Lies, Damned Lies, And Government Damned Lies

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Government statistics are unreliable.

No lie, Bwana.

In the absence of reliable data, nobody can make sensible plans for business expansion, for retirement.  Our own government is killing our economic recovery.

The aggression of our government towards its own citizens in defense of politicians’ idiotic pet programs dwarfs the threat of Russian aggression.

Government aggression toward the citizens – and its parent, government believing it’s here to govern you, rather than the other way around – are going to be make-or-break problems for this society.

I have to say I’m not feeling optimistic.

2 thoughts on “Lies, Damned Lies, And Government Damned Lies

  1. Amen. I’ve thought myself that it is flat out scary that the Fed itself is making decisions based on such abysmally flawed statistics as the current jobless rate. And go figure that it was corrupted during the Clinton administration, but the left used this corruption that they themselves had insisted on to bludgeon the Bush administration. Berg’s Laws again, I guess.

  2. Cronyism depends on hiding the results of its actions, so with a steeper descent into cronyism in the US this shouldn’t be a surprise.

    We’d be in Great Depression II if unemployment and GDP were measured today as they were then.

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