Vow Of Silence

To: Governor Walz
From: Mitch Berg, Irascible Peasant
Re: Debates


You pretty terrible performance in his debate with Scott Jensen at FarmFest last week.

Which is, I suspect, why you’ve backed out of the traditional debate at the State Fair:

Governor Walz: Don’t like the noise, heat and humidity?

After doing like 14 years at the State Fair, I totally get it.

So I’d like to formally invite you and Dr. Jensen – either or both of you, honestly – to join me either Sunday afternoon, or any Saturday between August 27 and election day.

Of course, we’ll be talking about your response to Covid and the riots, as well as you propensity for naming giveaways for self-glorification (“Walz Checks”) and claiming credit for tax cuts you opposed, and the like.

But it’ll be cool and quiet.

Have your people call my people.

That is all.

27 thoughts on “Vow Of Silence

  1. no time to talk hes busy in the basement premarking ballots so he can get 80 million votes like the big guy

  2. Walz — and Evers — both represent a failed establishment.
    What you saw in both MN and WI in response to covid was slavish devotion by the establishment governors to rule by unelected “health care officials,” whose efforts to fight the spread of the disease were both ineffective and economically crippling.
    Despite the failure of the “public health officials” to accurately forecast the course of the pandemic or the effectiveness of lock downs and social distancing measures, neither Walz or Evers considered changing course.
    In Wisconsin, the conservative state court said Evers could not renew his emergency rule every thirty days. In Minnesota the liberal supreme allowed Walz to renew his emergency decrees. Walz did not end his emergency decree until he faced revolt from his own party.
    BTW, there is nothing less small-d democratic than one man rule. Another reason to laugh at the January 6 Committee’s solemn declarations about protecting “our democracy.” These people, all of them, have no interest in allowing you to vote for anything more consequential than the color of the recycle bin you are legally required to use.

  3. ^^ “Another reason to laugh at the January 6 Committee’s solemn declarations about protecting “our democracy.” .

    Pelosi refused 2 who were potential witnesses. McCarthy then withdrew the other 3 in a move he later described as purely political, to create the appearance of bias—assuming most people would remain ignorant. Apparently, it worked.

    You know what also never happened in that time frame? A president who refuses to concede and spread lies about an election and went above and beyond to continue that lie long after he lost. Also, never has a president taken documents to their private residence that were classified, was told to give them back, lied about giving them back, and then spread more lies about it.

    How do you respond to that?

  4. Yea, Emery. You are a useful idiot of the party, who’s leaders call their voters stupid. You prove it every ten minutes. That same party has been screaming fraud on any election they lost, especially the 2016 presidential race. The party and their minions in the media, pushed a hate mantra for the last eight years. The funniest part? These same dumb asses, loved Trump when he was a DemoCommie and contributing to their campaigns, yet none of them have sent the money back to him, despite their hatred. They are all whores.

  5. Your Governor is an incompetent asshole. He’s up for election when “conservatives” are out for blood. The leader of his party is eating ice cream while his minions destroy the United States. It’s gonna be real hard to cheat.

    Why risk getting your ass handed to you in front of a thousand drunk people eating fried cheese?

    The best case scenario features a shootout between negro gangsters, interrupting the debacle.

  6. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 08.17.22 (Evening Edition) : The Other McCain

  7. The Gubernatorial Debate at the Great Minnesota Get Together is a tradition and expectation. “Not agreeing” is tantamount to canceling.

  8. Dr Jensen should continue hawking Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine at the State Fair. Perfect opportunity to fund raise for his campaign war chest.

  9. ^^Prefers to get his medical advice from a high school wrestling coach.

  10. Jensen is a vaccine skeptic and a promoter of fake Covid-19 treatments.

    This is what happens when science is call a hoax and we don’t listen to our health providers.
    What happened to sanity now? Vaccines are being attacked, not just by a few extremists, but by some cynical politicians who hope to gain a following by whipping up suspicion and hatred.

    Polio Is Back. Here’s How to Keep Yourself Safe

  11. This is what happens when science is call a hoax and we don’t listen to our health providers.
    Science told Walz we’d have 20,000 dead Minnesotans by July of 2020, regardless of covid mitigation measures.
    The latest CDC guidance is exactly the same for the vaxxed and the unvaxxed.

  12. Hey Emery.

    As usual, you’re full of shit.

    I’m sure that you’d be just fine with a trans boy walking into the girl’s locker room showers, while your pre pubescent or teen daughter was in there. How about your wife? I am willing to bet that she’d be out of there as fast as she could bail.

    Every time I pose this question to woke lefty females, I get either a blank stare or they storm off without answering. Unless they are with kids, I usually follow up with this one; “What if he had an erection?”

  13. When Emery’s argument fails, he tries to change the subject.

  14. I agree Walz is playing politics by not debating. Nothing to gain, everything to lose. I hope Jensen stays on the offensive. Show Walz in action predicting 60,000 COVID deaths, slow walking the response to the riots, mourning the Dakota savages who murdered women and children for no reason, trying to buy votes by printing checks, sucking up to Education Minnesota and letting the families with students hang twisting slowly in the wind.

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