Protection For We, But Not For Ye

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Some local folks lost their home for non-payment of real estate taxes.  Their son allegedly showed up at the county offices, threatened some staff, broke a window.  A restraining order was issued but staff wasn’t satisfied.

“A piece of paper won’t keep him away, he might come back with a gun. We need protection,” they told the County Manager.

Like what?  A guy with a badge?  We have that, the private security guard at the door.

No, he’s just a rent-a-cop.  We are a unit of County government, we want a Deputy Sheriff.

Pull a deputy off patrol to babysit an office building?  How about a Reserve Deputy?  Wears the same uniform and badge, is that okay?

No, Reserve Deputies don’t carry a gun.  We want a real deputy.

So what you want is a Good Guy with a Gun to defend you from the possible Bad Guy with a Gun?

Not necessarily, it could be a female deputy; but basically, yes.

So we got one, she’s been sitting in the squad in the parking lot.  With her gun.

Amazing how being personally targeted clarifies one’s thinking.

Heather Martens would be appalled.

Joe Doakes

Well, I for one think Heather would looooove a police state.

5 thoughts on “Protection For We, But Not For Ye

  1. A point of clarification: I have no personal knowledge of the facts that led to the Deputy being assigned here, the ‘conversation’ is my own creation based on comments I heard from staff, but I think it captures the mood in the building. In other words, it’s fake but accurate. JD

  2. When you find yourself in a situation where you NEED a gun – it’s too late.

  3. I would guess that there is some prohibition, as terms of employment, against employees being armed…

  4. Adrian – correct. The building is not posted as a Gun Free Zone – they tried but statute doesn’t allow that so they pulled the signs back down – but the employment manual makes it a firing offense to carry firearms to work.

    The point remains: when a civilian is threatened and has property vandalized, they get a piece of paper, instructions to call 911 and scolded to leave defense to the professionals. When it happens to bureaucrats, we get a sworn officer standing guard all day long. Some animals are more equal than others?

  5. “In other words, it’s fake but accurate.”
    A moment of candor.
    More Daily Mail please…

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