Lingvistikk Geeks Delta Sammen!

I can’t stop laughing at this.

But you’d have to be a real language geek to know why.

(And truth be told, I prefer Bøkmal, but that isn’t nearly as funny)

4 thoughts on “Lingvistikk Geeks Delta Sammen!

  1. Bøkmal versus New Norwegian? My understanding is there are fairly strong negative attitudes towards New Norwegian. Anyone have insight into this? It almost seems like saying, “I punch babies!” or something equally reprehensible.

  2. There are deep battle lines in Norway; it’s almost a red/blue battle in Norwegian linguistic circles, over the battle between the two standards. Most of Norway settled into choosing one or the other decades ago, and nothing much has budged since, if I recall correctly.

    The T-shirt/cap, however, is mostly a pun…

  3. I caught that joke on a stocking cap on the Netflix series, “Lilyhammer,” but didn’t figure anyone but me would get it. Du er en bedre kar en jeg er, Gunga Berg.

  4. I caught the joke the same place. And I laughed so hard my sides hurt.

    Jeg er et “språksgeek”. Og jeg vil lære Norsk …

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