Dear Midway Rainbow

To:  Midway Rainbow

From: Mitch Berg, longtime customer

Re: Thanks

I’ve been coming to your Midway store for nearly twenty years.

In that time, in exchange for prices slightly lower than Cub and a little higher than WalMart, I’ve endured the dirty, tatty condition of the store (although not since the remodel job), a generation of disinterested cashiers, checkout lines that vary from “oppressive” to “absurd”, and  your infamous parking lot, AKA “Panhandler Alley”, where I have heard every phony sob story conceivable – although only rarely after the neighboring liquor store closes, to be fair.

But after this week’s Bing cherry sale – like, a buck a pound for the most delicious cherries I’ve had in years?

Yes.  All is forgiven.

That is all.

6 thoughts on “Dear Midway Rainbow

  1. Heh, that’s the store where I saw the lady throw up all over the bakery table, then keep shoping like nothing happened.

    Yeah, it’s amazing how many people in that parking lot “run out of gas” and “need” “$4.00” to buy “gas” so they can get to their “aunt’s” house in “Eagan” to “babysit”.

  2. Johnny…..I actually gave a guy a couple of books in the Midway Rainbow lot because he didn’t make up a stupid-ass story. He just came up to me and asked for some cash. I told him that the reason I am giving him some money is because he didn’t try to make up a story about why he needed it. And knowning that those $2 went to Big Top Liquor…well worth it.

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