Wanna See Gymnastics?

Ask a vocal pro-choicer this question:

“At what point in your mother’s pregnancy with you would it have become unacceptable for her to abort you?”

Not some abstract “woman” excercising “reproductive rights”. Your mother.

Not some abstract “Fetus” or “clump of cells” or “tissue mass”. You. The person you were born as, and became.

When would you, Mr/Ms. Pro-Choicer celebrating legislature considering abortion through 40 weeks of gestation on demand, tell your mother the life you’re living now had enough worth to consider it human?

Mohammed Ali in his prime didn’t duck and weave and gyrate like what you’re about to see.

52 thoughts on “Wanna See Gymnastics?

  1. So, wanna explain again how eliminating Capital Gains and instead instituting a 30% sales tax is anything other than shifting the tax burden downward?

    Because beyond a very few necessities like food, everyone controls how much they spend and on what it is spent. If Elon Musk buys a $100M mansion somewhere, he pays the same RATE of sales tax as as Ma and Pa Kettle who buy a $15,000 shack in BFE, Alabama. If Mr Posh in Wayzata buys a $300,000 Bentley Flying Spur, he pays the same rate of taxes as Mr Joe Six Pack in Fridley who buys a Kia Forte. That is the ultimate fairness. Not the amount, the rate.

    Beyond necessities, want to pay fewer taxes? Buy cheaper or less stuff. That covers everyone from the poorest welfare recipients to Billy G, Jeffy B, and Elon.

    The worry with this is the national sales tax being implemented while the income tax is NOT eliminated.

    The FAIR tax takes care of all this, and does away with the IRS. A $400B per year savings. Of course that will never happen. There is not one single leftist who would willingly reduce the size nor scope of gov’t at any level.

  2. Federal Reserve: “We’ve done everything we can think of to trigger a recession, but it just hasn’t worked.”

    House GOP: “Hold my beer”

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