
I’m going to guess some internal poles give representatives Angie Craig and Dean Phillips a bit of a wake up call.

2022: representatives Craig and Phillips have a bit of a change of heart, just in time for midterms:

I’m going to guess that all those soccer moms in Lakeville and Wayzata aren’t amused at the news of carjackings filtering out to the burbs.

9 thoughts on “Polled

  1. “Knowing what I know now, I see sticking a fork in the power outlet was a mistake.”

    “Knowing what I know now, I see picking up that rattlesnake was a mistake.”

    “Knowing what I know now, I see pouring gasoline down the grain and lighting it was a mistake”

    Leftist epiphanies.

  2. The goal of eliminating qualified immunity is to have community policing governed by the wish to avoid lawsuits. You would basically open up a money spigot from tax payers to trial lawyers. The voters would be punished by the courts for choosing a law and order sheriff or chief of police.
    The Democrat Party, that these days fancies itself the guardian of “our democracy” doesn’t actually like democracy.

  3. Republicans know they own the anti-abortion measures, from SCOTUS, the state level and the rhetoric at the federal level. They own it completely, and the push back is something they should have expected since polls have been showing the majority of Americans favor the previous status quo. So now its too late to pretend they don’t want what they fought to get for 50 years including even more restrictions.

    If anything, these walk-backs tell us they don’t have firm principles and will say anything to be voted to a position of power.

  4. Funny! Only DemoCommies seem to be able to lie with impunity when they claim they “had a change of thinking, heart, etc.” Translation: we’re just saying this to get re-elected. When I win, I will revert back to leftist policies and hope that you low information voters forget that I said that.
    Thankfully, CNN is starting to call out Biden’s endless lies. They added that “he just can’t help himself.”
    Kinda like Emery the ChiCom bot boy.

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