A Good Girl With A Gun

A West Virginia sex worker shoots and kills a man who police believe may be a serial killer.

“When he strangled me he just wouldn’t let me get any air,” she said. ” I grabbed my rake and when he laid the gun down to get the rake out of my hands, I shot him. I just grabbed the gun and shot behind me.”

And how do the police figure he’s a serial killer, and not just another Democrat operative looking for something edgier than strip clubs?

He showed up with a “kill list,” multiple pairs of handcuffs and a Subaru full of weapons and tools, including a shovel, knives, a bulletproof vest, a machete, bleach, trash bags, sledgehammers and axes, according to Fox affiliate KPTV.


In Falls’s pocket, police said, was a list of names of potential future victims, all of whom are sex workers who advertised on Backpage, according to the Daily Dot.

The string of killings for which he’s suspected?  Pretty ugly.  Six women are missing in Chillicothe, Ohio – in a population of 21,000.

No word yet on whether Jane Kay or Rep. Heather Martens want to charge the woman for not taking a background check before taking the guy’s gun.

Remember, folks:  no need for a gun.  The police will take care of it.  They’re trained for this sort of thing.

4 thoughts on “A Good Girl With A Gun

  1. Well, since the majority of criminals, even the white collar variety are Democrats , it is highly likely that this low life was one.

  2. Correction; at least four of those women in Chillicothe are no longer missing, but rather their corpses have been found. Scary, as it’s a classic east-midwestern small town that doesn’t have the traditional feeders of prostitution–no interstate goes through, an hour from Columbus, etc.. I was born 20 miles north in Circleville, so this hits home. Those are kids I might have known had I not moved to Indiana as a young child.

    Not quite sure how you arm yourself effectively in that profession, though. Seems that there are a few things you’d have to do that would, um, break the concealment, to put it mildly.

  3. <DG>
    Impossible. There is no “good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun”. EVER. This is all NRA funded FAUX(affilliate)News propaganda.

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