Yes, We Can Audaciously Hope For Change

Obama’s “radical change” from Bush’s policy on Guantanamo cribbed almost word-for-word from Bush’s policy:

Earlier today, CJ posted his examination of the Executive Orders regarding the Guantanamo Detention Facilities. His conclusion is that it bears little difference than the way the Bush Administration has been handling the situation; and that there’s enough legal loopholes in the wording, as to allow President Obama an “out”, from following through with closing the facility, should the Administration fail to solve the dilemma of what to do with the remaining detainees.

So; the adminstration of “radical change” seems to be changing little to nothing about the nation’s foreign policy, is actively moving to squelch the civil liberties of its opposition, and has turned the Democrats – who spent the last four years pantomiming as “fiscally responsible” – into crack whores with stolen gold cards.

Si, se pudo.

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