Sub Mission

One of the five second sound bites about Michele Bachmann is her take on her church’s (occasional) commandment that wives be “submissive” to their husbands.

Most non-Christians, and/or more liberal Christians (and I don’t belong to a denomination that preaches it, by the way) for that matter either misunderstand the idea, or know nothing but the distorted idea of “submission” fed to them by people like, well, Bachmann’s critics.

One of the areas where it’s irrelevant is, well, the presidency.  Michael Prell has an answer he’d suggest Bachmann give when she’s asked about the idea of “submission”.

Here’s the conclusion (read the whole thing here):

“Finally, as president, I will not be submissive to union bosses, to billionaire puppetmasters like George Soros, or to militant anti-American leftists who demonize our soldiers and preach ‘God damn America.’ And, unlike President Obama, I will not be submissive to indicted or convicted special interest groups like ACORN, or to Weatherman terrorists, or those who want to see Israel wiped from the map.”

“Instead, as President, I will be submissive to the American People, and to the Constitution, because as President I will honor my oath to serve both the Constitution and the People—unlike the current president of the United States and his minions who demonize patriotic and Constitution-loving Americans as ‘terrorists.’”

Submission is not the issue. It is who, and what, you submit to that matters.

That’s the real issue, and comparison, here; every tin-pot tyrant and banana-republic strongman is Barack Obama’s dominatrix.

6 thoughts on “Sub Mission

  1. Plus they always leave out the next verse in which Paul tells husbands to serve their wives. Context is critical. The husband is the head of the family just as Christ is the head of the church. Given the culture of the time, and a woman’s role in that culture both comments are completely reasonable.

  2. Good point, Mitch. I don’t recall the left falling over each other to criticize Obama when he bowed to the Saudi King or the Emperor of Japan. I’d call bowing one of the most submissive things a human can do.

  3. It would be wonderful if our media truth tellers would learn a little bit about a religion before they considered themselves capable of telling believers what they believe.

  4. It has amused me to no end how the media’s utterly predictable potshots at Bachmann have so closely mirrored what went on in the 2006 campaign.

    The whole submission thing? Check. Bachmann’s church and the Antichrist thing? Check. The Stillwater restroom thing? Check. Her husband’s clinical work? Check. And so on.

    Gotta hand it to the Dump Bachmann crowd and allies. Their Underground Railroad continues to move product through the Fever Swamps, past the Pits of Despair and into the waiting grubby hands of a grateful national media, saving them lots of oppo research.

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