Blinded By “Science”

I sort of cringed when I watched the “Science March” – because “Science” is being dragged down the same Orwellian linguistic rathole that has claimed so many other once-useful/meaningful words.

At one point, science meant “You have a theory.  You frame a hypothesis.  You come up with experiments that can disprove the hypothesis.  You publish the theory, the hypothesis, the experiments, and the results, with an aim toward allowing other scientists to check your work and see if your results could be repeated.

Today?  It’s just another word for peer pressure (from the left).

Ben Shapiro on the appearance of the loathsome Bill Nye at the marches:

But this is demonstrative of the Left’s take on science: Science is actually just the name for anything the Left likes. Worried about the humanity of an unborn child? Concerned that fetuses have their own blood types and their own DNA? Stop it! You’re quoting science, not Science™! Wondering how it is that a genetic male is actually a woman? You’re worrying about science, not Science™!

This is the dirty little secret of the Left’s sudden embrace of Science™ — it’s not science they support, but religion. They support that which they believe but cannot prove and do not care about proving. Bill Nye isn’t interested in a scientific debate about global warming — how much is occurring, the measurement techniques at issue, the sensitivity of the climate to carbon emissions, the range of factors that affect the climate. He wants you to accept his version of the truth — not just that global warming is happening, but that massive government intervention is necessary in order to avert imminent global catastrophe.

Worse?  This is just one front in the battle for something more important than science – the battle for the language itself.

And the good guys are losing that one, too.

11 thoughts on “Blinded By “Science”

  1. time was a person of a “merry, lively” disposition was gay
    or more darkly “A gay woman was a prostitute, a gay man a womanizer, a gay house a brothel. “
    now it simply refers to an identity locked monolithic Democrat/Progressive voting bloc, a collective guaranteed permanent victim status whose members struggle feebly to have a coherent individual identity.
    The word itself now carries such odious political baggage that it can only be spoken in a narrowly delineated manner by those not self-identified with the collective.

  2. The problem for the Warmist religion is that the actual Science AND THEIR science simply do not support their claims. When the IPCC models (the ONLY “scientific” predictions we have for the “global temperature” 100 years out) are asked about massive reductions in human CO2 emissions, the estimates of temperature reduction range from 1/100 to 1/4 of a degree, and that’s 100 years from now! Meanwhile, your weather forecast cannot get that close for tomorrow!

    Sheer madness, and it’s time somebody called them on it.

  3. Bill Nye the Eugenics Guy? That Bill Nye?

    JE, they have been called on. And more recently by a whistleblower who had documented proof the data was cooked specifically to fit Obumbler’s agenda. But nothing will happen, because ScienceTM!

  4. The funniest thing about that bit from Nye’s show is that Nye, who has a crazy ex-wife, had an actress singing and dancing whose major credit is about being a psycho ex girlfriend. I guess we know Nye’s “type”, then, don’t we?

  5. To be fair, “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” is hilarious (if liberal to an impeccable fault).

  6. Worse? This is just one front in the battle for something more important than science – the battle for the language itself.

    That’s what happens when the major communications channels pick a side: they get to choose how it’s framed.

  7. Mitch–perhaps true, but I would dare say that any woman who is married (as she is), but sings about the various ways she can use her hoo-ha that would generally not involve her husband, probably isn’t completely acting in that part, if you catch my drift.

    And it’s thus funny that Nye is more or less admitting his type here.

  8. Theae are the same people that will tell you, with a straight face, that a man wearing a wig and a dress doesnt believe he’s a woman; he IS a woman.

    They hate science, its sciencism they are celebrating. Its more than a religion, its a fetish, a raison d’être for ignorant, lost people that have rejected everything most humans value as important because they dont measure up.

    I think most scientists take comfort in the knowledge that Bill Nye isnt one of them, and the ghost of Ed Sulivan is gleefully watching the you tube clips of Nye proving hes not an entertainer either.

  9. AGW isn’t science. At least, the parts that drive policy aren’t science. The UN’s IPCC report talks about confidence levels. Politicians and pundits don’t, they speak in terms of absolutes.
    One of the fundamental problems with the IPCC reports is that they will say that something, say a 2.0 C deg. rise in global temps in the next century, is highly likely. When you look at the footnote, it says something like “highly likely” means > 90% chance.
    Then you look at how they determine “highly likely,” and one of the inputs is “judgement of the researcher.”
    Period. Full stop.
    If “judgement of the researcher” is an input, it’s not science. “Judgement of the researcher” is not quantitative. It is not the result of a repeatable experiment in the real world.
    That’s when it stops being science and becomes a personal political preference.

  10. Geez, wooly. There you go with sceinty talk again. Next you gonna start talking about difference between accuracy and precision and will cause our remaining libturd visitors heads to explode. After all, if they do not know what +/- means…

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