Bring On The Debates!

Paul Mirengoff from Powerline’s takeaway from Mac and Barry’s go-round at Saddleback – in this case, on the candidates’ answers about their Supreme Court choices:

In any case, what’s most telling here is Obama’s unwillingness or inability to do what McCain did — identify the four (or five) Justices he obviously wouldn’t have nominated, and articulate the simple and obvious reason. Instead, Obama gave an incomplete answer coupled with an irrelevant reference to Thomas’ level of experience, a plug for his status as a “professor,” and (after prompting) a cheap shot at Roberts.

Read the whole thing for the context, obviously.

But this highlights how, via inexperience or (messianic) temperament, Obama’s just not ready for prime time in the “think on your feet” department.

Y’know – like we needed any more evidence.information.

2 thoughts on “Bring On The Debates!

  1. Laura Ingraham referenced this debate this morning (as well as Kermit did on Anti-Strib), geared more towards the abortion question “At what point does a fetus obtain human rights”

    McCain: At the moment of conception
    Obama: To answer that with specificity would be above my pay grade

    No, the Obama answer is “after complete biological separation from the host, and only if the host wants it.”

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