
Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

I went to a new restaurant and hated it – there were too many menu choices and they all sounded so good that I couldn’t decide because I worried there was a better choice.

Cops have that problem.  The deputy sheriff guarding our building wears a Batman Belt giving her the choice of responding to problems with handcuffs, baton, pepper spray, Taser, pistol . . . too late, you’re dead.  Took too long to decide because you were worried there was a better choice.

We should go back to the old way: nightstick and a pistol, forget the rest.  If you go in the cop car peacefully, we won’t need handcuffs; if not, you’ll either go in the ambulance or the hearse and again, we won’t need handcuffs.  Should make the rules of behavior easier for cops and much clearer for People Whose Lives Matter.

Joe Doakes

I’m gonna indulge in a rare disagreement with Joe here.  The less we treat cops like medieval knights and civilians like peasants, the better.

4 thoughts on “Power

  1. what bothers me are the new generation of cops who say perfectly reasonable things like: “Please step away from the SAW sir” or “Please put down that grenade sir” in that calm HAL 9000 voice from 2001 – the transition to the politically correct PAL (Police Automated Logic) system 21000 will be seamless.

  2. Joe:

    Hopefully as part of training the person will be told when to use it. Still I think Batman and Robin in their days pulled out the right stuff all of the time with no problems.

    Walter Hanson
    Minneapolis, MN

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