Compare And Contrast

I’m not going to get into the politics of the shooting at the Family Research Council headquarters.

Neither are the leftymedia.  In stark contrast to…

  • the Aurora shooting, where NBC’s Brian Ross falsely identified shooter Holmes as a Tea Party organizer
  • the Tucson massacre, where the blood hadn’t dried before the leftymedia gravely blamed it all on Sarah Palin’s rhetoric
  • The Discovery Network incident, in which a nutcase with a gun and a bomb took over the network’s lobby.  It was blamed on conservatives, until it turned out James Jay Lee was a Zero Population Growth advocate inspired by Obama’s “Science Czar” John Holgren (at which point the story disappeared)
  • the Pentagon Subway shooting, which the left and media (ptr) blamed on the Tea Party until it turned out John Patrick Bedell was a lefty (at which point the story disappeared)
  • the Austin, TX airplane crash, in which a lone pilot crashed a light plane into the skyscraper housing the Austin, Texas IRS office.  Blamed, naturally, on the Tea Party, until it got out that Joseph Stack was an anti-Bush zealot (at which point the story disappeared)
  • The death of Bill Sparkman, which the media hurried to pin on Michele Bachmann, until it turned out he was a lefty too (at which point the story disappeared)

…the media are being very circumspect about politicizing the incident.

Why, maybe they’ve learned their lesson!

Or maybe they are, as always, serving the narrative, if they bothered to note the incident at all.

30 thoughts on “Compare And Contrast

  1. I think I remember Dog Gone being awfully hot to pin blame for the Bill Sparkman death. Does anyone else remember that?

  2. I don’t specifically remember her addressing Sparkman. But she did in fact ascribe many subsequent incidents to the Tea Party that in fact turned out not to be.

  3. You forgot a few on your list, such as the Sikh Temple massacre that just happened in Wisconsin. Strange that Leonard Pitts just wrote an op ed on this exact same issue:

    Domestic terrorists are domestic terrorists — doesn’t matter if they are right or left wing, although we see more of the right types lately. Both are dangerous. This man appears to have been incited by the war on gays and women. We’ve seen others incited by the war on pro-life, war on religion, etc. It cuts both ways, and the extreme (“war on”) rhetoric could have something to do with it. It’s like a game of chicken. Nobody is going to stop the extreme rhetoric (and they ignore the consequence of inciting the extremists) when one or the other side keeps ratcheting it up. Michele Bachmann has been a primary player in all of this . . . the latest being her accusation that the government is infiltrated with foreign terrorist sympathizers. Then the Sikh Temple massacre took place, and it appears the shooter thought he was killing Muslims.

  4. You forgot a few on your list, such as the Sikh Temple massacre that just happened in Wisconsin

    And you forgot the Bath Michigan School Bombing and the massacre at Katyn Wood, among thousands of others…

    No, that’s absurd. It wasn’t intended to be an exhaustive list of massacres, and the whole ‘you didn’t list every possible incident whether it is germane to the issue or not” is one of the most juvenile logical fallacy there is. Please never do it again.

    Nope, I “forgot” nothing.

    Strange that Leonard Pitts just wrote an op ed on this exact same issue

    …in which he portrays himself as a narcissistic left-wing loonie who thinks “dissent” is “hate”.

    Domestic terrorists are domestic terrorists — doesn’t matter if they are right or left wing, although we see more of the right types lately.

    Well, no.

    Leaving aside the notion that neo-Nazis are “right” – they’re not – it’s more a matter of the current government drawing the line between “crime” and “Terrorism”, at least domestically, at a point that favors the left.

    And you, “Sanity”, participate in this in your next bit here:

    . This man appears to have been incited by the war on gays and women.

    And you are justifying it by calling it a “war” against gays and women. It’s hogwash, and it’s the sort of rhetoric that demigogues from both sides – mostly the left – have always used to justify their excesses.

    Think about it – because he and his ilk, including you, call it a “war”, he in his narcissistic little pea-brain though it appropriate to try to kill someone in the lobby of a group he hated.

