Got Irony?

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

This is an actual ad promoting Obama-care.

It’s real (I checked Snopes). The message is that young women should buy Obama-care so they can get free birth control pills and therefore have as much sex as they want, without worrying about the consequences.

Two thoughts:

1. Buying Obama-care to get free birth control pills is like buying a house to get the free toaster.


2. Iowahawk is right: it’s amazing how much of modern feminism seems to have been thought up by horny teenage boys.

Joe Doakes

Most of liberalism and its attendant ideologies seem like the product of one form of arrested adolescence – self-righteousness, intense moralism mixed with minimal knowledge, or that know-it-all-ism that every 18 year old has, and that most 55-year-old Saint Olaf grads who still have Wellstone stickers on their Subarus never lost.

3 thoughts on “Got Irony?

  1. Some people wonder where they found women to appear in these ads. I’m guessing it was the backpage of the City Pages.

  2. In other news about the Health Insurance Deform Act, it appears that Sandra Fluke got her contraceptive coverage, but it is going to raise insurance costs for students from about $100 annually to around $1500. The young who used to buy high deductible, low service plans are getting hit similarly.

    “oops”. Those are some expensive condoms and birth control pills, I’d say. And how appropriate that those who screwed the country by voting for Obama are getting screwed themselves, and that as they make plans to, you know……the irony just doesn’t get much better than this!

  3. I believe this is the ad that was discussed on Fox and Linbaugh earlier (It didn’t make it to my screen).

    There is also a corresponding ad targeting men of the same age. The Colorado ad features a college-age boy doing a “keg stand” with the tap pointed at his mouth. The message is to the effect that the money saved with Obamacare can be put towards his beer bill.

    These people have no shame, or care for the well-being of young Americans. Certainly indiscriminate sex and irresponsible alcohol consumption won’t result in any negative health ramifications.

    We’ll know they’re really on the ropes when they start featuring Joe Camel.

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