
…is only a matter of time.

BREAKING: Minnesota’s highest court rules for Al Franken

The unanimous opinion ruled that Franken “received the highest number of votes legally cast” and is entitled “to receive the certificate of election as United States senator from the state of Minnesota.”

Minn. rules for Franken in Senate fight

Franken, a former Saturday Night Live star making the leap from life as a left-wing author and radio talker to the Senate, planned a news conference later Tuesday and didn’t immediately comment.

With credentials like that, it’s official:



now Franken.

It’s a threepeat of embarrassment.

Sadly, Mr. Franken will provide bloggers plenty of antics to write about; hardly a silver lining.

34 thoughts on “Embarrassment

  1. No surprise.

    It should have read “received the highest number of votes counted”.

    Heck, even a justice said there was double counting!

    State Supreme Court Justice G. Barry Anderson, has acknowledged that “very likely there was a double counting.”

    Our recount process is a joke.

    Sorry grandma, your vote was canceled by one of them cityiots.

  2. Yes, we know angryclown. So let me issue a pre-emptive strike, if I may:

    SUCK IT, WINGNUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Question: how many people would need to boycott the 2010 census for Minnesotans to be “undercounted” enough for Minnesota to lose a House seat and an Electoral College vote to a red or a purple State? I’m not talking about merely not answering the questions that go beyond the number and ages of the people in your home, I mean don’t respond at all so that the State’s numbers take a dive.

  4. And Peev comes in to declare his embarassment coming to an and (and his sense of pride for this state puffing up to capacity) in 3… 2… 1…

  5. About half a million, Thorley, but keep in mind that doing so would probably apportion a GOP House seat or two out of existence as well, and would also bring very real FEC investigations when all those towns showed more voters than residents counted by the Census. Not a good idea.

    And quite frankly, Franken doesn’t have to do anything to embarrass Minnesota. The fact that half the state voted for this guy is shameful enough already.

  6. Good point about the apportionment. Last time we had at least had a seat at the table in the form of a Republican-controlled House. With a DFL-controlled House and Senate, the likelihood that we would get (even more) screwed rises significantly. Since I live in the 3CD and have a decent Congressman, I’ll fill in the number and ages and write NOYFB for the rest.

  7. Ventura’s embarassment was ballanced by the way he (and voters) embarassed the Of-Course-I’ll-Win-I’m-A-Humphrey candidate and the DFL that backed him.

    Now THAT was funny!

  8. The fact that half the state voted for this guy is shameful enough already.

    Technically, it was only about 43% of the electorate. The way I see it is the majority of the voting public did not want that putz Franken as our Senator. Does little to lessen the embarrassment, however.

  9. I’m sure Franken will be a fantastic senator. I mean, the tax evasion, the ripping off of the Boys & Girls Club, the racism, sexism and homophobia, fantasies about abusing women, the physical assaults at political rallys.

    That’s all just wingnut noise, right?

  10. very real FEC investigations when all those towns showed more voters than residents counted by the Census
    Well shit, that’s how the little creep stole his seat. I didn’t see the FEC looking too closely at that fraud.

  11. “You know, comrades,” says Stalin, “that I think in regard to this: I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.”

    Hugh Hewitt ” If it’s not close they can’t cheat”.

    Norm ticked off nearly every conservative in this State trying to get the Enviroweenie endorsements. Had he voted more conservatively he would have had much more enthusiastic supporters.

  12. Mitch,

    Embarrasment, yes, at saying the Franken position had no legal standing, at saying that Coleman was OBVIOUSLY in the right with respect to the law – that we were a legal laughingstock.

    And then getting repudiated, not once, not twice, but three times by jurists, republicans in the majority in the most part, and unanimously.

    Embarrassment at appearing to be nothing but a hyper-partisan hack who would cliam the law was on your side when ruling after ruling clearly indicated it wasn’t. Embarrasment at claiming double counting when NO proof of such was offered other than some OTHER partisan hack claiming it.

    Then, insulting Wellstone, a man who’s legacy even YOU have complimented in the past, to stand with Coleman, a carpet-bagging political whore/chameleon who’s great claim to fame was getting schooled by Rep Gallway on the investigation of UN Oil for Food – an investigation which roundly embarrassed Coleman AND the US.

    The embarrassment you feel is your own face turning red, or if not, it surely should be.

  13. By the way – K rod:

    Do something with your time instead of simply spewing filth – read the decision – the term LEGALLY CAST BALLOTS is rather instructive below – not double counted ballots, not “of ballots we could find, and those we couldn’t” – your complaint is bogus crappolla – but I guess that’s not new.

