Just So We’re Clear On This…

…The One apparently “won” the debate last night…

…where “won” apparently means “showed up with a pulse”, “forestalled mass suicide among liberals” and, with a little help from Candy Crowley and the assembled mainstream media, didn’t get too many lies and fabrications called out.

The definition apparently had little to do with wooing undecideds, though.

I’m all about the clarity.

4 thoughts on “Just So We’re Clear On This…

  1. More clarity:

    CreepyCrawley interrupts Romney 28 times, 0bumbler – 9
    0bumbler gets 4 minutes and 18 seconds more to speak (in addition to 3 minutes and 14 seconds in the first debate).

    0bumbler could not debate himself out of a paper bag without his MSM water carriers. But hey, if they say he won, he must have. ’cause who else are you going to beleive? Surely not your own lying eyes and ears?

  2. Why I’ll never be a politician:
    If I was debating and the moderator decided to interrupt me with a “fact check”, I’d give her “the look” and enunciate, very clearly, the words “Who the F*CK are you?

  3. My take–having debated a couple of years myself in high school–is that when Obama says “not true” to anything without providing any evidence to back up that contention, he’s conceding that he doesn’t have a point. By that measure, Obama lost, and badly.

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