Days When You Need More Than Seven Rounds

It took place in Thailand.

Yep, it was overseas. Do we have many gangs of people roaming cities in packs, looting and pillaging?

Well, not often, but stuff happens.

Just saying; if that bar owner had been limited to seven rounds or less, he and his innocent customers might well know what deli meat feels like.

17 thoughts on “Days When You Need More Than Seven Rounds

  1. Why? Because you don’t know how to reload? What about owners of revolvers?

    Your contention is ridiculous.

  2. ah yes the resident “weapons and tactics expert” weighs in … but, but, but, DG where’s your homework?

  3. Or turning Penigma’s Chihuahua’s contention around: “So it doesn’t matter what size magazine is used, ’cause you can always reload. Thus magazine capacity limits are teh stupid”

  4. Let’s see about our roving gangs. I seem to remember that there are dozens (hundreds?) of varieties of Crips, Bloods, Nortenos, about fifty or so indigenous street gangs in Chicago (spreading to the Cities via Amtrak!), M13, native and imported drug distributors…..and people who actually live in the big city argue that we don’t have roving gangs of criminals attacking people? Am I missing something here?

    And to flip Doggone’s idea that “you can always reload” on its head, if you can wreak the same amount of mayhem on a street gang by reloading your six shooter chambered on .45 long Colt, what’s the need to ban large capacity magazines? After all, if innocents can reload, so can criminals.

  5. Fess up Mitch; Mongrel Cur is another of your sock-puppet satires.

    You had me for awhile, but lately you’ve dared stretch my credulity towards leftist stupidity too far.

  6. I don’t think so swiftee – Mitch has shown much more imagination than the one note/one dimensional DG betrays.

    in one of her recent screeds DG had this to say:
    ” in the ways that right wing power is reflected in BOTH religion and government,… it needs to be overturned, repudiated, rejected, and exterminated, eradicated.”

    so it won’t be long before she breaks out the brown shirts and joins the Schutzstaffel to protect her party and pure ideology from the likes of us.

  7. Your example contradicts your conclusion Kel.

    That is clearly Mitch, drawing on his interest in WWII history to amusingly paraphrase a Goebbel’s chanting point, with some Marty Feldman thrown in just ’cause he can.

  8. Dog Gone is correct: high-capacity magazines are unfair to revolver owners.

    There is only one solution: ban revolvers.


  9. Who could possibly know what you need to defend yourself and your family better than Dog Gone?

  10. Of course we don’t have gangs of people roaming our cities in packs, looting and pillaging. We call them “flash mobs”. And when not committing crimes they occasionally break into song.

    If there’s anything worse than being victimized by a pack of looters and pillagers, it’s being victimized by a pack of looters and pillagers driving Vespas.

  11. I confess, I’m surprised Dog Gone overlooked the obvious problem with the video: backstop.

    When the Aurora theatre shooter was standing in the aisle killing people, she argued theatre-goers should not return fire for fear of hitting innocent civilians; instead, she insisted middle-aged flabby White guys should attack the man with the assault rife bare-handed.

    So how come this Thai gets a pass? Why isn’t he using his mad Ninja skilz? Where’s the firearms safety lecture?

    It’s almost as if Dog Gone doesn’t actually have any principles, she’s just being contrary until the talking-points memo comes out from DFL Central.

  12. “It’s almost as if Dog Gone doesn’t actually have any principles,”

    she doesn’t! Adds to the din, nothing else, she’s just rhetorical cannon fodder for the left.

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