
Here’s the question:  do I express surprise that John Stossel has pretty well documented the press’ in-the-bag-for-Obama-itude

Fifty-seven percent of the print and broadcast stories about the Republican nominee were decidedly negative, the Project for Excellence in Journalism says in a report out today, while 14 percent were positive. The McCain campaign has repeatedly complained that the mainstream media are biased toward the senator from Illinois.

Obama’s coverage was more balanced during the six-week period from Sept. 8 through last Thursday, with 36 percent of the stories clearly positive, 35 percent neutral or mixed and 29 percent negative.

McCain has struggled during this period and slipped in the polls, which is one of the reasons for the more negative assessments by the 48 news outlets studied by the Washington-based group. But the imbalance is striking nonetheless.

…or the fact that people might either be surprised by, or deny, the conclusion?

Oh, yeah – the report wasn’t actually by conservative John Stossel; it was by center-lefty Howard Kurtz.

8 thoughts on “Conundrum

  1. I suppose the weather man is biased if he predicts cold for most of January in Minnesota.

  2. Nice to see you’re getting all your alibis ready

    Like “racism” and “Diebold” and “five doughy white guys in dockers?”

    Oh, wait…

  3. In Ohio in 2004 it was supposedly black vans full of Mormons – or neatly dressed white guys or whatever — challenging the votes of minorities who registered & voted the same day without showing ID.
    The America liberals live in is like some kind of weird cross between Men in Black and an SA rally.

  4. See Terry, just cause you can dig up some kooky theory put forward by someone who is not Angryclown doesn’t mean you have successfully refuted Angryclown.

  5. What has Obama really accomplished in his 3 years in the Senate? Very little! No experience and not fit to be President. And then there’s Biden, the guy with foot-in-mouth disease like his erratic, liberal illuminati lefties! I’ll take Palin/McCain anytime with their traditional values.

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