19 thoughts on “While Hatred Is Not A Value I Espouse…

  1. You want spontaneous? Try being a Single Income Two Kids. You’d be amazed at the kind of spontaneous shit you can come up with.

  2. One thing I’ve come to realize is that in real terms the nest is never completely empty….sigh!! Even with grown (cough) children it’s unlikely my wife and I will ever be DINK’s…cry.

  3. Curious.

    Do leftist DINKS discount children they have allowed Dr. Frankenstein to rip from the female DINK’s body limb from limb?

    “Call Roto-Rooter, that’s the name, and away go troubles down the drain!!”


  4. DINK myth #2: DINKs hate kids.
    No they don’t. They love kids. They also love the fact that YOU are paying full freight to raise and educate YOUR kids so that YOUR kids can afford to pay the Social Security and Medicare benefits these selfish pricks will undoubtedly demand on retirement.
    We’re all in this together, after all.

  5. And to be fair, the people with kids love that the DINKs are paying all that property tax that goes to fund K-12 education (which is what, half the budget?), even though they have no children. Small house-5kids- small property tax. Larger house, no kids -large property tax.

  6. I would think that dinks would a net financial contributor to society.
    Unless they took out a $250,000 2nd mortgage in 2006.

  7. Anyone here feed a family of four? Pay for water, sewer and electricity? Clothing for growing children? Daycare? Doctor bills? Birthday parties?
    DINKs are not a net financial contributor to society.

  8. So foodstamps, public housing, and AFDC makes you a net contributor? I didn’t know.

  9. Typical far-right kooks. All resentful over people who make rational economic choices. Buy a condom, you freaks. Nobody wants any more of your kind.

  10. Angry Clown’s “rational economic choice” was dictated by a hunchback and acne vulgaris.

  11. No Terry, raising children on your own dime makes you a net contributor. Being an angryclown makes you a waste of oxygen.

  12. look at it this way folks, DINK’s don’t get to pass their values onto the next generation. Everyone is mad at them, I find it refreshing, screw them.

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