Left on The Table

The National Education Association – the organization that actually does ruthlessly wield the money and influence Big Left attributes to the NRA – is tripling down on “social and economic justice” and Critical Race Theory.

You can read the article (about the NEA’s attempts to silence opposition and extend the social justice curricula) at your leisure.

My big question is one that we really need voters to be asking Republican candidates, especially in Minnesota. School choice, we’re seeing, is a winning issue; we see this in the “Tea Party”-like uprisings of parents all over the country against CRT.

And yet – will Minnesota Republican candidates ever come into the city to try to make their cases to charter school parents – overwhelmingly black, Latino, Asian or immigrant? The Democrats and the Teachers Union, pardon the redundancy – and even some of their proxy warriors want to kill charter schools and all meaningful school choice.

And yet you can count on zero fingers the number of GOP gubernatorial, Senate or Consitutitonal Office candidates who’ve even shown up to try to contest the battlefield.

Why does the Minnesota GOP need to be, and stay, so stupid?

31 thoughts on “Left on The Table

  1. That’s an excellent question. IMO for the most part, the MNGOP has been a group of RINO and near RINO cowards. They realize that “Minnesota Nice”, is just so much bull dung to the Minnesota communist party, formerly known as the DFL, woke mob. I’ve had a similar conversation with Jennifer Carnahan, who initially had a strong ambition to change that. She laments that several high ranking GOP legislators, pretty much shut her down, to the point that she feels like she is now just a figurehead.

  2. That’s an excellent question. IMO for the most part, the MNGOP has been a group of RINO and near RINO cowards.

    Yes. Especially the last word of the sentence.

  3. BH is right; remember Glen Taylor(putative GOP) owns the Star Tribune and obviously is completely unconcerned with their lack of balance or sense of responsibility to the public. In fact the most charitable characterization of Mr Taylor’s stewardship of the Strib is that he uses it as a PR firm dedicated to his sports franchises and has no interest in any of its other content.

  4. Flash to the scene in Animal House where the new pledge, Kevin Bacon, is whacked on the ass with a paddle, he screams.

    “Thank you sir, may I have another?”

  5. They realize that “Minnesota Nice”, is just so much bull dung to the Minnesota communist party, formerly known as the DFL

    Unless I’ve misunderstood this sentence, I don’t think the MNGOP does realize this. Look how they treated Rep Mortenson.

  6. jdm.
    I should have expanded on that by stating; “but they are afraid of the backlash, like woke morons showing up at their houses at 6:00 a.m. ala Warren Limmer.”

  7. Thought that I would add this article. There is also a video of his address to the school board (can’t locate it just now), that’s well worth watching. Basically, we have a black parent, smashing the CRT narrative on the head.


  8. Thought I would post this article, since it is relevant. Here we have a black parent, that addressed his local school board (couldn’t find the video just now, but it’s well worth the search and watch) and smashes their CRT narrative on the head.


  9. Keep in mind, those who control the media, control the narrative, therefore providing a safe, disciplined, excellent environment where every student can reach their full potential becomes “destroying education”.

    Sure, 30% of parents know that is a hot load of horse-sh*t – but 30% does not win elections…..

    Unless every one of those 30% shows up on election day and KNOWS WHO TO VOTE FOR

    Question: flip the ballot over and review the names of school board judge, prosecutor and zoning commission candidates, how many of those names do you know?

  10. Greg.
    Great points. Well before we get to the voting booth, we should know the stance of every candidate on the ballot.

  11. Oh, puh-lease, nothing says white privilege like being knowledgeable about candidates. And especially the ones on the flip-side of the ballot. Racists.

  12. We can say “cowards”, and that may be true, but my interpretation of the matter is that a plurality to a majority, perhaps a strong majority, of the electorate is constitutionally averse to conflict, especially when conflict gets heated. To draw a picture, I’ve seen a BUNCH of conversations where a person who’s really been wronged responds with righteous anger, and people react as if HE’s the one in the wrong.

    So we might say that in confronting CRT, we need to “keep the temperature down” while we make our points. Quote Dr. King’s “I have a Dream” speech and ask how it’s permissible to ignore Ezekiel 18 to judge kids for the sins of their distant ancestors, and how it’s permissible to judge someone by the color of the skin instead of the content of their character. Ask them for actual evidence and solutions.

  13. Great points. Well before we get to the voting booth, we should know the stance of every candidate on the ballot.

    I was talking with family in a very red area that’s being infiltrated by people from California, where the schools are just starting to show the infection.

    They need to do the very un-conservative step of getting involved, organizing, and putting report cards, not just on presidential and Senate candidates, but school board, city council and county commission candidates.

    Because it’s there where the rot sets in.

    It’s hard to do – Republicans like to keep to their daily lives, and keep politics where it belongs, out in the alley . It’s not sustainable, especially if you’re in a place that can be saved, but someone’s trying to seize.

