
Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

After border-crossers have lost their court cases and been denied asylum, federal law considers them “illegal aliens” and they are ordered to be deported.  While they’re awaiting deportation, Liberals claim they’re entitled to the same level of humane treatment as we give to American children in the foster care system, which our detention centers don’t provide.

Liberals hope by getting detention centers shut down, the government won’t be able to hold people for deportation and therefore, nobody will get deported.  Seems to me the solution is build a wall to keep them out in the first place.  Trump is right, again.

Meanwhile, providing what Liberals consider “humane” treatment is actually cruel.  The illegals come from places with housing standards substantially lower than expected in this nation.  So why are we obligated to improve their lot even as they are deported?  Making detention facilities nicer only highlights their loss when illegals eventually are returned to the squalor from whence they came.

Instead of that, illegal aliens awaiting deportation should be housed in comparable conditions to those they face when they are returned.  Giving them the taste of the land of milk and honey knowing they will have it ripped from them when they return to the land where nobody cares if they live or die . . . that’s heartless cruelty.

America is better than that.
Joe Doakes

The only greater cruelty?  Reminding them how very unlucky they were to be deported, much less caught at all.

8 thoughts on “Better

  1. La Crosse Wisconsin has a HUGE meth and heroin epidemic right now. Police say Mexican gangs are bringing much of the stuff in. I wonder if any of the Mexican gang bangers are here illegally. I wonder if they are enjoying a sanctuary status in Mpls and St Paul.

  2. I can see not allowing a “barrio” like place with tin and cardboard shacks–8th Amendment and all even though some of them will be going back to the same–but I seem to remember spending a few years sharing a room of about 150 square feet back in my “bright college days”, and my parents remember the Quonset huts that many veterans inhabited in GI Bill days. Basic safe, secure, place, but let’s not go for anything fancy like a Motel 6 or anything.

  3. It’s funny to hear someone tell me what I think.

    Joe, you’re as wrong as you can be. I have no particular opposition, in general, to deporting anyone who is an illegal alien. I DO have an objection to ripping apart families, so yes, “anchor babies” cause me concern. I don’t have solution, do you? Other than denying the children citizenship and changing the fundamental nature of our country, I mean.

    Lastly, calling making someone live in squalor as you seem to be advocating by advocating that they live in the “conditions to which they’ll return” rather than providing them a basic existence, is not just inhumane and disgusting, it’s nothing less than rhetorical justification for being ugly. We are better than that, certainly, aren’t we?

    Last, just to make you aware, the conditions in which most people awaiting deportation live are hardly decorous. Doubt it, go live in it. Better yet, ask Joe Arpaio to house you for a while.

    The bottom line is, this line of discussion is, once again, reminding us all of the “us vs. them” you so often practice. You build strawmen about the intentions of your political opponents and then use rhetoric to justify cruelty to those others. I’m never disappointed at being “not us” whenever I come and read this kind of drivel. Better to be “them” and moral and fair, than “us” and exclusionary and cruel. Really.

  4. “We are better than that, certainly, aren’t we?”
    We dropped nuclear bombs on cities full of civilians, Pen.
    No, we are not ‘better than that.’
    Government money used to support foreigners who break our laws means that there is less money to care for our own. It’s really very simple.

  5. Well, penny; since you feel that way, why don’t you volunteer to house some of them at your house? I mean, that would allow you to protect anchor babies.

    Also, when you are posting your illogical clap trap, please refrain from using starting a paragraph with “Lastly”, the begin your next one with “Last”. It gives the reader false hope that we can stop laughing at your absurdity, only to endure more of it.

  6. “last” always comes before “bottom line”, BH429. Didn’t they teach you nuthin’ at the orphanage?

  7. Pen, nobody tries to tell you what you think for obvious reasons. However, the article does give a strong hint that the thinking left does in fact take the stand listed by your host.

    And let’s face facts; a large portion of those who are actually deported in the past few years (beyond those stopped at the border) are those with a serious criminal record. When given the choice of putting them in a dormitory, more or less, versus allowing them to prey on Americans on our streets, I will put them in a fleabag dormitory every day of the week.

    Don’t want to be in substandard housing? Don’t break our laws.

  8. I would apologize for telling you what you think, Penigma, if I had it wrong. But did I?

    I said Liberals hoped to end deportation. You claim no opposition to deportation but instantly oppose deportation of anchor-baby families. You validate my claim.

    I said Liberals demanded better conditions for pending deportees than they will experience after being deported. You used the words squalor, disgusting and inhumane to describe living conditions in other countries, which you imply are lower than the “basic existence” conditions we owe them. Again, you validate my claim.

    You claim I created a straw man Us versus Them but the difference between Citizen and Alien is not an imaginary or speculative difference invented for rhetorical purposes, it’s the existing law of the land and the entire organizational basis of western civilization since the Treaty of Westphalia.

    I’m not the one trying to fundamentally change the nature of our country; that’s President Obama, who seems to want the United States to become a second-world has-been power like France or Spain. He’s well on his way, thanks to fellow travelers like you.

    I decline to apologize for correctly characterizing how Liberals think.

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