Pushing The Boundaries Of Journalism

If you have a heart arrhythmia and a doctor has told you to avoid excessive excitement, skip this post, in which Tom Elko answers the question “has the Minnesota Monitor turned into a syndication repeater for Dump Bachmann (a stalkerblog whose stopwatch ticked past 20:00 about two years ago)?” with a rousing “heck, yeah!”

But don’t give up yet!  Because while the Dump pioneered the edgy blogging technique of copying and pasting entire comment threads from other blogs’ comment sections, Elko has taken us that extra step  beyond that we’ve come to expect from the Monitor.

That’s right; they’re now reprinting transcripts of phone conversations!  In this case, between long-time Bachmann-derangement posterboy Bill Prendergarstst and Rep. Bachmann’s various staffers:

BP: I’m trying to get to [former chief of staff] Andy Parrish.

Male Bachmann Staffer: He, uh…Hold on real quick.

(Put me on hold. After about a minute.)

Presson [the new chief of staff]: Hello, this is Michelle, how can I help you?

BP: I’m trying to get a hold of Andy Parrish, please.

Presson: Is Andy a friend of yours?

Presson: No, I’m not a friend, I’ve spoken to him before–

Presson: Andy isn’t here now, would you like to leave your information and if he calls I’ll give it to him? What’s your name?

BP: I’m Bill Prendergast.

Presson: Oh, Bill Prendergrass, with the Daily Kos, right?

BP: Well, sometimes I write stuff and submit it to the Daily — Look, I’m just calling to try to get in touch with Andy …

Presson: Are you a friend of his?

BP: Well, no, we’re not friends, I spoke to him during the last campaign–

Presson: (pleasantly) I’m sorry, we don’t give out personal information about the staff–

Oh, it gets better!

Oh, I’m sorry.  I lied.  It does not.  It stays right about there.

Coming soon:  Sixth District GOP grocery lists!

(Look at it this way:  it’s $1,500 a month that George Soros isn’t getting anything useful out of…)

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