Open-ish Thread

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails with a great idea

How about a new series of posts entitled something like “Walking it
Back” in which we detail the lies told during the Trump administration
which now are admitted to have been lies?

Exhibit one.

Joe Doakes

Keep ’em coming in the comment section.

Please note – comments that are not examples of media and Democrat (ptr) lies about Trump will be deleted, sooner than later. 99.9% of the posts on this blog have barely-moderated comment threads (on both sides). This is an exception.

Carry on.

22 thoughts on “Open-ish Thread

  1. Fracking is an obvious one, although Scranton Joe has been on every side of the issue simultaneously, it would seem. A lot of people outside of the Philadelphia area have to be loving the shiv in the ribs.

  2. Something tells me that the residents of Philadelphia are not worried about the Keystone Pipeline, because they get their gas from the gas pump at the gas station.

  3. These are predicted lies we will see in coming weeks: when the Biden vaccine distribution proves to be no faster than Trump’s we will hear that it doesn’t matter because masks will protect us. When the government doesn’t allow Muslim majority people to enter at will after all, there will be Covid reasons used to justify it.

  4. Some people will die from the vaccine; likely a percentage even smaller than the virus mortality itself. Trump will be blamed for the deaths, though, because he rushed the vaccine.

  5. Responding to: “Inject bleach”
    On the other hand — the Trump administration left the country with a lifetime supply of hydroxychloroquine.

    Although it is still difficult to find ultra-violet suppositories.

  6. Although it is still difficult to find ultra-violet suppositories.

    Big issue at the Reek household.

  7. The idea that Trump was a tax cheat.
    This was always a crazy idea, but it fed the Democrat folklore that taxes represent a positive good. If paying your taxes is a moral good, then Trump must not have payed his taxes.

  8. I’m not certain it’s the tax’s — but rather the write offs. The value of assets reported to the IRS were different from that of the asset values reported to his lending institutions.
    One other point:
    Remember when candidate Trump promised to close all the loopholes that allow people like himself to avoid taxes?

    Remember when he specifically said that he’d *raise* taxes on people like Martin Shkreli, who produce nothing but make a fortune?

    Funny how his supporters don’t remember that these are exactly the types of promises that excited people enough to vote for him.

  9. “Funny how his supporters don’t remember that these are exactly the types of promises that excited people enough to vote for him.”

    What’s “funny” is you think you have enough insight into Trump supporters to make that statement. I don’t think you do, and I don’t think any reasonable person who reads what you write about Trump would believe it either.

  10. Geez, Emery. You must be freaking sooth sayer if you know what was on his tax records. Maybe you were the one that committed a felony by releasing them.

  11. Many of you haven’t fully grasped the fact that the previous president very sincerely tried his hardest to use the powers of his office to overturn the lawful and legitimate outcome of an election. Not just venting. Not silly tweets. But a genuine effort to end our democracy.

  12. Wow.
    It takes a serious underestimation of the powers of the president to say he “very seriously tried his hardest to use the powers of his office” to do anything.
    Besides, he could never “end our democracy”.
    We don’t have one of those.

  13. “The value of assets reported to the IRS were different from that of the asset values reported to his lending institutions.”
    so it has been reported.
    Not sure it is true. You simply cannot take the reporting at face value.
    If it is true, how common a practice is it for filers to use different values for taxable assets on their 1040vs some loan negotiation? We aren’t told by the NY Times, so it is fair to assume that it is not unusual.

  14. “Many of you haven’t fully grasped the fact that the previous president very sincerely tried his hardest to use the powers of his office to overturn the lawful and legitimate outcome of an election”

    The story of the Democrats, 2016-2021.

  15. Regarding Trump’s tax issues, the first thing to remember is that leaking the tax returns to the NY Times was a series of felonies by a person violating not only the law, but also IRS department policies.

    We would also infer that the person receiving those tax returns is also not a person overly troubled by issues of “legality” and “ethics”, and hence we might infer that we ought to be less than confident in the veracity of his writing.

    Let’s be blunt here; tax law is complicated, generally beyond the ability of journalists, let alone journalists untroubled by quaint notions of legality and ethics. The IRS has reviewed and approved Trump’s tax returns, and hence our best estimate is that Trump is not a tax cheat.

    Regarding overturning the election, the fact of the matter is that many states did indeed have election code changes which appeared to violate both the law and best practices for ballot security. Now that is not equivalent to proving that the election was indeed stolen, but it does indicate that if we look closely, we just might find some very interesting things.

  16. Pingback: Walking Back…Most Of Their Assertions, To Be Honest | Shot in the Dark

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