Triple Down

I asked American progressivism “American “progressivism”, you couldn’t possibly out-do your myopia from 2016, could you?”

And American progressivism – in this case Vox.comsaid “hold my kombuchba“:

The idea that identity politics is at odds with liberalism has become conventional wisdom in parts of the American political and intellectualelite. Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker has condemned contemporary identity politics as “an enemy of reason and Enlightenment values.” New York Times columnist Bari Weiss argues that the “corrupt identity politics of the left” amounts to a dangerously intolerant worldview. And New York magazine’s Andrew Sullivanclaims the “woke left” seems “not to genuinely believe in liberalism, liberal democracy, or persuasion.” This line of thinking is practically the founding credo of the school of internet thought known as the Intellectual Dark Web.

It is also deeply, profoundly wrong.

If you are deeply, profoundly progressive, anyway. . “Liberalism” and “progressivism” intersect only occasionally, if by “liberalism” you mean any of the traits that’ve made Western Civilization free, inclusive and prosperous in a way that is utterly anomalous through human history, which “progressives” most certainly do not. 

What these critics lambaste as an attack on liberalism is actually its best form: the logical extension of liberalism’s core commitment to social equality and democracy, adapted to address modern sources of inequality. A liberalism that rejects identity politics is a liberalism for the powerful, one that relegates the interests of marginalized groups to second-class status.

5 thoughts on “Triple Down

  1. What these critics lambaste as an attack on liberalism is actually its best form: the logical extension of liberalism’s core commitment to social equality and democracy
    It would be hard to be more wrong than this.
    The root of the word “liberalism” is “liberty,” not “democracy” or “equality.”
    Both “democracy” and “equality” are opposed to liberty. In democracy, 51% can enslave the 49%. Equality only exists where people are not free, that is, where the unequal faculties providence gives to men are stifled by the state.

  2. I think they are subconsciously trying to destroy the Democratic party. Im just going to sit back and watch the fireworks.

  3. In democracy, 51% can enslave the 49%. Equality only exists where people are not free, that is, where the unequal faculties providence gives to men are stifled by the state.

    Excellent points, MP. The phrase “Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what’s for dinner.” springs to mind whenever my left-leaning acquaintances row about how we’re a democracy.

    Years ago, I believe it was Dennis Prager who clarified what our constitutional republic is supposed to offer: Equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome.

  4. The Democrat party first. Then America. Because it isn’t perfect enough.

    If American Progressives had been there when Lucifer and his buddies were the Deep State sabotaging God because He wasn’t doing things the way they wanted them done, Progressives would have been cast out of Heaven with all the rest of the devils.

  5. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 02.24.20 : The Other McCain

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