
I’m supporting Tony Hernandez for US House in CD4.

Someone asked me “what is it you’re trying to accomplish by campaigning against long-time incumbent Betty McCollum”  Are you just trying to move the needle?  Force the DFL to spend money on McCollum so they can’t spend it against Bachmann, Kline, Paulsen and Cravaack?


I mean, yes – all of that.  But that’s all vastly subsidiary to the real goal.  And that real goal isn’t “vanquishing Betty McCollum” – although driving her from office in a humiliating defeat this fall, sending her back to work as a receptionist at Alliance For A Better Minnesota, would be a great start.

No, my goal is this:  Within ten years, I want the DFL to be the minority party in Saint Paul.  I want the children of today’s DFLers to mock, taunt and revile their elders for their depraved short-sightedness in ever having backed such a addlepated party, a party that played such a pivotal role in trying to leave them in generations of debt.  In 2022, I want Democrats to quietly soft-pedal their party endorsement, lest they be pelted with rocks and garbage from a community that regards them as the petty authoritarians they actually are.

In short, I don’t want to just beat the DFL; I want to begin (or continue) an arc at the end of which is the complete extinction of – not the DFL, really, but the entire idea of “progressivism” as they practice it – the thinly-veiled authoritarianism of the centralized, bureaucratic, interventionist government (and if it’s a dead issue here, really, where will they be viable?).

Any questions?

5 thoughts on “Questions

  1. Brad Miner – over at – ends his review of “For Greater Glory” with the following: “As the end credits rolled, I thought of T.S. Eliot:

    ‘We fight for lost causes because we know that our defeat and dismay may be the preface to our successors’ victory, though that victory itself will be temporary; we fight rather to keep something alive than in the expectation that it will triumph.'”

  2. “Progressivism”. You gotta love that euphemism. No really, St. Paul passed an ordinance requiring you to love it.

  3. I think Tony Hernandez has got the passion and exuberance for the job. I like him.

  4. All I could think of reading the 2nd half of that post was “We shall drive our enemies before us and hear the lamentations of their women.”

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