    From the ruling:

    “After a trial, the three-judge trial court we appointed to hear the election contest issued its findings of fact, conclusions of law, and order for judgment, concluding that Franken received 312 more legally cast votes than Coleman and that Franken was entitled to a certificate of election for the office of United States Senator. The question presented on appeal is whether the trial court erred in concluding that Al Franken received the most legally cast votes in the election for United States Senator. Because we conclude that appellants have not shown that the trial court‟s findings of fact are clearly erroneous or that the court committed an error of law or abused its discretion, we affirm.”

  14. filth

    “Filth”? Really?

    Disagreement is one thing, but “filth?”

    Have you been sneaking into the Alinsky again?

  15. By the way Peev, LEARN HOW TO READ!!! It’s a Johnny Roosh post you self-indulgent little squab.

  16. K-Rod:

    “Coleman articulates no compelling reason why that same principle should not apply here. The ballots are missing, but Coleman introduced no evidence of foul play or misconduct, and the election day precinct returns are available to give effect to those votes. We hold that the trial court did not err in ruling that the election day precinct returns for Minneapolis Ward 3, Precinct 1, were properly included in the tally of legally cast votes”

    The point, for all you neo-nutz, is simply this, you CLAIMED double counting, but you NEVER had proof of it – being an appellant, or contestant, requires you prove your case. You just had words.

    Let me be more clear. Coleman’s appeal wasn’t just rejected, it was repudiated, each and every point he (and you) claimed was virtually MOCKED by the court – You could not have been more in the wrong. Coleman’s position was torn apart in this ruling, on each and every point – only his sychophantic, mindless hordes (like you) mouthed his idiotic position (well, that and his paid attorneys) – Even Joel Friedberg appeared at a loss in front of the Supremes on several points, because doubtless he knew the case was a fraud. You and Coleman, and your ilk, deprived this state of a legally elected representative for 8 months. You revel in it, you revel in undermining the government, in undermining the voters to get their intent affected in Washington – the embarrassment is yours.

  17. Kerm – Mitch wrote the orignal posts about legal standing.

    Mitch – that wasn’t intended as a personal slight, but rather at the position taken – it was a dirty position, a dirty trick – sorry if you disagree, but it’s how I see it. Considering the comment that “Anti-Semitism is a key tenet of the American Left” I think we can reasonably conclude entirely civil conduct is not the province of your comments section, and even of the posts themselves, can’t we?

  18. I can’t speak for anyone here but myself. The embarrassment isn’t the court proceedings that marked this case. It’s the fact that a carpetbagging, pornographing, vulgar, unqualified, tax-cheat opportunist could get elected to high office in my home state.

    Republicans should be embarrassed they couldn’t beat the loudmouthed idiot. Democrats should be embarrassed that he is the best they could come up with.

    Both sides of the aisle are going to regret this one for a long, long time.

  19. Let’s see here… Obama took the state with 54% of the vote but Franken only took 43% of the vote.

    Kind of looks like a bunch of Democrats thought Franken was an embarrassment too.

  20. None of Franken’s “jokes” were ever funny. Now he is makeing Minnesota into a big joke and it still isn’t funny. The guy is a mounth-breathing neanderthal, and, oh yeah, that’s to be expected – he’s a DIM-O-Crat.

  21. Boohoo! Geez, SitD is getting weepier than those chick flicks on Lifetime.

  22. Quite the riposte, old bean! “You should know.” You have cut Angryclown to the quick, sir!

  23. Penigma’s 7:01 seems to say that once a court has ruled, that ruling determines the absolute truth of the matter; no further questions are permissible in polite society.

    Which is why Dred Scott still rules the land. And why Progressives love Bush v. Gore exactly the same amount as they love Stenberg v. Carhart.

    It’s all so clear now.


  24. Quite the riposte, pallie! “Quite the riposte, old bean!” Your “cut to the quick” has cut my quick to the quick!

  25. Boohoo! Geez, SitD is getting weepier than those chick flicks on Lifetime.

    Ahhhh, but you people were the picture of dignity and decorum after the 2004 elections, right? Maybe that’s the example we should follow, eh?

  26. Roosh doesn’t have a quick.

    Either does Mitch.

    Or so say the ladies.

  27. Nice meltdown, Peev!!!

    I am glad you finally can admit that YOU “deprived this state of a legally elected representative”.


    State Supreme Court Justice G. Barry Anderson, has acknowledged that “very likely there was a double counting.”

    So, Peev, how many State Supreme Court Justice do you consider to be a “partisan hack”?

    You sure have spewed filth worse than this; I remember when you wrote:
    “put another nail in the coffin of the idea of Isreal” – penigma 01.13.09

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