  14. I should have expanded on that by stating; “but they are afraid of the backlash, like woke morons showing up at their houses at 6:00 a.m. ala Warren Limmer.”

    Which is the desired effect.

    A friend of mine – a very sharp woman – demurred on running for office, because she knew the DFL noise machine would publicize every wart and swerve in her entire life, and put her family on the front line, as it were. It wasn’t worth it to her.

    I had to say, I respected her decision, while noting (and having it acknowledged) that that’s exactly the result they want.

  15. So we might say that in confronting CRT, we need to “keep the temperature down” while we make our points. Quote Dr. King’s “I have a Dream” speech and ask how it’s permissible to ignore Ezekiel 18 to judge kids for the sins of their distant ancestors, and how it’s permissible to judge someone by the color of the skin instead of the content of their character. Ask them for actual evidence and solutions.

    Advice noted, Bubba, but the issue is no one is even in the arena.

  16. When Christian Fundamentalists were trying to smuggle Creationism, euphemistically called “Intelligent Design” into science curriculums as an alternative theory to Natural Selection, they often used the phrase “teach the controversy”, to imply an equivalence in validity between the two perspectives. They failed, not because Creationism was “debunked”, but because it obviously didn’t belong in the same category of knowledge as science-based disciplines — and most people agreed.

    No one argued that Intelligent Design should be banned or censored outright- only that it be discussed in its appropriate context – in comparative religion studies, for example — not in biology class. The Christians were guilty of trying to muddle epistemology in order to imbue their ideology with a credibility that it hadn’t earned.

    Ironically, when it comes to this literal culture war over the proper/true way to frame the story of America, “teaching the controversy” might be the best approach and the only one that has a chance of retaining the nuance, contradictions, and complications necessary to inculcate an understanding of this country and the experiences of its people that approaches something resembling accuracy.

    We’re dealing with 2 factions of competing ideologies and propaganda. America is a fundamentally Good or Bad Project — conservative or leftist political commitments follow accordingly.

    Here’s an idea — why don’t we teach kids how to spot and critique propaganda?

  17. Why do “progressives” want to teach children that life is a matter of the survival of the fittest?
    Evolution is the justification of all eugenics movements. Science tells us that all men were not created equal.
    “At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break will then be rendered wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state as we may hope, than the Caucasian and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as at present between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.”
    Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man

  18. Theory of evolution -> survival of the fittest -> men are NOT crested equal = Settled Science™. Thank you MO, never though of it on those terms. I cannot wait to try this and watch heads explode!

  19. Remember the 1925 Scopes Trial and the narrative put out by the screen play “Inherit the Wind”?

    There was this idea that the opponents of teaching evolution led by William Jennings Bryan were a bunch of unsophisticated rubes.

    H.L. Menchen [from wikipedia] “mocked the town’s inhabitants as “yokels” and “morons”. He called Bryan a “buffoon” and his speeches “theologic bilge”

    Nothing could be further from the truth.

    Bryan may have been arguing with Clarence Darrow, but he was addressing a larger world, one who had taken Darwin’s science and morphed it into the pseudo-science of eugenics and given rise to the unmerciless scourge of fascism and communism.

    I happen to accept the theory of evolution, but I also realize the danger a valid idea holds in the hands of idiots.

    And a lot of those idiots are teachers.

    Bryan was right to argue that teachers should stick to facts, not theories. Especially stupid theories – like those born in the reptilian brain-stems of academia.

  20. Great points. Well before we get to the voting booth, we should know the stance of every candidate on the ballot.

    I have said this before……this is the job of the party. In fact, it is their only job.

    To vet candidates and see that they are elected.

    All it takes is an app with a sample ballot.

  21. Scopes admitted to having taught lessons out of George William Hunter’s textbook A Civic Biology. I bought a copy at a used bookstore and admit that some of its contents surprised me. Hunter divided mankind into five races and concluded that the highest race was “the Caucasians, represented by the civilized white inhabitants of Europe and America.” In a different section of the book, he discussed what should be done to humans with inferior traits:

    “If such people were lower animals, we would probably kill them off to prevent them from spreading. Humanity will not allow this, but we do have the remedy of separating the sexes in asylums or other places and in various ways preventing intermarriage and the possibilities of perpetuating such a low and degenerate race. Remedies of this sort have been tried successfully in Europe and are now meeting with success in this country.”

  22. Scopes admitted to having taught lessons out of George William Hunter’s textbook A Civic Biology. – Maximum Overlord

    Exactly, why not teach racist ideologies, “evolution supports it.”?

    So, the thing is this, when an adult advances these ideas in an adult setting, other adults can tell them that they are full of it, but when a teacher does it, what is a kid to do?

    Question the teacher and fail?

  23. Advice noted, Bubba, but the issue is no one is even in the arena.

    Absolument pas! La Boulangerie est ouvert!

    Seriously, you’re right that next to nobody is speaking up. Well said.

