Betting Long On Ignorance

Like most of the Real Americans that support the Second Amendment, I am agog at the gullibility and willful illiteracy of most American gun control advocates, up to and including many of their leadership.

For years, I’ve thought “this just has to be part of a strategy to rope in the gullible, the badly-informed, the fear-driven, and the intellectual-legends-in-their-own-minds”.

And as with most of my flippant observations about human behavior that start out as sarcastic jokes and almost invariably turn out to be ironclad truths, it turns out I’m exactly,l precisely correct.

The “Violence Policy Center” – a “think tank” supported by liberals with deep pockets, that’s short on the “think” and long on the “in the tank” – did a report on gun control tactics in 1988.   While I was pro-Second-Amendment back then, I didn’t spend a lot of time reading the opposition on the subject.

And if I had, I’d have spent the past 27 years beating on this coming quote like John Bonham playing “Moby Dick”:

“The semi-automatic weapons’ menacing looks, coupled with the public’s confusion over fully automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons — anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun — can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons.”

In other words, the past three decades of the gun control movement have been predicated on exploiting technical ignorance, fear and gullibility.

It extends to all areas of their agenda, of course – stats, policy, history – but rarely do you find a grabber putting it in as many words.

5 thoughts on “Betting Long On Ignorance

  1. Once again, our feckless leader and wannabee leaders use tragedy for political gain.

    They were very careful not to point out that the murderer was a mentally deficient, gay black man, conditioned by years of conditioning to consider himself a victim. He saw the KKK behind every tree and believed that everyone was against him because they were racists.

    Ah, the left wing stupidity marches on.

  2. Most Leftism is based on deception. “We are going to take everyones money — but not yours.” “We are going to ration everyones healthcare — but not yours.” “We are going to limit everyones constitutional rights — but not yours.”

  3. Boss, I think the investigators are discovering that his narcissism went so deep that he could do not wrong, and others were completely to blame for his plight in life. A very sick mind, and very murderous intent. Also read coward for taking the easy way out when he couldn’t get away with his heinous actions.

  4. beating on this coming quote like John Bonham playing “Moby Dick”: – Pure poetry!

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