Every Debate With Almost Every Gun Control Advocate

I thought I’d post a quick guide to every single debate every single Real American has with every single gun-grabber.

Note that not all Grabbers go through all four rounds; the less-depraved and less-vacuous they are as people, the earlier they drop out.

Round 1:

GUN CONTROLLER:  <Starts with a round of “facts” that may or may not be in context, or even remotely true>

2ND AMENDENT ADVOCATE: <Debunks the first round of “facts” with actual facts, without breaking much of a sweat if it’s not their first time at the rodeo>

Round 2

GUN CONTROLLER:  “But we’ve got to doooooooooooooo something”

2ND AMENDMENT ADVOCATE:  “Crime is down 50% in 20 years; no single problem in society has responded as quickly and effectively as crime has responded to what we’re already doooooooing – which is liberalize gun laws for the law-abiding, and increase penalties for the criminals”.

Round 3

GUN CONTROLLER:  <Insert one of the following>:

  • Ad Hominem: “You’re paranoid”
  • Strawman:  “You care more for your guns than the lives of children!”
  • Non-Sequitur:  “What’s wrong with common sense gun control?”

2ND AMENDMENT ADVOCATE:  <Points out that each is not only a logical fallacy, but still easily debunked on factual grounds>

Round 4

(Note:  Only the most logically depraved Grabbers get to this point).

GUN CONTROLLER:  “Clearly you’re compensating for something”

2ND AMENDMENT ADVOCATE:  “Yes – the presence of evil in this world”, usually followed by checking out of the “Debate”.


7 thoughts on “Every Debate With Almost Every Gun Control Advocate

  1. I would think the starting point should be the text of the Second Amendment and the bill of rights in general.
    They can always change the constitution. It has an amendment process. Once you get away from “amendment by Kennedy”, the process requires that any change have timely, broad, and deep support. Seems reasonable.
    The gun grabbers can try to convince the American people, who will, after all, have to live with the consequences of eliminating the second amendment to a far greater extent than the tiny minority of wealthy celebrities, billionaire financiers, and career politicians.

  2. I’m not a gun person. Haven’t handled a firearm since… A bachelor party at a gun club for a friend who just celebrated his Silver Wedding Anniversary.
    But I’ve had enough of the anti-civil-rights crowd saying we have to “doooooo something”. So rather than argue that we have “donnnne something” or point out that the places with the most gun control laws have the most gun crime or say “do you hold your fork liable for the fact that you are fat?” or even note that the 2nd Amendment wasn’t written to protect us from the tyranny of white tail deer, or ducks or even tin cans; I have a new tactic.
    I send them this link:
    And when they reply we have to “dooooooooo something”. There it is, that’s what you can “doooooooo”. Pass an Amendment repealing the 2nd Amendment.
    “The NRA ‘owns’ Congress so that will never happen.” Then if so many agree with you, just get 2/3 of the state legislatures to call for a Constitutional Convention then get 3/4 of the states to ratify it. It will be some heavy lifting, that’s for sure.
    “Well the President is going to go all Executive Action on 2A”. And he will lose. He’ll lose like Kim Davis lost. You don’t want the President emulating Kim Davis, now do you?
    I’m so tired of this compassion with other people’s money or other people’s rights.
    Pass an amendment that cancels 2A gun grabbers. To paraphrase Charles C.W. Cooke of Nat’l Review: “Bloody well get on with it”.

  3. I always just state the good old Ben Franklin quote, ‘those who are willing too give up liberty for security deserve neither’. I have yet to hear a coherent response to it.

  4. Franklin? Quaker’s son and printer?
    Geo. Washington == aristocrat
    Thos. Jefferson == aristocrat
    Ben Franklin == bourgeois

  5. If you want to read about an “original rebel” go read about Franklin’s young life. Sure, he was a printer, but he ran away from indentured servitude he disliked the restrictions his older brother placed on him (like not letting him write satirical comments under a pseudonym that were hugely popular), and became a fugitive before set up on his own in another town as a clerk. He was a pretty wild man and no respecter of laws or conventions.

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