  24. I’ve seen a couple of videos of teen age students pushing back against their woke teachers. A couple of them were worth watching just to watch the narcissistic female teachers come unhinged. I noticed on all of the seven that I watched, that when their idiotic blather is challenged, they either change the subject, berate the student or amp up their volume, often trying to talk over the student.

  25. One of the issues that academics struggle with is why the Europeans & the European colonies have been the only group of people to advance out of agro-feudalism. The rest of the world played catch-up by adopting European-style scientific world views and economic ideas or they didn’t advance.
    It wasn’t until after WW2 that the idea that Europeans were genetically superior was abandoned. For a while, in the 90s, Jared Diamond wrote a book called “Germs, Guns, and Steel” that proposed European advancement was due to luck — the Europeans had the best geography.
    This explanation never really satisfied the historians, though, because it swapped geographic determinism for genetic determinism, economic determinism, and marxist dialectic, which had been equally discredited.
    So now the fad is that white people are evil, or at least the best at doing evil things like exploiting the environment and the labor of non-whites.
    The only way out of the trap is to assume the radical egalitarianism of Christianity is true. We are, in fact, all created equal. The fact that people of European descent created the modern world is no more significant than the fact that the Australians invented the digerido.

  26. From Margaret Sanger’s 1922 book The Pivot Of Civilization:

    “We should not minimize the great outstanding service of Eugenics for critical and diagnostic investigations. It demonstrates, not in terms of glittering generalization but in statistical studies of investigations reduced to measurement and number, that uncontrolled fertility is universally correlated with disease, poverty, overcrowding and the transmission of hereditable taints. Professor Pearson and his associates show us that “if fertility be correlated with anti-soci4l hereditary characters, a population will inevitably degenerate.”
    This degeneration has already begun. Eugenists demonstrate that two-thirds of our manhood of military age are physically too unfit to shoulder a rifle; that the feeble-minded, the syphilitic, the irresponsible and the defective breed unhindered; that women are driven into factories and shops on day-shift and night-shift; that children, frail carriers of the torch of life, are put to work at an early age; that society at large is breeding an ever-increasing army of under-sized, stunted and dehumanized slaves; that the vicious circle of mental and physical defect, delinquency and beggary is encouraged, by the unseeing and unthinking sentimentality of our age, to populate asylum, hospital and prison.

    All these things the Eugenists sees and points out with a courage entirely admirable. But as a positive program of redemption, orthodox Eugenics can offer nothing more “constructive” than a renewed “cradle competition” between the “fit” and the “unfit.”* It sees that the most responsible and most intelligent members of society are the less fertile; that the feeble-minded are the more fertile. Herein lies the unbalance, the great biological menace to the future of civilization. Are we heading to biological destruction, toward the gradual but certain attack upon the stocks of intelligence and racial health by the sinister forces of the hordes of irresponsibility and imbecility? This is not such a remote danger as the optimistic Eugenist might suppose. The mating of the moron with a person of sound stock may, as Dr. Tredgold points out, gradually disseminate this trait far and wide until it undermines the vigor and efficiency of an entire nation and an entire race. This is no idle fancy. We must take it into account if we wish to escape the fate that has befallen so many civilizations in the past.”

    It must be remembered that Sanger, a committed soci@list believed that the government not only should be involved in selecting the “fit”, it should in fact be the driving force behind what she called Soci@l Hygiene i.e. weeding out the “unfit”.

  27. One of the issues that academics struggle with is why the Europeans & the European colonies have been the only group of people to advance out of agro-feudalism.

    Two thoughts:

    1) Europeans took the lead for awhile, but we are neck and neck with the Chinese and they are sure to take the lead – because they want the lead and we don’t.. A thousand years ago, Europe was a backwater and the gems of civilization were Moorish Spain and Bagdad.

    Cultural superiority comes and goes and one should never get a big head. 🙂

    2) One thing that Jared Diamond neglected to mention, or perhaps he did and I don’t recall, was an alphabet that lent itself to movable type. While the west was making advances in science and governance by the fifteenth century, the printing press poured gasoline on that fire and yes, other civilizations had presses but the phonetic Roman alphabet made being long-winded possible.

  28. Greg, I would not say Chinese. Asian, yes, but not Chinese specifically. Japanese and Koreans absolutely if you want to split hairs, but definitely not Chinese, not for a while.

  29. Greg, the Chinese may be “catching up with the West,” but they are still far behind and are doing so using Western advances in technology and political philosophy. Marx was not Chinese. Per Capita GDP in the US is about 6x that of China. The Chinese space program is about where the US was in the 1970s.
    Where this idea that the future would be better than the past came from is a mystery. In Elizabethan England no one believed in progress, technological or otherwise. A hundred years later belief that history was progressing, and not merely changing, was widespread throughout Europe.

  30. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 07.07.21 (Evening Edition) : The Other McCain

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