I See Your Problem, Here…

The Tic Nutroots are snivelling about yesterday’s debate:

How could ABC News do it? Behold the teeth-gnashing. And hair-pulling. And foot-stomping.

How dare the ABC moderators ask questions about topics that are, you know, topical?

How dare they ask questions that–gasp!–conservatives are asking.

How dare they explore questions of character, truthfulness, and judgment?

Don’t you know you’re supposed to do the Schoolmarm thing or the Suck-Up thing or the Bogus Plant thing?

Don’t you know you’re supposed to just let the candidates bloviate about Compassion or Global Warming or Diversity or some other MSM-designated Important Issue?

Well, there’s yer mistake, Democrats.  You need to get the University of Saint Thomas to “manage” the debate for you.

Then you can get elected, and “manage” public discourse via campaign finance reform and the “Fairness” Doctrine!

I need to see how the Chinese are doing, “managing” those Tibetan demonstrators…

26 thoughts on “I See Your Problem, Here…

  1. Always funny when wingnuts pretend to be the champions of free speech and open debate.

  2. Pingback: Jay Reding.com — How To Tell Obama Lost Last Night

  3. You were kinda managing the debate here at SitD when you censored Angryclown and Peev a little earlier, dontcha think? Open debate is good for the Dems, but not for Minnesota’s wingnut rabble?

  4. You were kinda managing the debate here at SitD when you censored Angryclown and Peev a little earlier, dontcha think?

    Yep. And y’all squealed like stuck cats about it!

    Open debate is good for the Dems, but not for Minnesota’s wingnut rabble?

    Unless you can show me a contract you were forced to sign that allows me to “manage” your speech – and, while you’re at it, show that Shot in the Dark is an institute of higher education (I mean literally – not de facto), the comparison doesn’t really stick.

  5. Just ask Brent from Anti-Strib… he does business in China regularly.

    (It’s always funny when the Clown pretends he debates.)

  6. It’s a private institution of higher education, isn’t it? Like all them wingnut colleges where they exclude gay groups and pro-choice speakers, no?

    Angryclown’s all about freedom, man. Let’s just stop pretending you wingnuts are too, cause when it comes to speech you don’t like, you don’t walk the walk.

  7. It’s a private institution of higher education, isn’t it? Like all them wingnut colleges where they exclude gay groups and pro-choice speakers, no?


    The difference is that those “wingnut” colleges – to the extent that they exist, and they largely don’t, outside of bible colleges and schools affiliated with more conservative churches – are honest about what they’ll accept on campus. If they see their mission as opposing abortion and not encouraging homosexuality, and they are honest about it, then people know going in exactly what and what not to expect.

    And the few genuinely conservative colleges that there are – Hillsdale jumps to mind – genuinely reach out to opposing viewpoints. Certainly more so than Saint Thomas appears to.

    St. Thomas’ literature talks all about the marketplace of ideas. What they apparently mean is one of those soviet-era markets where there’s plenty of cabbage, but no onions to be found until Wednesday…

    Angryclown’s all about freedom, man.

     Your NRA membership card should be coming soon, then!

    Let’s just stop pretending you wingnuts are too, cause when it comes to speech you don’t like, you don’t walk the walk.

    And you’re going to hold your breath until your face turns blue if I don’t agree, right?

  8. Let’s just stop pretending you wingnuts are too, cause when it comes to speech you don’t like, you don’t walk the walk.
    Excuse me? Don’t we debate liberal thought on a daily basis? I know I do.

  9. Angryclown is content to point out the chink in your armor.

    And I don’t mean Kerm’s brother-in-law.

  10. Sure Kerm, except on those occasions when Mitch chooses to delete it. You guys are all Hannity, no Colmes.

  11. ….except on those occasions when Mitch chooses to delete it.

    Tears of a clown.

    when it comes to speech you don’t like, you don’t walk the walk.

    You mean like the whiny lib college students who constantly interrupted (and threw pies at) David Horowitz (speech at Butler University) and Bill Kristol (speech at Earlham College)?

  12. You guys are all Hannity, no Colmes.

    We live in Minnesota. There are (as of the 2006 election) about a million Colmses here.

  13. Fun debate, the first one in which some of the questions that would be raised in the general election came out, and it showed how badly Obama is prepared for any attacks. I suppose he figured the media would run cover for an attack on a minority by a Republican, but getting a few of those hits now showed him as a terrible defendant. The real problem is that Obama’s never been vetted well and has had a cakewalk in elections up to now which is why he seemed so good. But he’s a Chicago Democratic machine politician so by definition there are bound to be a ton of good targets in his closet.

  14. Well, um…um, Obama isn’t, ah…um…um, unprepared to, ah…um…ah, answer tough questions, um…um…ah, he’s just, um…ah…um, so used to his teleprompter and, um…ah…um, controlled situations.

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