Just To Clarify

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Hillary Clinton clarifies that children have no Constitutionally protected rights until the moment of birth.
This is a critical point. Roe v. Wade turns on a woman’s right to privacy, to be free from government snooping in her personal life. The unborn child’s right to liberty and pursuit of happiness never appear in that case because the law assumes that unborn child doesn’t even have the first right – a right to life – without which, none of the other rights matter.
It’s exactly the same legal analysis that applied to Negros in the Old South, or to Jews in Nazi Germany: they were technically homo sapiens but they were not “persons” in the eyes of the law. They had no rights. They could be murdered with impunity. Nowadays, Democrats have taken us one step further – we fund the murder with taxpayer dollars to supplement the profits from sale of infant body parts.
Abortion-for-convenience is the most sacred plank in the DFL party platform and it’s unconscionably evil. Never stop reminding them of it.
Joe Doakes

It almost make slaveholders look rational in comparison.


5 thoughts on “Just To Clarify

  1. DG
    Your rabid support of abortion is nothing short of a genocidal policy.
    Here’s some White Privilege disparate impact Facts for you:
    For the year 2014 in MN there were 10,123 abortions.
    Out of that total 8,602 identified their race.
    Blacks (5.7% of population) had 2,295 abortions or 26.67% of total,
    Whites (86.2% of population) had 5,336 abortions or 62% of total,
    American Indians(1.3% of population) had 253 abortions or 2.94% of total
    and Asians(4.5% of population) had 718 abortions or 8.35% of total
    This is your legacy of “white privilege” DG.

  2. It has always been my contention that abortion’s worst consequences are the damage it does to human dignity. Diminished human dignity is absorbed by the mob and society itself becomes ever less humane.

    Leftists can see our slouch to Gomorrah, but they take it to be a call to a party. Hence we get women who record their infanticides and post them on You Tube, discussions of “less crunchy” baby parts harvesting over lunch and #ShoutYourAbortion.

    The result among the great unwashed are soulless barbarians that are skilled at stalking prey by the age of 9, and have no compunction at slaughtering one another by 15.

    We might feel a pang of pity for the weaklings” fragile snowflakes of the the intelligentsia, but that is only because we were raised at a different time, on a different planet.

  3. There is a bright spot to the 55 million infanticides that have been perpetrated in the last 43 years…

    Imagine how many more democrats/libs/progs there would be had they not been D&C’d before they had the chance to get brainwashed.

  4. Roe v. Wade was a horrible precedent set by SCOTUS in 1973. Plessy v. Ferguson ‘separate but equal’ in 1898 was the only worse decision SCOTUS made. Brown v. Board overturned it in 1954 (I think). 56 years to force integration. Roe v. Wade will be overturned… between 2030 and 2040.

  5. What? Not a peep outta DG?
    as J Adams said “Facts are pesky things” and DG you can’t handle the facts can you lil darlin?

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