    By calling “taking a side in the debate over our culture” a “war”, you abet the terrorism, framing everything as a duel to the death.

    It’s not.

    Be a better person, “Sanity”, and never do that again.

  5. Berg, you missed “Sanity’s” most obvious logical stretch, Michele Bachmann has been a primary player in all of this. Yep. Bachmann is implicated in a gay rights nut job attempting murder in a Christian political office. It’s perfect leftist logic. I’ve heard Bachmann is also responsible for toenail fungus. The woman is despicable.

  6. I, was going to post, but I couldn’t put it nearly as eloquently as you, Mitch.

    But I would like to ask, sanity…is it not the least bit possible to hold this person responsible for their own actions? Why is it inherent to assign blame to a political opponent for a tragedy…or I should ask, why is it inherent (seemingly exclusively) to those on the left?

  7. Of course this particular story doesn’t conjure immediate calmor for gun control as in other situations because it actually plays against the left in two ways: It draws attention to the fact that one of their own is actually capable of violence…and secondly it contradicts the rationale linking gun control as a method of crime control as DC has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation…much like Illinois…and the left and the leftist manistream media are doing their damndest to ignore the horrific violent crime rates in Chicago

  8. Yes, I also like to call the Amy Bishop incident in early 2010 to the attention of left idiots. She was the professor at the University of Alabama that was denied tenure, then during a department meeting, stood up and started shooting a 9mm handgun, killing three of her colleagues and seriously wounding three more. Apparently, she was a real wack job. She had previously shot and killed her brother (ruled an accident) and she and her husband were suspects in a pipe bomb incident directed toward her lab supervisor. Of course, she was from Massachusetts, the home of many left wing moonbats. That story also disappeared quickly.

    I also get furious with lefties that only focused on what a tragedy the shooting of Gabby Giffords was, elevating her to sainthood for all that she endured, without any mention of the six others that died, including conservative Federal Judge John Roll, who actually saved another person’s life by sacrificing his own or the other 12 people that were wounded. Of course, it seems to only matter to jerks like Sanity that one of their own was shot. The irony is that, again, the lying bobbleheads in Obumbler’s ministry of propaganda, tried to paint Loughner as a Tea Party member, but during his investigation, several people classified him as a left winger and very liberal.

  9. These acts are typical of godless people who see themselves as the only sane entities on the planet.

  10. ‘By calling “taking a side in the debate over our culture” a “war”, you abet the terrorism, framing everything as a duel to the death.’

    That was my point, and why I used the extreme rhetoric (“war”, which gets used by both sides — note that I used it from both partisan perspectives. I guess that didn’t come across as I meant it). We are polarized. That’s (the extreme polarization, the divide and conquer tactics) what abets the terrorism, IMO. It seems everyone has taken a line in the sand position in the culture debates. There are no compromises on anything anymore. It’s what causes gridlock in government. Everything runs to the extreme, all the time. It’s why people start using extreme language to describe everything — it’s part of the divide and conquer strategy tactics — words like “tyranny” and “obstructionist” and “fascist” and “communist” and “death panels” and “don’t tread on me” and “live free or die”, etc. This language of revolution and extremes, some of which is used by Bachmann on a regular basis, is endemic in today’s political dialogue. Like you, I believe that at some level it abets in domestic terrorism.

  11. It is beyond question that violent extremists of the Left find support within their political community that violent extremists of the Right do not. There is no equivalent on the right of Ayers & Dohrn.
    It is also beyond question that left terrorists target ordinary working people. When the SLA kidnapped Patty Hearst, they didn’t kill her, they trained her to kill ordinary working people. Look at how the Left came out in support of Soliah, for God’s sake.
    If Soliah had tried to kill anyone fashionable they have sent her to the gallows.

  12. Like you, I believe that at some level it abets in domestic terrorism.
    The voice of the establishment.

  13. “It is beyond question that violent extremists of the Left find support within their political community that violent extremists of the Right do not.”

