *does* see my tweets!” (That was before he died alone, sitting on the hoard of rotting food, soiled clothing and dead cats in the living room of his shabby little bungalow FaBUlOUs UrBaN EstaTe.)

  2. Great news Patriots™️!

    You’re being advised of a tritium leak at the Monticello nuke plant, last November.

    All is well…


  3. Gleason was a mentally ill, leftist douchebag, but at least he came up with his own papspew….never plagiarized it.

    We have a second tier douchebag now.

  4. Gleason proudly owned his insanity; rAT Emery hides in his dumpster. How will we know when rAT Emery dies alone in his shabby little bungalow FAbULoUS LaKEfRoNt EsTaTE, when his clot shot stops his heart?

    Will his ER NuRSe daughter make an announcement? Nah.

    Blessed silence.

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