
Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

President Obama promised to transform America.

A college degree is no longer a sure investment.

Real estate is no longer an escalator to wealth.

Government bonds pay the lowest rates ever.

Race relations have never been worse.

Bathrooms are confusing.

Once, at least we had . . .

The Rule of Law, but

Now that’s gone.

So . . .

 What’s the survival strategy for the Second Clinton Presidency?

 Joe Doakes

You did see “Red Dawn”, right?

15 thoughts on “Transformation

  1. I write fiction. Truth is stranger. I can’t begin to imagine because my fiction is based in “plausibility.” There is no such thing in politics these days.

  2. Maybe it’s time to generate a mechanism for succession. Seriously. There was a time when the states were free to experiment with differing government styles under a Federal system. Now the Federal system has expanded to use powers never delegated to them to control the states. Just generating a plausible mechanism to create a path towards independence would do much to restore the balance of power in the Federal system.

  3. The Constitution says whatever the Upper House of the Legislature (i.e. the Supreme Court) wants it to say. Didn’t you learn about our tricameral legislature in civics class?

  4. All triggered, aren’t you Emery, you poor thing? Well, no worries; a little time out in your safe space should get you right as rain and plagiarization ready, little cowboy.

  5. The beauty of an article five convention is that you never have to call it. The Feds would stop you, anyway. At the start of the Civil War, the Missouri legislature voted to secede. Lincoln said they didn’t have a quorum, so the vote didn’t count, and then arrested the legislators (the ones he could catch). A real article 5 convention would make the Brexit seem like small potatoes. All you’ve got to do is threaten one; the closer you get to making it happen, the more compliant the Feds will become. It’s like a negative feedback system finding equilibrium.

  6. Nerd, I think succession is the only hope for America; both Real America and ersatz Amerika. We are at polar opposites; so far from one another I just don’t see how we can continue to perpetuate the fraud we are a “united” states.

    I think though, that rather than just have entire states succeed (although there are certainly states that don’t need to be partitioned), we might cut the existing states into geographic pieces that suit the demographic majorities that live there.

    For instance, if you draw a line from Fort Bragg, East to Willits California, then down to LA following US 5, West California could be a moonbat preserve preserving East California for real Americans. In fact, if you slice off the West-most 100 miles off the entire West coast, you’ve set a lot of real Americans free from the more populous moonbat infestation zones.

    If you cut New York city off the ass of New York state, you’ve got a perfect separation. Same with Virginia; cut the fat, leftist hemorrhoid East of the Potomac river off, and you’re left with a perfectly serviceable, moonbat free state.

    This plan isn’t pie-in-the-sky; it is an idea whose time has come

  7. Secede. Repeat after me… secede. There was an article on Hexit in local paper. I’m going to sign up.

  8. Yes, by all means secede. We have no use for immigrants in my vision for America. BTW which Justplainangrystan did you say you were from? Is it just a coincidence that some of the bombers from Turkey were from Russia too? I’m not saying you are but we may have to look into this. We may have to break a few eggs to make this omelet. “Keep America Safe™”

  9. Hmm, looks like I got myself a personal stalker. One who is not shy to issue personal threats. I must be speaking truth to power to be so singled out. But then I am sure it is just eTASS playing with his multiple aliases again.

  10. Emery said: “We have no use for immigrants in my vision for America. ”

    you canucks always were a resentful lot!

  11. I recommend the comment be sent to rewrite and punched up a bit. My advice would be to keep it to 140 characters or less.

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