The Global Carbon Credit

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Minnesota is having the worst winter in 30 years.  Meanwhile, Australia just had its hottest Summer.  Plainly, the Aussies are no allies: they’re heat thieves.  They’ve stolen our global warming and I, for one, want it back.

I say we invade at once, at least through April; then we can call it off and be home in time for the fishing opener.

Joe Doakes

Minnesotans who are that upset about weather could at least rehearse an invasion…

7 thoughts on “The Global Carbon Credit

  1. What kills me is, 25% of the human carbon ever produced has been generated in the last 15 years while ALL of their dumb models are breaking on the low side. You can’t make it up

  2. China and India put up a coal fired electricity plant every single week.

    The USA consumes 25% of the earth’s resources, but only 12% of the coal.

    We have myriad energy security issues not being addressed.

    = we are ruled by morons.

  3. There is a local company that supplies firearms shooting ranges with rubber pellets for use as a backstop. They’re about 1″ X 1″ and are made from old “Uke” tires (immense mining vehicles technically called Euclids) because the rubber is soft and contains no metal belting. Works great.

    I was told by a company rep that China also uses large quantities of the rubber pellets as fuel for their power plants. That was about ten years ago, so I’m not sure if the practice is still around. I believe that China was given a pass by the Kyoto Accord. Heck of a carbon footprint if true …

  4. “The USA consumes 25% of the earth’s resources, but only 12% of the coal.”
    LNG — not solar, not wind, not nuclear — is the fuel of the future.
    Converting a coal fired plant to LNG is a piece of cake, and we have lots of LNG. It scales well, while renewables do not scale well.
    One of the stupid cliche’s the watermelons like to throw around is “The US uses 25% of the world’s resources while it has only 5% of the world’s people!”
    On what planet is that a sensible comparison? What is the purpose of making the comparison? It’s apples and oranges. The correct, meaningful comparison is goods consumed versus economic output. Use of mechanized power is more economical than use of human power, that’s why the West is rich and the rest of the world is poor.
    Living “close to nature” often means wasting an awful lot of effort gathering fuel for cooking or carrying water. This is what the enviro-nazis want you to do rather than turn on the stove or turn on the tap.

  5. Energy is everything for human survival and thriving. The developing world will not tolerate pretending otherwise

    Most of the renewables are a waste of time and resources in this sense.

  6. ““= we are ruled by morons” That pretty much puts it in a nutshell !!”

    Read Kevin Williamson’s book. Mitch has interviewed him twice, now, for good reason.

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