The “Stasi Bill” Vs. “The Bullying Bill”, Part 2

Senator Roger Chamberlain has been leading the push to try to replace Senator Dibble’s “bullying bill”, HF 826, with a bill that addresses bullying rather than serves as a bludgeon of indoctrination.

He wrote a piece on Facebook (among, I’m sure, other places) earlier this week that I think sums things up well.  I’m going to excerpt it below, with a few bits of emphasis added by me:


I need to be blunt. HF 826 will turn our schools into indoctrination camps; it will create a climate of fear. Our children will be stripped of their innocence and humanity; HF 826 looks at children as nothing more than programmable machinery. Parents will lose more control, school districts lose control, and communities will lose control.
Another sad and disturbing fact is some elected officials and lobbyists do not care about the larger issue, the overall harm the bill will cause to children and parents. They will work to cut deals with the bill’s author and when they achieve their specific objective, and then they will walk away. One lobbyist said they will simply live with the results of the session.

What happened to the idea of doing what is right? Unfortunately it’s a fairly rare concept in government.

There is an alternative, senate file 2411 (SF 2411) it is based on North Dakota law, which, in 2011, was endorsed by our Attorney General Lori Swanson. It is short, 4 pages not 20 pages, clarifies the issue but most importantly it protects all kids equally, retains parental rights and local control.

HF 826 is not just another law people will learn to live with, it’s not MNSure, and these are children, your children and not some abstraction. People have no idea the damage this will cause; they have no idea what they are asking for.


If you take action on no other issue this session (and I know this blog’s audience is prone to taking action on political issues), do it for this one.


4 thoughts on “The “Stasi Bill” Vs. “The Bullying Bill”, Part 2

  1. Crap! This is really short notice, but the Bloomington School Board is hosting a legislative forum to discuss legislative goals and proposed bills affecting public education TOMORROW beginning at 8:00 a.m. All of the corrupt left wing cabal from this end of town are scheduled to be there:
    Ann “spend it anyway” Lenczewski, Lying Melissa Franzen, Melissa Halvorson Wiklund, Paul Rosenthal and Linda Slocum.
    It’s being held in the board room of the Educational Services Center, 1350 W. 106th St. in Bloomington. the Oak Grove Middle School building. There is an exit for 106th off of 35W South. Take a right at the bottom of the exit and go about a block for the parking lot entrance, just as you start back down the hill. If anyone besides me is represented by any of these goons, please come.

  2. Further evidence, were any necessary, that you should do whatever it takes to ensure that your kids and grandkids are in a private, charter or home school.

  3. mnb…that’s the problem. We use private schools to get away from left wing control, but this bill affects private schools also. It forces private schools to have to allow outside left wing political groups to have access to the schools and students.

  4. That’s only true of private schools that get public financing, Chuck. There are many out there that are exempt, although almost all are parochial, which may be a problem for some. All my kids attended St. Agnes, which is open to all, as long as they abide by the rules.

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