Obama’s Gathering Fascism

Obama’s wants to do to American conservatism with Rumsfeld tried to do to Iraqi Ba’athism; cut off its head using.

After picking a public fight with Rush Limbaugh, the White House is now begun to actively move to censor conservative talk radio:

The White House is promising new reviews of the “obligations” to the government by broadcasters who “occupy the nation’s spectrum” just as the president has targeted conservative talk radio icon Rush Limbaugh for a public attack, raising concerns over the possible restoration of the “Fairness Doctrine,” a policy that failed as unneeded and unconstitutional two decades ago.

Paul Ibrahim of NorthStarWriters.com cited Obama’s warning to congressional Republicans that “you can’t just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done” in suggesting the president has become the “driving force” because a new “systematic” plan to “intimidate and demonize Obama’s opponents.”

Prediction:  Obama will declare the nation “hopes” for censorship to “change” the political landscape.

That such a campaign was launched only days after Obama’s inauguration is “tremendously perturbing,” he wrote.

“Welcome to the politics of hope ‘n’ change. Obama’s startling attempt to hang Limbaugh’s scalp on the wall is a warning that the new ruler does not want unity – he demands it,” Ibrahim wrote.

Question, all you lefties out there:  feeling “chilled” yet?

And when I asked you yesterday if “dissent was still patriotic” – how many of you and your friends have used the phrase “Rush Limbaugh is unamerican” in the past week?

21 thoughts on “Obama’s Gathering Fascism

  1. Oh, boohoo! We live in a fascist state! Someone criticized Rush Limbaugh! Whatever shall we do?

  2. You are a blind moron.

    It’s not the insult to Rush that is or has been the problem. It’s the insult to Obama that has Fearless Leader about to use a political appointment to a regulatory agency to shut down dissent.

    It’s the beginning. I’m sure you’ll be happy in your size 32 jack-boots.

  3. “Someone”? Or was that the POTUS? And was that really the focus of the post? No. You did an excellent job of missing the point, angryclown, but of obfuscating it? I think you might have to try harder.

  4. Someone

    The President, to be completely accurate.

    If Bush had ripped on Rachel Maddow (hahahaha), you know y’all would be wetting your collective pants and bum-rushing the ACLU office.

  5. Dude, Bush couldn’t win a verbal duel with Barney the Frikken Dinosaur, much less Rachel Maddow. Please stop talking nonsense.

  6. a verbal duel with Barney the Frikken Dinosaur, much less Rachel Maddow

    Well, you’ve got it partly wrong; Barney would actually beat the fairly inept Maddow.

    Oh, yeah – and it’s all hypothetical, because in eight years in office, Bush did not even once unload rhetorically on a single pundit that attacked him.

    Unlike The One.

  7. Mitch whined:
    …because in eight years in office, Bush did not even once unload rhetorically on a single pundit that attacked him.

    Ha, ha, can you say PUSS?? ‘Murcans would have had a helluva lot more respect for the boy clown if he had called out Olbermann JUST ONCE, even some hippie libs would’ve begrudged him that one.

    If BO/Congress actually acts to forward the Fairness Doctrine, then that will be a bad thing because it’s free-speech-infringing bullshit and because it will deny real ‘murcans the unintentional comedic brayings of Rush, Ingraham and whatever other fourth-rate clown college rejects you guys go to for ideas. Rignt now BO is saber-rattling, using his political capital and popularity to influence lawmakers to help implement his agenda. It’s called politics, DIMWITS, and holding up GWB as a paragon of virtue because he didn’t know how to play defense is all to indicative of your future. This is how the right dies.

    Dissent is patriotic, whiny incompetence isn’t. Nice to have a preznint who knows how to play the game, eh?

  8. Dissent isn’t patriotic at all.

    It is simply an activity upon which the government cannot infringe.

    (Jesus, Tim… why so ragey? Not enough hopey-changey?)

  9. Genius,

    whiny incompetence isn’t.

    OK, so how does Bush’s (let’s not argue the point) “incompetence” excuse Obama’s direct attack on a pundit?

    And, as usual, “Tim”, you missed the point; Obama, who’s benefitted from tingly legs on the parts of 90% of the American media, is attacking a pundit; Bush, who was lambasted (usually wrongly) by that same 90%, never did.

    And again – what liberties did you, a “citizen”, lose under Bush?

    If you could answer without any of your usual puerile insults, that’d be both a help and a huge surprise.

  10. Oh stop being a bunch of whiny little girls. If Limbaugh can’t defend himself in the marketplace of ideas, he doesn’t deserve all you slavish wingnut fans.

  11. So which is it: A) a PUSS, or B) a Hitler-like figure who is/will/has taken away all our civil rights?

    Could a person make a more retarded argument? I think not.

  12. You’re still a blind moron!

    It’s got noting to do with Rush! Obama is about to destroy the First Amendment to silence all his critics. That has nothing in common with G.W. Bush, GHW Bush or Reagan… However it’s right in line with Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Lenin, pick your dictator, they all started by using state power to silence their opposition.

    This has nothing to do with Rush’s ratings or market share, which are astronomical & rising, this has to do with your Messiah.

  13. “If Limbaugh can`t defend himself in the marketplace of ideas..” That`s the point , Bozo. He can defend himself in the free and open marketplace of ideas, but maybe not one “regulated” by the government. The ones that can`t defend themselves (or prosper) are liberal talk radio. As usual you miss the point.

  14. Oh stop peeing your pants about everything, you wingnut ninnies. Get back to me when there’s a chance of Rush getting legislated off the air and maybe Angryclown will take you seriously. As it is, you’re getting all worked up about nothing. As usual.

  15. Try to keep up moron!

    There doesn’t have to be legislation. FDR started the executive regulation phenomenon back in the 30’s. Now entities like the FCC, FAA, OSHA etc, pass binding “regulations” rather legislated law.

    You collectivists have things so screwed over, you don’t even get it!

  16. Remember when the Lefties whined about Ari Fleischer making an offhand remark about Americans having to “watch what they say, watch what they do” re the firing of Bill Maher?
    My, things do look differently when your holding the whip.
    Quit whining about other people whining, AC. Every time you do that you’ve got more fingers pointing back at you than a finger-thing made out of finger things in a mirrored finger factory.

  17. You, Terry, are like the Hindu goddess Kali with all the fingers pointing back at yourself.

  18. There’s a fighting chance that if there was a conservative version of Randi Rhodes on the radio, and this hypothetical person said half of the things that Randi Rhodes has said (or even half of the things that have been reported to have been said) about GW, but this hypothetical person said them about President Obama… that person might be out of a job, right?

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