The Real War Against Women

Last week, Rep, Mary Franson released a video response to constituent questions.  One of the questions was about welfare.

In the video (since removed, unfortunately), Franson compared welfare to treating people like animals – by creating dependence, making it impossible for them to live without help.  In other words, government treats them like pets, zoo creatures, livestock – creatures of whom they are the master.

Now, food stamp recipients aren’t animals – but the DFL chanting point machine, Carrie Lucking and Denise Cardinal of “Alliance for a Better Minnesota”, Greta Bergstrom of “Take Action Minnesota” and most of Minnesota’s lumpen gray mass of leftybloggers – are certainly a bunch of rhetorical hyenas.  They took Franson’s statement, water-boarded it until all the context went away, and put it out there as ‘Mary Franson Compares People On Food Stamps To Animals“.

And that’s how the media – in the bag for the DFL as they almost universally are – ran with it.

It was a lie, of couse; the DFL, being intellectually and morally bankrupt, has had nothing but lies for the past 30 years.

But since misogyny – Rush’s misguided statement about Sandra Fluke, not Bill Maher saying Sarah Palin would diddle Rick Perry if he were black, or Ed Schultz calling Laura Ingraham a “slut”, or Maher calling Palin a “c*nt”, naturally – is in the news, let’s look at the biggest case of misogyny going on in Minnesota right now.

Because lies have consequences.

Franson has been a lighting rod for Minnesota’s demented left for a long time now.  A Central Minnesota teacher and leftyblogger apparently expressly condoned some of the local droogs-in-the-making in bullying one of Franson’s children in school because, in his role as moral judge, jury and executioner, he figured it served her right, having a parent who opposed gay marriage (LL has the audio; it’s a fairly searing indictment of the “Clockwork Orange”-y inner id of way too much of public education today, not to mention the dingo-like morality of a good 80% of Minnesota leftybloggers).  By extension, it served her right, being a conservative woman.

Because women, like blacks and latinos and gays, are supposed to be liberals.  And if they wander off the reservation, there need to be consequences.

And DFLers are promising consequences for Franson’s latest remark (as filtered through the Hyenas and the media).  Franson has received death threats, crude-to-the-point-of-prehensile attacks, and giggly snarks from the loathsome Paul Thissen, and, Saturday morning, a protest on her front lawn – prompting even some of the less-depraved leftybloggers to urge juuuust a smidge of caution.   (Can you imagine the furor if someone like this – who does, by the way, represent the DFL – turned up at a Tea Party?)  Incredibly, House Minority leader Paul Thissen disavowed any knowledge of the threats of violence, and tried to turn it into another snark.

So the story is this:  the hyenas of the Ministry of Truth twist Franson’s statement far out of context to whip up hysteria – part of a long-running campaign to harass Franson and, indeed, all conservative women, to make being involved in politics too emotionally draining for all but the supernaturally-toughest conservative women (and by God, your leading conservative women could make a Navy SEAL cry uncle).  Hysteria duly ensues, with less-mentally-gifted DFLers promising one of their made-to-order mini-riots on Saturday.

The media wants to know…

…if Franson really thinks food stamp recipients are reeeeealy animals?

Franson, fortunately, responded:

The real news story is the death threats and vicious, sexual, misogynist emails I have received in connection with the video that has been taken down and for which I have apologized. I’ve never compared people with animals as I think too highly of the human person. This is why it’s immoral for government to enable dependency, a subject my critics are fierce to avoid. Democrats are content with

the poverty status quo; republicans are not.

I’d be happy to forward to you some of the emails if you are interested. Otherwise, the subject that I understand you wish to interview me about is both stale & dated and

has been eclipsed by violence from the left. I think your viewers would be more interested in the latter than the former.

Best regards,

Mary Franson

It’s more than a little tempting to drive to Alex this weekend with a camera.  Indeed, if there are any conservative activists in the neighborhood, it’d be good to get the festivities on tape.  This blog will run your footage for you.

And I have a feeling I won’t have to shave any context to make it shame the DFL.

PS:  I implied above that there is a concerted rhetorical campaign to so intensely harass conservative women, blacks, latinos and gays to the point that they stay out of politics.  I’m wondering – can you imagine how some DFL hamster like Betty McCollum or Sandy Pappas would melt down if they were the target of the constant misogynistic hatred that the likes of Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Laura Ingraham, Mary Franson or any other conservative women are?

Imagining is all we can do, of course.  Because it just.  Doesn’t.  Happen.   Not like this.

23 thoughts on “The Real War Against Women

  1. The left just doesn’t want to talk about the issue – only misrepresent what the video was. It was Mary reading a constituent letter that compared welfare to treating people like animals. The Minority Leader Paul Thissen said in a Strib article that she was trying to “find humor” in the plight of the struggling. Thissen is slime for opting to engage in the anti-Franson effort instead of engaging in a policy discussion which Mary has done in her constituent video updates.

  2. Is it that hard to see that it was stupid politically for her to read the “constituent letter” ? There are 3 audiences in most elections: Your Side, the Other Side, and the Deciding Side. You already have Your Side and you stand no chance of gaining support from the Other Side. The Deciding Side will decide if this is “stale and dated” because the Other Side won’t let this go away, and neither would Your Side if the roles were reversed. As for her children: I keep a photo of my children on my desk as well, facing me, not the camera.

