Fit To Be Tied

So after six years of “Hillary is inevitable”, six months of the establishment positing Jeb Bush as the only option, and six weeks of the media trying to wedge the GOP with Donald Trump, we have  what might be surprising news to report (emphasis added):

If the election were held today, Clinton would be tied with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker in the poll—down from significant leads in a May 28 survey—but would top the current GOP frontrunner Donald Trump.

Let’s make sure we’re clear on this:  the media has been anointing Hillary as “the first woman president” for a generation, now.  They’ve been pimping Trump to monkeywrench the GOP.  The GOP “establishment” has been pushing Jeb as the next best hope – not without some reason.

And yet the stubborn peasants keep popping up for Walker.

I’ll be more relieved if Walker is atop the polls this spring, naturally.


17 thoughts on “Fit To Be Tied

  1. Camille Paglia in this week’s issue of Salon:
    But Walker is a very talented and combative politician, with far more substance than liberals are allowing for.

    The union issue is huge–because as governor of Wisconsin, Walker went to war with unions and won. Liberals are caught in the past right now in their rosy view of unions, which were heroically established during the progressive era that reformed the abuses of the industrial revolution. But the union battle in Wisconsin had nothing to do with exploited working-class miners or factory workers. In his push to balance the state budget, Walker took action against the middle-class public sector unions, whose negotiations with municipal and state governments outside the arena of private competition have become an enormous drain on local budgets as the economy has worsened. There has been a history of rampant corruption in the public sector unions, coming from their cozy quid pro quo relationships with politicians. Liberals need to wake up about this! All they have to do is read the obituaries of the smaller newspapers in metropolitan New York to see how the early retirement and lavish pensions of the public sector unions have grotesquely drained taxpayer dollars. Obituary after obituary–so-and-so, aged 75, worked for fifteen or twenty years as a policeman or city sanitation worker, retired in his late 40s, and spent the rest of his life on the taxpayer’s dime, pursuing his hobbies of fishing, boating, and golfing. Great work if you can get it!

  2. A thing to remember about the Bush family: “Prescott Bush was politically active on social issues. He was involved with the American Birth Control League as early as 1942, and served as the treasurer of the first national capital campaign of Planned Parenthood in 1947. “

  3. Identity politics. Obama works as the first black (sic) President as he was relatively young, a hip cool guy. Someone who makes your leg all tingely.

    Hillary….she looks like a grandma. Maybe that department head at a college who lectures you on what is best for you. Not someone who you want to scream at (in a good way) at a rally so loud you lose your voice.

    If you are shallow enough to support and vote for someone solely based on skin hue or gender, you are shallow enough to not vote for someone if they don’t seem cool enough. Lefties like to be trendy and different (even if by being different, they all conform). So old man Bernie the socialist is fun for them.
    Obama? He came out of no where so was new and fun. Hillary has been in the public sight since….say 1991. 14 years isn’t new and exciting.

  4. Walker just scored big with Unintimidated, and Jeb keeps digging a hole by continuing to espouse support for AGW and past ties to PP.

  5. I’m of two minds. I’d like Walker as president, but I’d be disappointed to lose my governor since I expect he’ll be hard to replace.

  6. Nerd better think of all the good he could do nationally dismantling public sector unions!

  7. Oh geesh. When I typed that, I thought to myself “it sure seems a lot longer than 14 years that the Clintons have been in the news almost every day”. Yeah, 24 sounds more like it.

  8. The latest Bill bimbo eruption reporting is likely being coordinated by Hillary’s camp. Her “stand by your man” sympathy is the only substantive “accomplishment” that can be documented. As she falls in the polls, it’s time to pull out all the stops and tricks.

  9. From kelsey reference earlier Camille Pagilia believe’s hillary will drop out before even the primary debates because of health reasons. Well that and Sanders would shred her in a debate

  10. Nerd better think of all the good he could do nationally dismantling public sector unions!

    Which I have to balance about all the damage that would be done locally were Diamond Jim to get elected. It’s not as though he’d be able to turn the whole US into a right-to-work country. He had the Republican legislature to help him, and I doubt the GOP has the balls to go nuclear and dump the filibuster to give him that kind of a victory.

    Like I said, I’m of two minds.

  11. Drudge links to a Daily Mail article on what’s going on with Bill’s women. If 80% of this is true….oh my. “Willard”

    I like one of the comments. How about Anthony Weiner and Eric Holder run as a ticket. They would be “Weiner-Holder 2016”.

  12. POD I was thinking more like Kelsey Grammer – I didn’t realize autocorrect would default to transgender mode, but given your ministry I suppose that’s what I should expect.

  13. POD
    I think Sanders will throw the debate if it ever comes to it – remember Bill is the Arnold Rothstein of the Democrat party – the fix will be in.

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