Laphraoig Akbar!

The Airport Commission is debating the Moslem cabbies’ “right” to refuse service to people with alcohol.

I’ve had about enough of these idiots:

Many cabbies disagreed, saying that the proposal denies them the right to freely practice their religion.

“This is discrimination,” proclaimed Ahmed Shine, a taxi driver for seven years.

No, it’s a “job condition”.  If my religion forbade me from watching people use software, my employer would be well within its rights to toss me.  Ditto the MAC.

And the MAC isn’t saying you can’t drive a cab.  Merely that you can’t drive one on its turf, the airport.

Beyond that, Ahmed?  Stand on principle!  Refuse the booze!  Eke out a living hauling welfare fares home from the grocery store (no booze there!).

Abdifatah Abdi, who said he was speaking for an association of cabdrivers, said the commissioners “will be judged on your decision.”You are deciding the livelihood of 600 drivers and their families,” Abdi said. “Say no to discrimination. Say yes to justice for the weak.”

Then go out and get a job where you don’t have to deal with infidels!

Seriously, what’s next?  Refusing to serve women who aren’t wearing chador?

Go drive your cab in Mogadishu.

104 thoughts on “Laphraoig Akbar!

  1. Well we know Kermit’s a dude, though his sexual orientation remains unknown. Cause who wouldn’t have given it up for that hottie, Miss Piggie?

  2. 100 comments later and that’s the best you can do. I’d compliment you, but we already have your opinion on that.

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