Chanting Points Memo: Jerbs Vs. Jobs

Of all the facile DFL chanting points sluicing outward from Media Matters For America the Alliance For A “Better” Minnesota this session, perhaps the most galling is “The DFL is focused on jobs, while the GOP is obsessing over constitutional amendments over social issues”.

For starters, it’s absurd; the GOP as a rule doesn’t believe government “creates jobs”.  And as we noted at the beginning of the session, the “jobs plan” contained in Dayton’s bonding bill is really just a “Jerbs Plan“, creating a bunch of temporary – ahem, “Shovel-Ready” – construction jobs (for DFL-up-sucking unions and the state workers that supervise them, naturally).  As we saw last January, the job numbers themselves make no sense.

The fact that Minnesota’s unemployment is as low as it is is, in fact, testimony to the GOP’s real jobs plan; keeping taxes as low as possible (given an irresponsible and dogmatically partisan  DFL governor for the past year, and DFL legislatures for the four preceding).

As to the “social legislation?”  The Legislative can walk and chew gum at the same time (the fade on “Right To Work” notwithstanding).  They can do both just as easily as Tom Bakk can propose legislation on the State Beer and whatever else it is he does every day.

But the real difference is this:  while the DFL and Governor Dayton propose to “create” temp jerbs, the GOP is out to make Minnesota a place where business can get established, grow and thrive.

4 thoughts on “Chanting Points Memo: Jerbs Vs. Jobs

  1. To top it off, the GOP is still wobbling on the support of Right to Work. A caller to Davis and Emmer this morning said that seh left a message for Kurt Zellers to support it and received a call back from one of his staffers (Ian Marsh, I think). He told her that Zellers won’t support it because the unions were spending $30 M to fight it, but the businesses have only pledged $7 M. This implies a pay to play scenario. I called Zeller’s office, too and also had to leave a message. I told them to do the job that they were elected to do or get the hell out of the way. I also added that they should show the fortitude and convictions of their colleagues in WI that have endured more derision than they have.

  2. “I told them to do the job that they were elected to do or get the hell out of the way.”

    Bravo Boss, that’s the message to send them!

  3. Well of COURSE the Unions were going to outspend us on it. At best we can expect businesses to pony up $10 million.

    And this bill would kill the DFL in MN, so of course they’d throw everything at it.

    But that’s only thinking one step ahead….think about it, where is that $30 mil or whatever coming from?? The warchests they were going to use against Republican candidates. It comes from their coffers they use to push their agenda.

    By pushing for right to work, even if you lose, you win.

  4. “By pushing for right to work, even if you lose, you win.”

    Kevin is absolutely right, squeeze every dime out of them.

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