  3. We would be remiss if we didn’t note that a prime mover in the hate campaign against Mary was douchenozzle Matt McNeil. Those of you who don’t know who that is can be forgiven in that his claim to fame is a nightly dolt fest on a lefty tin-can radio station.

    McNeil took it upon himself to tweet Mary’s home phone number so his witless fans could not only harass her, but include her family in on the fun. He’s suggested that since her number is public information, his broadcasting it directly into the lefty thug-o-sphere leaves him blameless.

    Not so much.

  4. “Is it that hard to see that it was stupid politically for her to read the “constituent letter”?”

    If you are someone who has some faith in the ability of your constituents to have a rational discussion, then no – it’s not stupid at all. Is it ill-advised to use such a vivid metaphor when the hyenas are always lurking looking for context to rape? Perhaps. But I think Franson is banking that the Deciding Class in her district is smarter than that.

    Franson’s not the victim, here. All women, conservative or not, are. And anyone who claims to want politics to be about more than smears, mud-slinging and “See, I told you so!” is a victim here.

    Does our side do it? To an extent, sure, although I’m at a loss for examples of this level of depravity, this consisently, from this number of conservatives in this percent of cases.

  5. Funny stuff Mitch. The greatest irony is found in Franson’s bio on the House website. “Family” is listed as 3 children, with no mention of a spouse. Likewise, her profession is listed as a daycare provided. Imagine if she gets the boot from office next time around, she’ll be a Single Mother of Three in a Low Paying Job. The likely candidate for the very welfare she mocks. The rest of us will just sit back with a satisfied smile.

  6. “Family” is listed as 3 children, with no mention of a spouse.

    Right. So? Lots of us are divorced.

    Likewise, her profession is listed as a daycare provided. Imagine if she gets the boot from office next time around, she’ll be a Single Mother of Three in a Low Paying Job.

    And there’s the official voice of the DFL in action. People are not people; they are categories. Labels.


    The likely candidate for the very welfare she mocks.

    She didn’t mock it. But you are mocking single parents; treating them like, well, animals, with no talent or free will of their own.


    The rest of us will just sit back with a satisfied smile.

    “Rest of us?” Well, I suppose the portion of the “rest of us” who are depraved scumbags, sure. Nobody with actual human compassion would.

    But you’re not one of those, are you?

    Ears, you have proven my thesis. Now go run along your misogynistic way.

  7. “The rest of us will just sit back with a satisfied smile.”

    Because the pain and misfortune of others we don’t agree with is satisfying!


  8. Ears – once a FuckwitTM, always a FuckwitTM.

    Thank you Mr. FuckwitTM for proving our thesis that libturds are hearltess, amoral, racist, misogynist scumbags. Or simply, FuckwitsTM.

  9. In my view, Schadenfreude should ONLY be expressed for criminals and evildoers. Those with other opinions should be exempt if there is to be any modicum of decency in this great country. Geraldine Ferraro, Hilary Clinton, Margaret Thatcher, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, and any President’s Wife to date, and other women who serve NEVER deserve the nastiness applied. I don’t know about the rest of you, but my Grandmother told me 40 years ago “if you can’t say something nice about someone, don’t say anything at all.” I don’t always do that, but I should.

  10. I’m going to really tick off Earsall. Ears: I’m praying for you. May God Almighty lift the scales from your eyes and allow the light of truth to shine in and transform your cynical soul.

  11. Good thing I didn’t write her a letter. I would not have used a zoo metaphor, I’d have used a plantation.

    Limosine liberals sit on the porch smiling serenely over the public housing shanties where their mostly-minority dependents eek out a meager living on handouts. They drink mint julips bought with the taxes paid by the sharecropppers one step higher up the economic ladder.

    Woah, what a disaster that would have been.

  12. Pingback: Animals | Shot in the Dark

  13. OMG! has there ever been a better “you’re pointing a finger at me so there are three pointing back at you” moment in the comments section of any blog anywhere anytime?? Good job PenEars

  14. “…with no mention of a spouse.”

    True, and she is real easy on the eyes. Mitch, I’m thinking Mary is much more your soulmate thank Scarlett. 😉

  15. It’s the aggressor that sets the rules, and that being the case, let us punch these alinsyite bullies twice as hard as they punch us.

    If we treated Governor Crazy Eyes half as badly as the local lefties are treating Rep. Franson, I bet we could have The Governor committed.

  16. Last night, I got this FB email from the ringleader of the Occupy Alexandria MN ‘movement’:

    Judd Hoff
    Dear Gary Gross, I read you recent post about how the far left has declared war against Franson and what not,,,why doesn’t she just give a meaningful apology on You tube? Her original video was appalling and galling. It’s no wonder people are so mad. If she were to make such an apology, soon, the Occupy Alexandria, MN group would be happy to call off our protest in front of her home. I have been in contact with the Authorities and they have given us the green light as long as we are civil and not too loud. We have also condemned the threats, provided that they actually occured.

    You people can’t have it all. You can’t expect people to back off when she hasn’t…and I am referring to protests, not threats. I know what it is like to be threatened and have been threatened by many conservatives.

    I won’t respond to Mr. Hoff, except to say that his spelling, grammar & punctuation lead me to suspect that he was taught English in a gov’t school.

  17. You can not appease the perpetually outraged. Just like you can never feed the alligator enough.

  18. Pingback: Female Conservative Derangement Syndrome | Shot in the Dark

  19. Pingback: Animals! | Shot in the Dark

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