Attention, Wahhabi Atheists

Tim Tebow gettingi knocked out of the playoffs is not “proof God doesn’t exist”.

It doesn’t matter how loudly you repeat it, or how much spittle flies out your mouth when you do.

In addition, it is wrong to say “Religion is losing” the game, as Christianity has no actual theological stance on the outcome of a football game, and you’d have to be a demented narcissistic douchebladder to suggest it (and, indeed, you are).

That is all.

5 thoughts on “Attention, Wahhabi Atheists

  1. OK, lessee….repentant Ben Roethlisberger getting knocked out of the playoffs is proof God does not exist, but Tim Tebow making it to the next round is proof He does exist, but…….you know, with logic like that, it’s perplexing that anyone tolerates atheists calling themselves “brights.”

  2. Interesting that self-identified “brights” use a term of pride to describe themselves. Pride is the primal sin, it made its first appearance when Satan began to think of himself as a self-actualized being who was not dependent on God for his existence.

  3. I think its irony. The only thing I say to atheists is that I freely admit my belief in God takes faith and I have no proof. I just wish they would realize their NOT believing in God takes as much faith as I have believing in God. Besides the idea that things are completely random throughout the universe is not only nuts, its getting closer to being disproven. And also have you noticed how big of dicks atheists have become lately? You don’t believe in God, what do you want a fucking medal?

  4. Yeah, but the Packers losing to the Giants is just one more sign of the coming Apocalypse.

  5. Call them Wahhabi Atheists or Elite Lefty’s or “Progress”ives – At the end of the day, they worship one and only one thing*: Almighty Government. Now it takes an act of blind faith to believe in the goodness of government when it gets beyond the basics of paving a few roads, protecting the borders and oh yeah, securing the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Just as in the old days of the Christian church, these people pay indulgences to get into Liberal heaven (Look at Buffett’s recent meaningless tax gambit for example). Look at it this way though; if all it takes to get them twisted up in knots is an NFL quarterback with Bible verses spelled out in his eye black when our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren are facing a 15 trillion dollar debt with a declining birth rate – the argument is over. These people are as Learned Foot might say, teh stoopid.
    *Government along with money and power over others make up their Holy Trinity.

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