Fate Is A Fiction Writer

I don’t believe in Karma – but I do believe what goes around comes around.

Maybe it’s my Scandinavian roots, but I’ve always tried to shy away from “overconfidence” – especially the great proto-American injunction against “counting your chickens before they’re hatched”.

So – while I’ve come to regard John McCain as a better option for the GOP nomination than, say, Mike Huckabee or Ron Paul (I’ll get behind him. anyway), I gotta confess; I heard Mac’s statement that he assumes he’ll get the nomination, and thought “this is the sort of thing that people unwittingly say that gets ’em into the history books”.

So Zogby shows Mitt up by eight in California, now. We can’t call it a “turnaround”, since a smallish fraction of the delegates have actually been allocated (that’s what tomorrow’s all about!).  And Mac may well be right, and it might not be the worst thing in the world.

But it reinforces the lesson; if you’re a Republican and you’re reading this, you need to show up at your caucus or primary tomorrow if you’re in one the the Super Di Duper Tuesay states (and Minnesota is one of them) and get your two cents into the works.

Find your precinct caucus, and hire a sitter, and be there.

True North has the best wrapup of Minnesota Caucus information anywhere, plus a caucus finder.   Read ’em, use ’em, be there.

5 thoughts on “Fate Is A Fiction Writer

  1. I’m in a bit of a pickle on this one, because for the most part I’m a strong liberal, but in the past I have voted without regret for Durenburger, Ramstead, and Carlson. I am also strongly drawn to McCain despite the presence of two strong democratic candidates (I don’t trust Hillary, and I don’t believe in Camelot – Obama would be this generation’s Jimmy Carter).

    So given this history — what happens when I show up at the GOP caucus? Should I vote for McCain and then sit on my hands during the other ballet initiatives since I’m not really a Republican and would be skewing the results? Or should I fully participate as a citizen? If I admit to them I’m a democrat but honestly drawn to McCain will I be shown the door?

    I live in Ellison’s district, btw. No, I did not vote for him — anyone who ignores parking tickets and back taxes should not be tempted by the opportunity to commit graft on an industrial scale.

  2. BH, putting all partison views aside, I so have to agree with you about Obama. He is a state senator from Ill who wants to be CEO of the largest corperation in history.

    Heard an interesting story on MSM this weekend. The German people what Hillary as they think Obama is too inexperienced. Wionder why MSM never reported that neo-Nazis in the mideast supported Kerry in 2004.

  3. So do you guys think Romney looks more like Wink Martindale? Or Guy Smiley from Sesame Street?

  4. Don’t count McCain out.

    If you go by legislation, he’s got more Kennedy endorsements than Obama and Hillary put together.

    Joan’s still holding out for Rudy, though.

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