    I don’t agree. Which violent left groups are receiving support from the official community? On either side? There is support for those who use extremist rhetoric, yes, but not for those who actually practice violence, anywhere.

    Bradlee Dean Smith has condoned jailing and execution of gays (thinks the old sodomy laws should be enforced and they should be prosecuted) on his radio show, and he continues to be given air time by the conservative station owner. Limbaugh calls a woman a “slut” (talk about extreme language) on his radio show and finds plenty of apologists in his community. Maher skirts the edge of decency as well (on the left).

    We see this support for extreme rhetoric on a regular basis, but I’ve never seen any evidence that anyone supports violent acts . . . what do you see that would confirm that?

  14. Remember about 3 years ago….almost on the same day, an anti-abortion wacko (and I say this as a pro-lifer) killed an abortionist. And a pro-choice activist went up to a pro-life protester in Michigan and murdered him on the streat. Shot him in the head. He said he hates pro-life people.

    Guess which one got in the news.

  15. Sanity, I don’t have the time now, but some day I can school you on what the Gaystapo does.

  16. “Gaystapo”

    A good example of the extremist rhetoric employed by the right. Thinly veiled attempt to call them fascists.

    When you start from a position of complete disrespect for those holding the opposing view there is no room for civil dialogue or compromise.

    It’s unfortunate that we have the marriage ballot question. Words can have unintended consequences. Unfortunately.

    We need to get back to our Christian values of showing respect for others. I’m not sure how we get there as a society, but this needs to happen.

  17. You do seem denser than usual today, “Sanity”.
    I used the plural “violent extremists of the left” and mentioned three names.
    Please try to get it together.

  18. “I used the plural “violent extremists of the left” and mentioned three names.
    Please try to get it together.”

    I understand that there were violent extremists on the left in the 60’s-70’s era (SLA, etc). For the most part they are disbanded or inactive. I’m talking about what is going on today.

  19. Sanity…what about the domestic terrorists that came to St Paul in 2008 for the RNC? Do I need to send you some links?

  20. And one received a “settlement” of a couple years in jail for building a bomb.

    Loathe as I am to say it, I “notice you omitted that”.

  21. I’m talking about what is going on today.
    So am I. Ayres and Dorn were awarded prestigious jobs in foundations and academia. Soliah was supported, very publicly.

    Her local supporters have included progressive activists, a few politicians, members of the theater community, professors and attorneys. Olson and her husband since 1980, Dr. Gerald “Fred” Peterson, were known among their friends for the dinners and parties they hosted.

    Andy Dawkins, a Democratic former state representative from St. Paul and a family friend for close to 30 years, remains one of her most outspoken supporters.

    “She was a wonderful mom and a wonderful asset to our community and did all sorts of things to help people,” he said.

    Note the date in the above link.

  22. More about Obama’s economy:

    Jobless rates rise in NY, NJ and Connecticut in July
    Thu Aug 16, 2012 6:42pm EDT

    (Reuters) – Jobless rates for New York, Connecticut and New Jersey all climbed in July, with New Jersey seeing its highest unemployment rate since 1977, according to data from the three neighboring states on Thursday.
    New Jersey’s jobless rate rose for the fourth month in a row, to 9.8 percent, up from 9.6 percent in June and from 9.4 percent in July 2011, according to preliminary numbers from the state Department of Labor.

    New York’s unemployment rate also increased from both June and the year-earlier month, rising to 9.1 percent. In June the jobless rate was 8.9 percent, and a year-ago July it was 8.2 percent, the state reported.

    In Connecticut the unemployment rate climbed to 8.5 percent from 8.1 percent in June, but was down from 8.9 percent a year-ago.

  23. I am not going to look up the links now, but here is some of the violence that Dave Thune’s liberals did in St Paul.

    -Threw a very large rock through a bus window and severally injured an 80 year old bus driver.
    -Threw acid on convention attendees
    -Droped a heavy sand bag off of a bridge in an attempt to murder a female police officer.

    Need more?

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