Change In The Weather

This past three weeks has been fascinating; I’ve watched a whole lot of people I’d considered fairly rational, sensible people completely losing their grip on reality. I could talk – “joke”, sure, what the heck – about how people on the political left frequently seem groaningly ignorant about history, but that’s a separate subject for another time.

I’ve seen some of them writing or sharing *precisely* the sort of end-of-the-world apocalyptic gloom and doom that they were mocking *some* Republicans for writing eight years ago – advice about surviving the end of civilization, the fall of civil society, barbarians at the gates, pretty much the whole “Walking Dead” bit.

The part that has me the most interested, though, is the dark, furtive references some of them are making to “resisting”…whatever it is they’re worried about. Some are even taking measures they’d considered downright unholy – indeed, measures that a month ago most of them were working to foreclose.

And while I detest schadenfreud, I just have to ask those liberals; are you finally starting to understand (however irrationally and mistakenly) why some of us bitter, gun-clinging deplorables fought to hard to protect the *originalist* interpretation of the Second Amendment?

Maybe just a little?

I’ve seen more than a few liberal writers claim that black people arming themselves is how we’ll “finally” get gun control.  Only at the hands of Democrats.  The NRA has been arming minorities since 1866.

6 thoughts on “Change In The Weather

  1. The most vile, racist, gun-toting white supremacist could never – in his wildest dreams, do what Planned Parenthood has done to black legacies.

  2. I’ve seen more than a few liberal writers claim that black people arming themselves is how we’ll “finally” get gun control. Only at the hands of Democrats.

    Alas, this is exactly how it will go down. Libturds will go out of the way to arm the undesirable portion of the population, mostly in sanctuary cities where thugs can run free of any police intervention, hence creating a crisis of biblical proportions that can only be saved by gun control. That is how they think. That is what they did/do in Chicago.

  3. Why do liberals hate blacks so much? They prevent them from going to good schools by shutting down charters and voucher programs, kill their unborn through subsidies to Planned Infanticide, kill their born and unborn through gun control, and deepen their poverty by subsidizing unwed parenting. Then they make matters worse by making them ride smoggy public transit.

    With friends on the left, who needs enemies?

  4. jpa,

    If that happens, we can only hope that it’s the libturds responsible for arming criminals, are victims, rather than innocent people who get caught in the crosshairs.

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