The Rhetorical Equivalent Of The Moral Equivalent Of War

Why is it that the party that claims to eschew war (while getting us into most of the wars we’ve had since 1900) can’t keep its mitts off of militaristic rhetoric?

Big Left’s “Green New Deal” is, like nearly every gigantistic utopian Big Left enterprise since the Wilson Administration, the “moral equivalent of war” – requiring the nation to organize its economy along military lines, albeit without saying the “M” word.

Jonah Goldberg:

…the important point is that ever since philosopher William James coined the phrase the “moral equivalent of war,” American liberalism has been recycling the same basic idea: The country needs to be unified and organized as if we are at war, but not to fight a literal battle. The attraction stems from what John Dewey called “the social possibilities of war” — the ability to reorganize and unify society according to the schemes of planners and experts.
This was the through line of 20th-century liberalism, and now 21st-century liberalism, too. Wilson’s war socialism, FDR’s New Deal, Harry Truman’s Fair Deal, John F. Kennedy’s New Frontier, Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society, Jimmy Carter’s declaration that the energy crisis was a “moral equivalent of war,” and Barack Obama’s “new foundation for growth,” with his Thomas Friedman-inspired talk about “Sputnik moments”: It’s all the same idea gussied up as something new.
Another irony: The militaristic organization of the domestic economy is a hallmark of nationalist movements. But nationalism is a dirty word among liberals today.
Instead, they name-check a thoroughly nationalistic enterprise, the New Deal, and slap the word “Green” in front of it as if it were a fresh coat of paint.

If it got out that migrants mocked and taunted intersectional theory, I’d guess Big Left would appropriate the idea of a border wall, too.

2 thoughts on “The Rhetorical Equivalent Of The Moral Equivalent Of War

  1. We must demand an answer to one question whenever this ginormous stupidity rears its ugly head. That is, “If we do this, EXACTLY how many degrees of global warming will be prevented?” If the answer is NOT less than 0.1, they are lying and should be laughed off stage. If it IS less than 0.1, they are telling the truth and should be laughed off stage and then mocked incessantly after that.

  2. Re: The Trump Wall
    This is a manufactured crisis. Why wasn’t this a legislative priority in 2017 and 2018 when Republicans controlled the both chambers of Congress and the White House?

    Why didn’t Trump refuse to sign Paul Ryan’s funding bills without money for the wall?

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